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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've never watched NXT so it's disappointing to hear he's struggled for traction there, but I echo the Titus O'Neill shouts. A big, extroverted lad who looks and acts like Terry Crews' younger brother. I could see him doing well for WWE on the chat shows if they could ever get him to that level, and they wouldn't have to worry about baseball commentators and the like giving him the verbal eye-rolls that CM Punk used to get.


He's got genuine cross over potential if they could imbue his act with a bit of in-ring credibility. I'd start by giving him a good showing in the Rumble, and then try to get a video of him working out with The Rock to go viral or something. He's a charismatic gym freak, that's never been a better fit for the culture than right now.


Sadly, he's been stuck in a comedy double act with Heath Slater for most of this year which pretty much means he'll end up getting released at some point.

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Just been looking at the www.com listing of all their current superstars. I know everyone knows that titles are meaningless now, but Jesus Christ. About 75% of the roster have held a title at least once. Even David Otunga FFS!!


How are fans meant to care when anyone can, and has, won a belt?

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Just been looking at the www.com listing of all their current superstars. I know everyone knows that titles are meaningless now, but Jesus Christ. About 75% of the roster have held a title at least once. Even David Otunga FFS!!


How are fans meant to care when anyone can, and has, won a belt?


On Otunga, I read he was used for the first time since Wrestlemania the other day at a house show. 

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How are fans meant to care when anyone can, and has, won a belt?

If only we were still in the boom period of 1998-2000 when titles were heavily protected!

Titles didn't matter then, either. But at least then there were things fans did care about. Characters, storylines etc. Now there's nothing. The most over thing is a chant.


Yes, it's a combination of shit fans and shit writing but, with the popularity of MMA (and even sport in general) is it not at least worth a shot to make matches, wins and losses and titles important? Seeing as nothing else they do works?

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Didn't Raven win the Hardcore title about 50 times? Awesome stuff. I miss the Hardcore title. Wish they brought it back to make Raw more interesting. They don't even need excessive violence, just have the 24/7 rule and have silly shit like the shenanigans at Wrestlemania X-8.


I don't know why they don't bring in a title with a similar premisce to be honest. At least it gives the likes of Darren Young and Otunga something to do.

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He's funny and charismatic, but he's really quite bad between the ropes. 


No he isn't. Not at all, he's a more than capable bomb thrower who's had many decent matches on the C and D shows. In fact, some pockets of respected wrestling opinion have called him one of the best workers of 2014. Would I go that far? No. But he's not bad at all. Probably no since NXT Redemption, to be honest.

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He had bad matches with Zayn and Neville, who are two guys I look at like Sean Waltman back in the day, if you can't have a good match with them, you can't have a good match with anyone. And he had one of the worst matches of last year with Darren Young on some PPV pre-show.


I'm happy to be swayed, though, what are some of these decent matches on the C and D shows? I don't keep up with Superstars and the like.

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While I can't be fucked reeling off an extensive list of names and dates for you as C and D show matches blend into one, any match vs Big E off Superstars is a start and same for his bouts with Jack Swagger, had a good Big Man vs Little Man bout over Christmas with Justin Gabriel, he's had several decent matches with several different opponents.

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