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TNA Genesis *Impact spoilers*


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I loved his look at Gut Check, and from his first two or three matches I thought he was some guy who hadn't been given his due, but his past few matches have been really, really sloppy, and not in a negligible way - his botches and fuck-ups completely obliterate suspension of disbelief, even for the most determined fan. Of all the pros I've ever seen on TV, he's the most awkward mover in the ring ever. He just doesn't look like he's committed.


I know exactly what you mean there. It doesn't bother me as much, though, it feels like he's being cautious rather than hesitant but it's definitely a thing. It reminds me of Steiner, who during his TNA run used to move like that.


I guess the jury is still out on him. He's got something and was booked brilliantly for his debut, and in with guys like Hardy and Roode he looked fantastic. He needs to keep it up though. Problem with RVD is that he's pretty shit himself nowadays, and tends to be a bit awkward, so he and York didn't look great on Impact!


I really like his story though, that'll take him a long way if they play up The Wrestler vibe.


Oh, definitely. I'd really like to see the guy do well, as he has a great look, natural physical charisma, and seems to be able to slot in anywhere - I could imagine him becoming X-champ, Telly champ, tag champ and, whilst not World champ, at least a perennial main event threat in the vein of, say, Billy Gunn or pre-championship Chris Jericho.


The PPV was pretty decent overall, I thought. The main-event three-way was cromulent, while the Joseph/Devon stuff was the best on the card - Joseph, as always, is a great character and I'll be glad when they finally pull the trigger on his Abyss revelation, but Devon showed he's quite underrated when it comes to telling stories in the ring.


The tag champs match was OK, and I'm glad they've finally finished with the Morgan/Ryan/Guernandez feud - didn't feel like much of a big deal, even if the match was solid. Moreover, if they're really serious about pushing Morgan, it's good they had him drop Ryan, who's best suited to the X-Division, I feel. Dare I say it, but Morgan's come back considerably better now - he's finally working like a big man and seems to be drawing some real heat. Given the rarity of such a specimen, it'd be a waste to not utilise him as TNA's giant - but it's clear to anyone he's probably at his last-chance saloon now: if he doesn't get it now, he never will.


The X-matches were OK, nothing special. Liking that they've completed Kenny King's turn.


The women's match was quite decent - got me wondering if they're prepping Gail Kim for a face turn with how much time they gave her in the ring, and Velvet is looking a lot more solid these days (and pretty hot too, in that catsuit). The KO division's pretty good right now, and Tara's gotten a new lease of life with Jesse, whom I really would like to see more of - I think he's a genuine star in the making.


The Sting/D.O.C. match was rather disappointing, to my mind - it feels like Sting's phoned it in completely since he got back. No awesome ring-jacket, no dynamic entrance, and it didn't even feel like he was out to get the guy who'd fucked him up with a hammer - more like he was just in there to get the win and that was it.

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The Sting/D.O.C. match was rather disappointing, to my mind - it feels like Sting's phoned it in completely since he got back. No awesome ring-jacket, no dynamic entrance, and it didn't even feel like he was out to get the guy who'd fucked him up with a hammer - more like he was just in there to get the win and that was it.

Isn't that a common problem with wrestling? Not in 100% of cases of course, but I feel like there have been lots of times a blood feud has led to a match where someone goes for a win off a shoulderblock or something.

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The Sting/D.O.C. match was rather disappointing, to my mind - it feels like Sting's phoned it in completely since he got back. No awesome ring-jacket, no dynamic entrance, and it didn't even feel like he was out to get the guy who'd fucked him up with a hammer - more like he was just in there to get the win and that was it.

Isn't that a common problem with wrestling? Not in 100% of cases of course, but I feel like there have been lots of times a blood feud has led to a match where someone goes for a win off a shoulderblock or something.

Oh, I'm sure it is - but when it's a guy with Sting's experience and profile, you can't help but think he must be phoning it in, because he surely must know better.


I wasn't expecting them to have him completely squash D.O.C., but I was expecting a bit more. Mind you, when an event is taking place in the Impact Zone, all bets are off. That place should be re-named The Fridge, with all the heat it's killed over the years.

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Let's be honest, Sting phones it in more often than not, and I have no real issue with that. He doesn't need to be doing this shit, he does it because he likes hanging around with the boys. When he needs to, when he's motivated by his storyline, he puts his working boots on and can still produce great matches, but if I was him I wouldn't be doing that outside of the big PPVs and big matches.

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Let's be honest, Sting phones it in more often than not, and I have no real issue with that. He doesn't need to be doing this shit, he does it because he likes hanging around with the boys. When he needs to, when he's motivated by his storyline, he puts his working boots on and can still produce great matches, but if I was him I wouldn't be doing that outside of the big PPVs and big matches.

Maybe, but it's a bit shit for fans watching, though. I'm not saying he should treat it like a death match or the biggest feud of his career, but he could have at least made it entertaining. I know the Aces & Eights storyline has become rather shit, but phoning it in isn't going to help it much either.

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Jesus Christ, Hernandez is a clumsy and/or reckless SOB. He's going to cripple someone one day.


For a bloke who looked to have been brought in to be muscle for a faction involved in a main event storyline and thus receive a decent push, Doc doesn't half lose a lot. All the time, in fact. Usually pretty quickly, and conclusively. Robbie E is better protected than that guy.


Highlight of the night definitely Bobby Roode's white boots. Proper main event working boots those are.

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Finally got round to seeing the main event of this one. One of the best matches TNA's put on in ages! The story was perfect for Hardy's character, Roode and Aries made him look inanely resilient. Plenty of clever moments and a few unique moves. Just a great show finisher.

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