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Haven't seen this mentioned & it's not one of those nerdy 'continuity error' posts but just listening to last half hour of 2nd Jericho/Edge/Heyman & when they're playing the name game it suddenly switches from Heyman talking live in the same room to him in phone quality. It then continues with Edge also on the phone. Can only presume they had a technical hitch with the recording but as of listening right now it's not been acknowledged. Very odd.

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Jericho thinks everyone listening is thick. He thinks the audience doesn't know they press pause and do the adverts seperately. Its a proper eye roller when the tone changes and a pre-recorded Jericho pops up and says "HAHAHA, that's right Edge. But I need to show a little love for my sponsors" as if Edge is still in the room with him.


Its odd with Jericho. He seems a nice bloke and his interviews usually deliver, but the 20 minute intro and the sponsor talk is just the worst. He's like David Lee Roth's TV host parody on the Just a Gigalo video.

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I've been listening to Smart Wrestling Fan for quite a while now completely out of habit. I don't know why because I get annoyed at Joe Negron's sticky teeth (seriously, after about an hour he makes this sound when he opens his mouth like his teeth are sticking - for god's sake have a drink water!) and the shit Mickey Mouse impressions they do to imitate Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole and loads of other people.


And how long are their plugs for Audible getting at the start of heir show?

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Jericho thinks everyone listening is thick. He thinks the audience doesn't know they press pause and do the adverts seperately.


Why would he need to press pause? They just keep talking and edit the ads in afterwards.



JR does this too - but at the start, so it's even more noticeable. Every episode starts with the pre-recorded intro that also includes the sponsor plugs. "Hey everybody, this is good ol' JR...."

Edited by herbie747
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I've been listening to Smart Wrestling Fan for quite a while now completely out of habit. I don't know why because I get annoyed at Joe Negron's sticky teeth (seriously, after about an hour he makes this sound when he opens his mouth like his teeth are sticking - for god's sake have a drink water!) and the shit Mickey Mouse impressions they do to imitate Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole and loads of other people.


And how long are their plugs for Audible getting at the start of heir show?


SWF went completely up it's own arse once Wiggly left and the aussie guy came on board. I tried again with it about six months ago and it's just completely unlistenable.

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Just finished listening to the Drew interview with Jericho. Thoroughly enjoyed it....he sounds like a grounded, educated and driven fella.


The stuff about his mum, her passing and his subsequent struggle to cope with that was genuinely moving.


Good listen.

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