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Commentary has been down for past 5+ minutes, possibly due to what Storm & Magnus were doing in their streetfight. Can't tell if this is some terribly weird work, I say that a lot about TNA

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From an article on PW Torch this morning called: "ERIC YOUNG GOES OFF ON TWITTER AFTER SLAMMIVERSARY"




TNA wrestler Eric Young flipped his lid on Twitter after the Slammiversary PPV Sunday night.

Young, a heel on TV who wrestled in the five-way PPV main event, tweeted shortly after the PPV ended: "If you watched #Slammiversary2015 and didn't like it GO FUCK YOURSELF."

Young added the hashtag "#5thday," referring to TNA wrapping up five straight days of TV tapings and a PPV on Sunday.

Young followed with a series of tweets responding harshly to criticism...


I get what he means by saying that #5thday thing, but saying that to justify a bad show is poor.


He's effectively saying that everyone was knackered due to the bullshit planning of how they do blocks of TV tapings, so fans should let them off for not being at their best.

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WIth Magnus and James Storm in what was fantastically described as an "Everybody leaves town match" and everyone else seemingly leaving, how big is their roster now? 12-14 guys? How long before the Harris Bros are in the ring and I jump off the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct? 

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From an article on PW Torch this morning called: "ERIC YOUNG GOES OFF ON TWITTER AFTER SLAMMIVERSARY"




TNA wrestler Eric Young flipped his lid on Twitter after the Slammiversary PPV Sunday night.

Young, a heel on TV who wrestled in the five-way PPV main event, tweeted shortly after the PPV ended: "If you watched #Slammiversary2015 and didn't like it GO FUCK YOURSELF."


Young added the hashtag "#5thday," referring to TNA wrapping up five straight days of TV tapings and a PPV on Sunday.


Young followed with a series of tweets responding harshly to criticism...


I get what he means by saying that #5thday thing, but saying that to justify a bad show is poor.


He's effectively saying that everyone was knackered due to the bullshit planning of how they do blocks of TV tapings, so fans should let them off for not being at their best.


Shout out to Dixie Carter who re-tweeted a number of Eric Young's twitter posts (not the go fuck yourselves one sadly). 


Meanwhile she's really proud of the men and women for the last 5 days, i'm sure that tweet will pay the bills. 

Edited by Buzz Lightyear
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They've got loads under contract. 8 of those people are Bram, though.




I think I might be Bram too.


In fact, I'm sure that, if we all look deep within ourselves, we will find that we are all Bram.

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As shit as they are, would you ask Heavy D or Big Ron for your wages? I wouldn't.


I asked question to Fritz yesterday as wherever Dixie was with Harris Brothers during the meeting in order to see wherever she apologised, took responsibly for the pay issues (again) and assured staff they would get it. His response was she wasn't in the meeting. 

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Hmm. Don't know what to make of that. At times it was actually pretty good. It was nice to have Tenay back and it seemed like he was his old self as 'The Professor'. Pope isn't the best but at least he sounds enthused and tries his best to big stuff up. 


I really liked the X-Division match, it's a shame these lads get about 3 minute matches on Impact cause they really should be having longer, important showcase matches on Impact. Storm vs Magnus was pretty good and the KOTM match was fun, but at times it felt like I was watching a funeral and last hoorah for this company. In a rather sad twist it was one of the only TNA shows I've watched (bar whatever show Joe vs Angle was on) that felt important, probably for all the wrong reasons but still!


I also have an irrational hatred of Manik's stupid hood thing and find Robbie ridiculously attractive. (and his Tekken style intro music is cool)

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I heard there were 7 minutes in total of technical problems, whatever that means. Can anybody shed light? 


Commentary has been down for past 5+ minutes, possibly due to what Storm & Magnus were doing in their streetfight. Can't tell if this is some terribly weird work, I say that a lot about TNA


Storm & Magnus were brawling, they get to a back area with electronic equipment, referee repeats "That's high voltage guys gotta get out of here" then Magnus kicks a thing over while I think this is a spot to kill these characters off, but all that happened was the big screen went to 'standby mode' colours as they made their way back to the ring.

After that match the commentary was flickering in and out with Matthews and Tenay trying to explain that it was probably from the match we just saw, this went on for a good 5+ mins while we watched the ring crew sweep the ring. The EC3 match starts rolling and Anderson's ring-announcer microphone doesn't work, they LOWER IT DOWN FOR HIM, surely knowing they had no audio at that time and it just fucking bails on him and he looks vexed. Commentary team eventually stay on audio long enough to speak in sentences again, but the audio sounds pretty glitched in lots of places right up until the end of the show


I'd love if Magnus & Storm were consciously just like, fuck it, lets sabotage this shit

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Other great stuff:


Bram checking under 3 different ring aprons to find, presumably, something for a spot, which came to nothing.


X Division bout between 3 jobbers while Spud and Kenny King got the night off




In seriousness not the worst thing I've seen but was surreal as shit, the main event result was telegraphed if ever a main event result was telegraphed but having not seen one of these matches in ages, I found it quite fun. Hanging the title up is weird as fuck, but I like the eligibility rule, I like the penalty box and the wrestlers did as well as they could to look like they gave a solitary single fucking shit about becoming King of the Mountain Champion. 

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