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How am I defending anything or saying anything positive about TNA for that matter? I'm just explaining how Meltzer's article is wrong and where the real fuck up is [TNA not bothering to explain to their TV audience what the format of the tournament is]. I'm not defending anything.

But that just isn't true. The cock up has been they have completely screwed up this tournament format and are now scrambling to cover their own arse and blaming people for assuming it was the same as last year. If you seriously believe that this tournament wasn't meant to be a Round Robin in the same way as last year, then I dont know what to say. The whole set up of the thing was identical to last year and we are now close to Bound For Glory and there are 37 matches still left. So they've just scrapped it. What a stupid band of morons.

All I know is that back in July when they were doing the "you choose the BFG Series matches" voting gimmick I tweeted Lagana asking why a certain match is potentially being done a second time when this is supposed to be a round robin and he said that it's never been advertised as a round robin this year and it's not a round robin. That was over a month ago. Again, I'm not making any excuses. Just stating the facts as I've come to know them. There may have very well been a change of plans along the way but all I know is that over a month ago I was told by one of TNA's writers that it wasn't a round robin and now the story has finally become public that it isn't a round robin. Beyond that I don't have anything else to add to this conversation. I've said my piece.

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I tweeted Lagana asking why a certain match is potentially being done a second time when this is supposed to be a round robin and he said that it's never been advertised as a round robin this year and it's not a round robin. That was over a month ago.
Which isn't an answer to your question from that tweet. Even if it's not a round robin, people should get the same number of matches as each other
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Just stating the facts as I've come to know them.

Are those the facts tweeted to you during a period where the head of creative got sacked? Sounds like they re-shuffled the deck like a bunch of headless chickens and started tweeting around covering their arse.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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During a Q&A in Toronto with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff over the weekend as part of a Fan Expo event, a fan asked Hogan what could be done to make TNA successful. Hogan said that Bischoff "needed to be given the keys to the car" and that, "somebody somewhere" needed to "drop all the resources we need like we had in the WWE and the WWF, whether it be cameras or money or vehicles or advertising" in order for TNA to work "in a perfect world."


According to PWInsider, those within TNA are upset about that statement for a number of reasons and there is heat on the two for hinting that the Carter family wasn't giving TNA the proper resources. The comments are seen as a slap in the face of TNA President Dixie Carter from her top paid talent.


One wrestler said (while asking to be kept anonymous): "Even if you agreed with Hulk, the way it was said and the way it comes across in that video just completely disrespected Dixie, even if that's not what he meant."


Another reason they are upset is that Bischoff has been given creative control. From day one, he and Hogan have got their way with direction and ideas, including what talent was brought in, removing the six-sided ring, moving Impact Wrestling to Mondays against RAW, taking TNA on the road and more. TNA agreed to the ideas hoping it would build their company. The problem is that the company hasn't grown since Bischoff and Hogan came on board in any aspect, including live events, ratings or licensing.


The company began touring but didn't see any increased revenue that they were led to believe they would get. Instead, they had to restructure the company and become an "evil" company that let Jesse Sorensen go, as well as being in a position where money is an issue in re-signing AJ Styles.


TNA paid Hogan a good salary and put Bischoff in a position to be the liaison between Spike and TNA, even before Dixie Carter, who built the relationship between the two. The two continue to get rewards for being with the company while others have been fired or been given less money, and the company isn't doing as well as they thought.


Several people are waiting to see what the interaction between the two and Dixie Carter will be at tonight's show in Cleveland, the first time Hogan has been at a TNA taping in a month.


The anonymous wrestler added: "Hulk came across like he pretty much said that the company didn't have anyone strong in charge and Eric was the savior. Well, they've been here years and Eric hasn't saved anyone yet."


Hulk's trolling of Dixie is great. He's just hanging the bitch out to dry in public. "Not my fault, brother. I didn't do anything wrong".

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I've got a headache after watching TNA. That's no exaggeration. I can't recall having to think so much watching a wrestling show ever. At least when Russo was around his bullshit was fairly obvious in what was wrong with it. All you had to do was roll your eyes. The Bound For Glory series done my fucking head in watching that. I had no idea what was going on. Not a fucking clue. They explained it so badly, I have no idea what an average viewer unaware of Dave Lagana's tweet during the week must have thought. Anyone who defends this should be set on fire. There's really no excuse for this to be so confusing. Magnus wasn't there, even though he's in the lead and it was supposed to be the final night. AJ Styles finished outside the Champions League places. He needed a submission win and won by pinfall. But he gets another chance next week. Not like he knew that. There's a gauntlet for 20 points in the BFG series, so this isn't the final night of it. Again my head was banging listening to all this information. The Aces and 8s were splitting up as well, because Bully isn't voting on things anymore. Hulk Hogan got Brooke and Bully divorced without him signing anything or some shit. And Hogan announced two title matches. In a fortnight Bully Ray vs an Aces and 8s member (Mr Anderson probably). And next week Sting vs Bully Ray for the belt. Sting lost a match at Slammiversary where they made a huge song and dance about him NEVER GETTING ANOTHER TITLE SHOT. EVER. They've just completely forgot about it. Like they completely forgot about the ReferEYE cam. Like they forgot about the TV title being defended every week. Like they forgot about the 3 ways in the X Division. Like they forgot to tell us the BFG series isn't a round robin. Either that or Hogan just fucked up. But even if he did, you'd think they would stress to him that its not a title match. The fact nobody knows if its Hogan or TNA that is to blame says a lot really. It was just a mess this week. Like really bad. Zero quality control.


