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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I would agree that society as a whole are pretty miserable and negative, as said facebook is filled with very little positive or happy.


Most people dont want to 'be proven wrong' to an extent after they've made there opinions, this years Mania will be shit cos they've decided so and nothing will change that, same for Batman vs Superman (might be true have'nt seen it yet).


Its wide spread across wrestling, mma, films, music etc, people need there opinion heard and its mostly how bad something is, if I dont like something I just ignore it but for some thats not possible 

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The thing is, most of the good stuff still gets cheered for. Reigns used to get cheered until they started booking him like a chump. People used to chant for ECW at WWF shows in the 90's, way before the internet was commonplace. A lot of wrestling comes down to rebellion, and adults (who make up a large portion of the fanbase) aren't likely to cheer for cookie-cutter, white meat babyfaces like Cena or a goofy Roman Reigns.


A lot of WWE TV has been lazily booked shite for the last decade and it'd be more surprising if fans didn't boo it. Even the WWE themselves have made less than subtle remarks recently about the product not being what it used to be.


Wresting is a product that can be cartoon TV for children (Hogan/Warrior) or an edgy product for teens/adults (Austin/Rock), but the past 10 years has been cartoon TV in front of a dominant, vocal, adult male audience, the same people who were brought up watching South Park, Jackass and the Attitude Era. Throw the internet into the mix and once you take a step back, the booing/cynicism amongst the audience is the exact result one might expect.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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I think it's just become endemic to society. The Twitter generation that can set out and abuse celebrity at any given point.


It's not just wrestling, although the type of person who may like wrestling would probably be of that ilk.


There's some truth in that, but in those mainstream cases it does stay on social media usually. You don't get people turning up to the X Factor tour just to boo the acts that Simon Cowell likes -- although maybe you would if the tour was televised and there was a chance of some attention for the idiots. WWE has made a rod for their own backs by encouraging the Maxwells. And to be fair, they've probably only done it because they know they're out of ideas on how to draw normals.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I was highlighting the fact that many turn up to the auditions to laugh their arses off thise that crave celebrity yet are shite.


That's very true, but they still sell thousands of tickets on the subsequent finalist tours to people who don't go along to do that. Which is similar to WWE house shows, thinking about it.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Dunno if its jealousy, envy or something but it seems the classic 'build them up to knock them down', some are trolls and need attention and some are happy with others misery... cos them too are miserable 



I would agree that society as a whole are pretty miserable and negative, as said facebook is filled with very little positive or happy.


Most people dont want to 'be proven wrong' to an extent after they've made there opinions, this years Mania will be shit cos they've decided so and nothing will change that, same for Batman vs Superman (might be true have'nt seen it yet).


Its wide spread across wrestling, mma, films, music etc, people need there opinion heard and its mostly how bad something is, if I dont like something I just ignore it but for some thats not possible 


You are aware that with those posts you're guilty of what you're complaining about and saying that you ignore?


Everyone likes a moan, it's healthy, embrace it.

Edited by PowerButchi
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It's an interesting parallel.


I'm wanting to see Batman Vs Superman but having teeny kids is stopping me. Genuinely a few folks I work with, with previously no interest in wanting to see the film have asked if I want to go along with them. They want to go because they've heard it's cack and want to be able to pan it properly. That's probably why I just work with them and aren't out and out friends with them.

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It's not a black or white absolute. For example, you've already made it clear that you see the negatives in people who don't share your supposed outlook and feel the need to bring it under the microscope. So you're not as positive as you'd like to think. No-one is.


Other than DDP.

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I think it's just become endemic to society. The Twitter generation that can set out and abuse celebrity at any given point.


It's not just wrestling, although the type of person who may like wrestling would probably be of that ilk.

There's some truth in that, but in those mainstream cases it does stay on social media usually. You don't get people turning up to the X Factor tour just to boo the acts that Simon Cowell likes -- although maybe you would if the tour was televised and there was a chance of some attention for the idiots. WWE has made a rod for their own backs by encouraging the Maxwells. And to be fair, they've probably only done it because they know they're out of ideas on how to draw normals.

Encouraging the Maxwells? I don't moan about anything for the sake of it. I haven't even watched a full episode of Raw since Punk left because there isn't much to keep me interested now. So actually I'm the exact opposite of people who go to shows just to complain (although those people only actually exist in your own head.)


The weekly product isn't good. The PPVs are hit and miss with no warning about which way it will go. That is why crowds are apathetic. Reigns isn't good in the role they usually try to put him in, that's why the crowd is usually split him. When used properly people react the way they are supposed to. Now quit your trolling and go find a nice buffet to enjoy

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