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'Alternative' Artwork...

John Matrix

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Going off on a tangent, but I figured putting it in here would attract the right people.


I've found an old photo of my Grandad looking cool as fuck (possibly in the late 1950s, but it's hard to tell as my Grandad was one of those people that just always looked old in photos, even as a teenager), and I want to turn it into a mock poster/cover for a super suave 1960s spy thriller. I'm not particularly knowledgable in this genre, so I'm after some examples of great artwork for inspiration, so I can get the layout and typefaces right.

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I didn't want to come in here with too blatant of a plug so I didn't post them at the time, but my posters and images for the last Triple X show were very much inspired by this thread. If anyone's interested I think you can still find them all on the link in my sig.


@Surf I found a torrent of old b-movie posters that helped me get my head around the style I wanted to go for. They're mostly sci-fi & horror posters so they're not quite what you're looking for, but I can send you the folder if you drop you email in a PM. I probably have a few suitable fonts as well if you want.

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  • 8 months later...
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Going off on a tangent, but I figured putting it in here would attract the right people.


I've found an old photo of my Grandad looking cool as fuck (possibly in the late 1950s, but it's hard to tell as my Grandad was one of those people that just always looked old in photos, even as a teenager), and I want to turn it into a mock poster/cover for a super suave 1960s spy thriller. I'm not particularly knowledgable in this genre, so I'm after some examples of great artwork for inspiration, so I can get the layout and typefaces right.


Im in work so cant get loads of pics for you but heres a few quick things. Its actually quite a tough one to do because the style at the time was for a lot of hand drawn stuff.


A lot seemed to take their inspiration from the Bond posters so stuff like this





led to a lot of similar things like 'In Like Flint' MV5BMTIzOTM1MDUzMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTQzMTAyMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR2,0,214,317_.jpg


with the montage look


The other slightly different option is the cut out still / flat bright background look that they used to use a lot in the 60s




This kind of carried on into the book artwork at the time and there was a lot of cross over in style so posters like 'The Ipcress File' had a very sort of pulp novel feel to them




and films like 'Killers are challenged'



a style that was used for publicity shots for the Marvel One Shot 'Agent Carter'



and a few other that keep the same theme


Secret Agent Fireball



Password,Kill Agent Gordon




Someone will probably come up with a lot better before I finish work but if not i'll dig out some better styles. Try looking at European posters for spy films there are some fantastic stylized ones.

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