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There's probably bigger reasons than just "they left them off" why they aren't on Bound For Glory. Aries doesn't even work there anymore. Angle is long gone as well. I imagine Lashley is under a Spike deal, so sending him over on their dime is probably unrealistic (he was advertised for the event, but something is stopping him from going over). Gail Kim is finished with them. The Wolves are finishing up. Samoa Joe is working the event, but that's his last date. Bully Ray's last date is BFG as well. The likes of Homicide and Brodus Clay arent under contract. The Hardys cant leave the country. Everyone in TNA is finishing up their dates or working on a one off basis. By January there will hardly be anyone under contract. That's because they aren't signing anyone to a new deal until they sign a TV deal.


And these people need to work. Its not like Samoa Joe is going to say "I'll work as a manual keyer for Christmas until you sign a TV deal." They all have families. If TNA are on hiatus for the next 4 months, they may not be there to re-sign in January. And that's not taking into account that if the TV deal is as bad as some suggests, you could see Robbie E main eventing against Rob Conway.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Is it realistic to think WWE might bugger TNA up even more by signing some of their bigger names on the cheap? Like Samoa Joe for example - he'd fit in with the guys in NXT at the moment. He must know TNA is in the shitter, there's no guarantee of a TV deal and, if they do get one, he'd probably be taking a paycut.

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I think Joe (being 35) may just be too old for NXT, I appreicate Steen (30), Devitt and Kenta (both 33) have just been signed but I cant see anymore "indy vets" being signed up soon. I would love to see Joe in a WWE ring, Joe, Aries, Roode and of course Angle would all kick ass in WWE.

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Aries would to come up with some new stuff if he ever got signed. Last time I saw his was still doing that handstand out of a head scissors do a dropkick spot that he's been doing for 10 years

Cena, HHH, Orton, Kane, the cornerstones on the WWE for the past 10 years have all had basically had the same move set for the past 10 years so I think your being a bit harsh on Austin there.

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I'm not sure Samoa Joe will be all that cheap, anyway. He's still got a bit of a name and I'd be shocked if he can't make a good living outside of TNA or WWE, similar to AJ Styles. Certainly, he's one of the few TNA blokes you imagine can so well for themselves outside the big 2, if he can be arsed.

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There's probably bigger reasons than just "they left them off" why they aren't on Bound For Glory. Aries doesn't even work there anymore. Angle is long gone as well. I imagine Lashley is under a Spike deal, so sending him over on their dime is probably unrealistic (he was advertised for the event, but something is stopping him from going over). Gail Kim is finished with them. The Wolves are finishing up. Samoa Joe is working the event, but that's his last date. Bully Ray's last date is BFG as well. The likes of Homicide and Brodus Clay arent under contract. The Hardys cant leave the country. Everyone in TNA is finishing up their dates or working on a one off basis. By January there will hardly be anyone under contract. That's because they aren't signing anyone to a new deal until they sign a TV deal.


And these people need to work. Its not like Samoa Joe is going to say "I'll work as a manual keyer for Christmas until you sign a TV deal." They all have families. If TNA are on hiatus for the next 4 months, they may not be there to re-sign in January. And that's not taking into account that if the TV deal is as bad as some suggests, you could see Robbie E main eventing against Rob Conway.


I don't recall Aries saying he's left the company he hasn't been under contract for months, he tweeted that he was proud to be part of the roster and he believes in the company. Bobby Roode/EC3/Bram/Taryn/Storm/Low Ki/Magnus/Spud/Abyss are all under contract, I don't recall Gail Kim saying she's done with them either nor The Wolves, Samoa Joe is advertised for the UK Tour and he and Gail Kim are doing British Bootcamp. The shows have been really good lately, and I'm not going to judge Bound for Glory by its card either, for all you know it could be a good show, Jeff Jarrett was the one behind that deal so that is something you can't blame Dixie for, they're just fulfilling the obligation, its quite clear BFG is not a priority this year and the TV deal/Impact is. I know TNA has been shit previously but to give them their last rites when nobody has a clue whats going on bar the roster, John Gaburick and Dixie is silly. Kurt Angle's latest interview answers why Dixie is being discreet about it.

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I'm going by what is being reported by the Observer, ProWrestling.net and PWInsider. And there are no dates booked for the forseable future and there is currently no TV deal. They aren't signing any new contracts (and that included Bully Ray, their top agent and lead babyface) until they find a new home. So they are all done for the timebeing. If you haven't got a show booked for 4 months, then its fair to assume that a lot of the wrestlers will be trying to find work between now and then.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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