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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Piper's jumped on the podcast bandwagon now. Anyone given him a listen yet? I can only imagine it'll be a total car crash.



I heard him on Austin's podcast and it was a mess. I wasn't sure which was worse - the lies, the 'I'm so zany & wacky' worked persona, or the fake 'I'm about to cry' deal.

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Anyone heard the start of Jericho's podcast? Its like Pee Wee's Playhouse. Its all sound effects and funny voices. Jericho's podcast is really, really shit. I tapped out ages ago, but listened to the latest one for his thoughts on the Warrior and couldn't last. Unbelievably poor. I dont mind non-wrestling guests, but Jericho cant get the best out of them. Jericho loves talking about himself, which is painful.


I remember a few months back hearing about all these podcasts coming out and was dribbling at the thought of it. Turns out, a lot of wrestlers are just shit. Piper, Jericho and JR are on my shit list. How anyone could listen to Roddy Piper I'll never know. Just a raving looney who isn't on this planet anymore sadly. Austin is still great value, though.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Anyone heard the start of Jericho's podcast? Its like Pee Wee's Playhouse. Its all sound effects and funny voices. Jericho's podcast is really, really shit. I tapped out ages ago, but listened to the latest one for his thoughts on the Warrior and couldn't last. Unbelievably poor. I dont mind non-wrestling guests, but Jericho cant get the best out of them. Jericho loves talking about himself, which is painful.


I remember a few months back hearing about all these podcasts coming out and was dribbling at the thought of it. Turns out, a lot of wrestlers are just shit. Piper, Jericho and JR are on my shit list. How anyone could listen to Roddy Piper I'll never know. Just a raving looney who isn't on this planet anymore sadly. Austin is still great value, though.


Yeah I gave up on Jericho too, he's just not all that great at it, butts in with his own stories when you want to hear the guest talk and as you said Ian is just whacky sound effects. Oh and PodcastOne is shit. JR's is decent but I haven't listened to it in ages. I mostly just listen to The LAW and occasionally Art of Wrestling.


I'm surprised Mick Foley hasnt decided to jump on the bandwagon considering how much he loves talking (about himself). Not that I'd enjoy it, but I assumed it was one of those things he'd probably do?

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This is probably a real irrational annoyance, but it kinda falls under the bracket of what Ian was saying about how Jericho loves to talk about himself; stuff that annoys me about the podcasts is when you get a guy talking to Austin, be it on Austin's cast or someone else's, like Jericho or X-Pac and they start to compare themselves to someone like Austin. It just sounds really off. I love Sean Waltman, there was no bigger X-Pac fan back in the day than me, but when he was on Austin's pod, he kind of implied that Bischoff sacking him from WCW was similar in impact as it was to sacking Austin. Same with Jericho when Austin recently appeared on his show. He kept referring to him and Austin as "we" and "guys like us" changing the face of wrestling and so forth. I know Jericho was a big player, but come on. The only ones that can get away with saying that kind of stuff, and comparing themselves to Austin would be The Rock and Hogan, and a lesser extent HBK and the nWo guys.


Like I said, its probably an irrational thing, but it really grinds my gears.

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Almost all wrestlers from that era seem to have a ridiculously over-inflated opinion of themselves and their standing in the business just because they were around when wrestling was hot. The only ones who don't seem to are guys who actually did make it to the very top and a few select guys who managed to avoid believing their own hype. The majority really do seem to believe they were an integral part in the companies success when in reality they (including Jericho) could have been replaced overnight if required.

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I never met him, but Roddy Piper really left a lasting impression on me at Axxess. He treated everyone who came on the stage to see him like he was a best friend he hadn't seen for ages. He treated the disabled great too, making them laugh and giving them extended time. He seemed very nice, especially compared to Flair who didn't speak or look up to speak (I'm not fussed, you can't get anything out of 10 seconds conversation). Not that I'm saying he'd be a good podcast, but I reckon he's more of a decent guy than is made out.

