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I'm quite glad Storm turned - he was boring and I used to really like him. Also it means Beer Money....

I'm happy about Beer money but I liked it when Roode was turning rather than vice versa.


I'm guessing EC3 is turning face soon based on last weeks show with Storm turning, Magnus not getting on with him, and Roode being team captain for Lockdown


Which, from memory, leaves Joe, Aries, Gunner, EC3 as top faces with MVP and the wolves knocking around. And Hardy I assume will return as a face.

Good point about EC3. Aires isn't a top face, nor are the Wolves and after this, I'm not sure Gunner will be. Hardy is Willow. So that's him out too.


Are Angle & Anderson faces as well? I'm losing track but there's enough there to build on.

They are, you're right. But are half dead and utterly shit respectively!

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I thought the build up videos for Gunner were really good, it hyped the match and fleshed out his character nicely, TNA can be good at doing these 'real' type videos.

As good as they all were, in context they lose a lot. Cos, you know, he lost. And failed everyone he dedicated his match to

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Yeah. You dont put that much effort into telling someones story only to have him lose. It really set him up for failure, as it the trend dating back to the time Raven lost in 2003.


Also worth noting, that TNA's version of Money in the Bank now stands at 0-4 for the winner of the World title case. WWE went years for someone to lose when cashing in. TNA has yet to have a fucking winner.

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I'm quite glad Storm turned - he was boring and I used to really like him. Also it means Beer Money....

I'm happy about Beer money but I liked it when Roode was turning rather than vice versa.


I'd book it for them to turn on Dixie after winning at Lockdown. Not sure where that would leave MVP


I'm guessing EC3 is turning face soon based on last weeks show with Storm turning, Magnus not getting on with him, and Roode being team captain for Lockdown


Which, from memory, leaves Joe, Aries, Gunner, EC3 as top faces with MVP and the wolves knocking around. And Hardy I assume will return as a face.

Good point about EC3. Aires isn't a top face, nor are the Wolves and after this, I'm not sure Gunner will be. Hardy is Willow. So that's him out too.


I'm not sure what's going on with Aries, isn't he MVP's team captain at Lockdown? Surely that means they're building him up for something more than trading the X belt with Sabin. The Wolves aren't, but with beer money turning they are the only face team (i think?) with beer money, bromans, and bad influence as heels.


I agree on Gunner but I'm hoping they keep him around the top of the card.


No idea what this willow thing is (I've seen the promos but it just looks like Hardy being a twat) so hopefully that will just go away.


Are Angle & Anderson faces as well? I'm losing track but there's enough there to build on.

They are, you're right. But are half dead and utterly shit respectively!


True, although I thought Anderson's matches with Bully Ray were actually pretty good

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Can anyone answer me this about the wrestler Alpha Female? What the fuck is she about? Was she always considered such an abortion of a wrestler or has she just had a few bad days? Because she look lost out there. Like really bad. Even by Velvet Sky standards.


Never understood the hype with Alpha Female. She's had lots of people saying she is great and good from indy work. All I get is she's mouthy, bolshy and a bit of a giant. Not impressed by her ring work at all though. Cynical part of me says there maybe Alex Shane connections in this, but Ill probably get hounded out from those who've seen her at Pro Wrestling Eve or in Japan or something as well.

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Two spoilers from the W-1/TNA show in Japan today:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

The BroMans regained the Tag Team titles in a 3-way match with the Wolves and Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo. The Wolves lost the belts without being pinned.


Seiya Sanada beat Austin Aries and is the new X Division champion.


Edited by pgi86
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Lockdown card looks good. Wonder how much the whole WWE Network thing will affect them though. Possibly not at all, if the core audience will buy anyway.


Impact was up against NXT this week and did a .94, a low rating for them (the week before was also low at .95 but that was blamed on going head to head with the Olympics). According to ProWrestling.net TNA did not rank in the top 50 in any key demographics so no actual viewing figures are available. Not sure that's the direction you want your ratings to be going in when you're looking to renew your TV deal.


Also reported on ProWrestling.net that they're making another round of budget cuts. they're even asking people under contract to take pay cuts on their existing deals. The report suggests that they're looking to cut pay by 50%. They must be close to reaching a point where anyone with any name value at all could make more doing indie shows than being at TNA. Where do we think this is all going to end up? People have been talking about them going out of business since they started but could this be the year it happens? Is there any chance Spike won't renew, that would be the end of them wouldnt' it?

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People have been talking about them going out of business since they started but could this be the year it happens?

I hope so. It would be horrendous for the workers to lose a place to work but on the plus side, you know that Ian already has a draft post planned giving us TNA's glorious obituary, a run down of their top 20 booking gaffes (if he can get it down to 20) and pictures of Dixie Carter fingering Kurt Angle. Hopefully done in MS Paint.

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Can't stand all this Willow stuff.


I didn't even know it was Jeff hardy until I read it on the net. Looks like some character out of he-man or power rangers.


If hardy went back to the WWE he would be a big star again by just being himself not some stupid character.

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