And that was the good stuff. The worst thing on the show was the PipeBomb~ promo from AJ Styles. AJ's big babyface turn was followed by the worst promo of the year. This must go down as a famous promo. It truly was something special. He ticked every box when it comes to shoot promos. Shoot names? Check. Slagging off the boss? Definitely. Rebelling against the system? Quite. Talking to Mike Tenay as if he's out of bounds? Of course. Referencing WWE wrestlers? Indeed. The crowd shit on this in great fashion. He tried to rally the troupes by slagging off either Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. "I'm better than the best in the world. I'm Phenomenal". This got a mix of silence and boos. When he began speaking again, he got loud "YES" chants trying to drown him out. He spoke about Claire Lynch and Dixie Carter, to which one bloke shouted "let it go AJ. That was years ago". The promo ended with fans chanting "wrap it up". A remarkable promo in so many ways. A massive misfire and they've went and murdered AJ again the week after breathing life into him.


Worst thing is, there was some decent wrestling on the show. Its such a shame the wrestlers efforts aren't rewarded. All we have to look forward to in the few weeks is a tournament nobody cares about. Sting vs Bully Ray and Mr Anderson or Mike Knox vs Bully Ray. Christ. Chris Sabin has disappeared it seems. Nobody was there either. The building looked empty. You could see the lights on the wall on the hard camera.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Magnus was not at the show due to a Visa issue which caused him to be late. He was there for the taping of next weeks show.


On the Sting Vs Bully Ray World Title match, that was actually a duck up by Hogan. He should have announced it a non title match because (as you correctly pointed out) Sting cannot get another title shot. The match has been filmed as a non title match so this is yet another Hogan fuck up that TNA will have to fix.


You just know that if Spike buy TNA that they will put Easy E in charge!

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What about the backstage segment with Velvet Sky? Why was she in such a hurry to get away, and what did her relationship with Chris Sabin, that they don't talk about on tv (that was referenced on tv) have to do with anything?


Must admit, I've always been an AJ Styles fan, and him and Austin Aries are the only things that keep me watching, but that promo was pretty shit. What can you do with him though? Has there ever been a top quality face with a manager who does all the talking for them?

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On the Sting Vs Bully Ray World Title match, that was actually a duck up by Hogan. He should have announced it a non title match because (as you correctly pointed out) Sting cannot get another title shot. The match has been filmed as a non title match so this is yet another Hogan fuck up that TNA will have to fix.


I could be wrong but wasnt it as long as bully ray was the champion?


So when he lost to Sabin that rule gets nil and voided!

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I wish wrestling would agree to a moratorium on these shoot promos. Most of them seem like a retread or a shitty parody of ones done by better and more popular wrestlers, these past couple of years. I've yet to watch the Styles one, but whoever thought it was a good idea to slag the two blokes that are Kings to the shoot promo crowd is clearly an idiot.


I like AJ Styles, too. TNA always want to arse about with him, even though he doesn't really need it.

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No, it was just forever. If Sting lost then he can never challenge for the title again. No matter who was the champ. Nice to know that TNA think we're stupid and have forgotten about that.

From the report i've read it just sounds like this episode was a complete cluster fuck and i'm really looking forward to watching it sunday. Although i did read that the Daniels/Aries promo and match were excellent.

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There's been a tweet from impact wrestling stating that the slammiversary stipulation is still in effect and Bully vs Sting is non-title. So TNA aren't thinking the fans are stupid, Hogan just fucked it up

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No, it was just forever. If Sting lost then he can never challenge for the title again. No matter who was the champ. Nice to know that TNA think we're stupid and have forgotten about that.


I'm not one to defend TNA but they didn't try and treat the fans like they were stupid. Hogan was supposed to say that it was a non-title fight. Apparently this sort of Hogan mistake happens quite often. However, it's usually been on a taped show which has allowed TNA to edit the errors out. With this being a live show they could not do that!

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I like a dose of Wrestlecrap as much as the next person, should be good for a laugh at least.


Sadly, after being a defending TNA for a while, it's reaching the stage now where the writing's on the wall. I can only see a slippery slope from here :(


Hope i'm wrong though.

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