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X-Pac is the worst offender of it. He seems to genuinely think he was a main eventer. All because Wade Keller tells him he turned the Monday Night War around. I remember him having a go at Jeff Hardy for "not being over unless he works with Undertaker or HHH" and this just simply isn't true. Hardy was far more over and more famous and bigger draw than Waltman ever was. Its like these old wrestlers believe what they are told off their mates in the car. Or like RVD when he buried the TNA roster because they aren't as famous as him as a reason why he should be on top in TNA. RVD was a big star in his day, but in TNA he had no value. in 99% of cases the machine creates the star. At least Jericho has always been start enough to keep himself open for a return.


Its what is shit about the podcast era. We know these people far to much. If I knew as much as I do now about Mick Foley in 1998 I wouldn't have got behind him at all. Someone like Steve Austin is there who knows his worth and is bringing himself down to the level to make his podcast work. He talks about John Cena's role in WWE or Hogan's contributions or the damn Kliq's impact on the business and only talks about himself when he speaks about hunting or his reality show. He gets he doesn't need to ram it down peoples throats because he knows everyone knows he's the man. Even someone like Edge gets it. He's actually a cool guy who knows his position in the business and accepts its over and is enjoying his time away from it. For the run Piper had, he isn't half insecure about his standing in the business. And Jericho must be so wound up by constantly being told he isn't on the level by the likes of Triple H he cant stop putting himself over to convince himself its not true. Its the new version of the bitter old wrestler who has a blog that we got in the late 90s/early 2000s when the internet was first big. Instead of Warrior calling Bad News Brown a cunt we get Rob Van Dam talking as if he was Superstar Graham. Like they dont want to come across as moaning so go from one extreme to the other.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Every time Jericho says 'ON THA TWITTAH!!' I want to rip my ears off. I finally had to unsubscribe this week, his wrestling interviews were decent and they kept me listening but it was such hard work. For some reason Jericho reading the same ads that Austin and everyone else reads out are just that little bit more annoying coming from him too.

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Oh God, the ads! I can tolerate them with Austin, he manages to make just about anything listenable, but Jericho and JR plugging the same shit is excruciating. Especially JR. He sounds like he's reading it off the page for the first time every time. Like Ian said, for a guy that made a living sat behind a microphone, he's an absolutely clueless broadcaster.

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Lita did the podcast rounds recently (which sadly didn't prep her for her boring fucking HoF speech it seems), but BY FAR the best interviewer of this lot was Austin. Not least because he wasn't being a skeevy old cunt like JR. Chris Jericho's podcast has done nothing but confirm everything I've thought about him from his first book onwards so I've had to sack him off to save the GBs each week. JR and Austin's are only there still on the strength of their guests, and even then I feel as though I can gage how good the interviews will be within the first 10 minutes or so.


Mind, listening to loads of them as I have over the last few months, it's no surprise loads of guys think they should have been top face in the territory or whatever back in their day. For such a competitive industry, wrestlers love to tug each other off verbally don't they?! I can't imagine how inflated heads got on the long car journeys way back when. I know a bit of ego-stroking here and there is good for the flow of an interview but jesus wept, can we stop pretending that Big Show "helped redefine what it meant to be a heel in the attitude era" or whatever the random-compliment-generator spits out for these chats.

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Austin's is the best WWE guy by along way but you just can't beat the Art of Wresting. Colt is a classy guy and he seems to be a good interviewer. Did i hear rumours that he might have a gig doing a show on the WWE network?

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Austin's is the best WWE guy by along way but you just can't beat the Art of Wresting. Colt is a classy guy and he seems to be a good interviewer. Did i hear rumours that he might have a gig doing a show on the WWE network?


I lump Colt in with the shit lot PodcastOne are pumping out. His are only as good as the person he's interviewing, and even then they're good in spite of him for me. If he's not sneaking in pathetic digs at certain folk in the industry, he's hijacking potentially interesting conversations by misunderstanding the guest and being mind-numbingly stupid.

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