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Didn't El Hijo del Repo Man participate in one of the Gut Checks at some point?

I googled that because I so wanted El Hijo Del Repo Man to actually exist. I was bitterly disappointed. :(


Looks like 'Ring Warriors' have got a better roster than TNA. Scoot Andrews! Vito! Mosh! New Jack!

Wait... What? Didn't New Jack retire in April? Don't tell me he's back already.

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Looks like 'Ring Warriors' have got a better roster than TNA. Scoot Andrews! Vito! Mosh! New Jack!

Wait... What? Didn't New Jack retire in April? Don't tell me he's back already.

He's not wrestling on the show. Just making an appearance.

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The Wrestling Forum is he worst place on the internet, though. Their TNA section is atrocious. Its a bunch of posters going "TNA should leave Spike and get a deal with NBC" and "give the book to Raven". Fucking loonies on there.


No idea why they'd have Davey Richards send in videos blacking his face. Nobody knows who he is anyway, so when he walks through the curtain on Thursday, it'd go down like a right fart. So it probably will be him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Apparently Jessy Sorenson is wrestling tonight for some indie, according to PW6000bannerads.

He's booked to be there. Dont think he's wrestling/bumping, though. He's been thinking of returning to the ring, apparently, even though he was never cleared to return while in TNA. This sacking must have got people offering him dates and the money is to good to turn down. Probably not the best if TNA thinks are aren't fit enough to work. WWE will never hire him, TNA have told him where to go. Why bother?


EDIT: checked his twitter. Turns out he is going to wrestle. He's all jacked up on steroids these days as well.Not the best idea to be getting back into wrestling. I suppose he has to make money somehow.

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If he's geared to the gills, then I bet he's done it so he can be recast as a 'big guy' and not have to do the big bumps.


Though, it won't stick and he'll be stuck doing the same spots, but they'll be even more dangerous because he's got too much muscle on his frame.


I can think of a million examples of that scenario not ending well.

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That would support the theory that TNA let him go because they wouldn't let him wrestle and he was determined to. If he really is going to, he's an idiot.

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I'd say it more supports the theory that scummy indy promoters are offering him money to wrestle, and since he hasn't got a job he cant turn the money down. TNA sacking him because he wanted to wrestle doesn't make sense at all. He was actually working in the office for months, so its not like he was dragged their kicking and screaming.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Have tna ever delivered when it comes to a mystery man debuting? I always end up being disappointed.

Kurt Angle was pretty massive. The backlash was very similar to firing Jesse Sorenson weirdly enough. I remember there was a 20 page thread on here actually debating whether TNA has signed him knowing he'll be dead in 3 months. There was proper alarm bells going off regarding his health and mental state. But the selfish gits among us were to business pissing ourselves at the thought of Joe vs Angle to worry about a silly thing like Angle dying in the middle of the six sided ring.

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