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Jesus, imagine if he keeps wrestling because he needs the money and gets crippled? TNA would have sacked him and put him in harm's way by doing so.


Load of bollocks. If Jesse Sorenson is too underqualified and/or too stubborn to give up his dream of wrestling and look for a proper job then that's his problem, not TNA's. If he goes out tonight and cripples himself in the ring, despite him being advised not to wrestle AND being let go from TNA because he wanted to wrestle and they won't let him, then he's a stupid cunt and he has it coming.

It's not even like he's some vet like Ric Flair who at one point just couldn't let it go, he's been in the business for no time at all, he has much better and more sensible things to do.

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Jesse is an idiot for wanting to wrestle again.


OK, I can understand Austin and Angle coming back after serious neck injuries to wrestle. There were millions and millions of dollars at stake there.


But, he's making, what? $300 a match. And his neck issues are way worse than either of those two's were.


It's simply not worth the risk. Find something else to do with your life.

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In pro-wrestling terms, he's positively foetal; I'd bet my left bollock he still thinks he can get to the WWE.


He's young, based on his hand writing he isn't that bright and his dream is all he's ever known.


*EDIT* I've just saw the injury incident for the first time. Fuck me. That's disgraceful.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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In pro-wrestling terms, he's positively foetal; I'd bet my left bollock he still thinks he can get to the WWE.


He's young, based on his hand writing he isn't that bright and his dream is all he's ever known.


*EDIT* I've just saw the injury incident for the first time. Fuck me. That's disgraceful.



This is same guy who tried to dismiss his initial angry blog post and fundraiser account by claiming "a friend" set it up, even though he never asked them to. And the friend, instead of saying they were a friend, impersonated him and spoke from his POV on the blog.




Presumably this is the same person hacking all the wrestlers' twitter accounts.

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Truthfully, I think Jesse has just taken all this "miraculous recovery" stuff too seriously.


Yeah, he has recovered well if you're talking about living a normal life. I'm sure there are some sports he could still play too.


But in terms of getting back into the ring and taking serious bumps again? No way.


TNA wouldn't even clear him. And these are people who will let virtually anyone, including Hulk Hogan, get in the ring. What does that tell you?




That doesn't really relate to anything I said.



I mean he was stupid for expecting anyone to actually buy such a ridiculous story.

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He's a 24 year old wrestler; he's young and dumb and has probably rationalised it to himself by saying 'well, the WWE signed Kurt and he'd already broken his neck' without taking into consideration any differences such as severity of injury or relative upside for WWE.

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I think he's just riding the wave of the recently publicity he's received. I doubt he's got any long term goals in the business. Its a bit of money to get himself by while he plots his next move in life. They'd all do the same in his position, unfortunately. Once the money dries up, he'll either do something else or do this on his downtime.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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