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Got deported from Australia


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Righto, will keep it short and sweet.


Got deported from Oz about 2 years ago for falsely applying for a 2'nd year working holiday visa. I lied on the application and was turfed out and got a 5 year ban for my trouble.


I had an interview for a really good company and they mentioned there might be travel involved with the new job, to San Francisco and Australia and would that be a problem for me.


Of course i said no, and i got the job.


Now i am left with a possibillity of having to tell my new employer something i don't really tell anybody(god bless the anonymimity of the net eh?).


Anyway, what should i do or does anybody have any ideas of suggestions?


Was thinking of writing to the Australian Embassy and explaining my case. I really want to avoid telling my employers what happened as you can imagine so am open to suggestions.

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Essentially you lied to get the job, so your employer will look down on that I reckon.


If you continue the lie, and they find out when Oz refuse you then you'll lose your job. Lying, plus costing them money on flights, etc will not sit well. Best bet is to sit down with your manager and explain the situation, hopefully they'll appreciate the honesty (eventually) and you can stay on.

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While things like that aren't the easiest of things to disclose to a potential employer you really should have told them at the interview, especially if it may have a bearing on your ability to do the job. The fact you got deported may not necessarily matter to them if you'd explained the circumstances and that it was a stupid mistake provided you highlight what you learned from it as that's more often than not far more important to them.


Midas has it right in saying you should tell them about it as soon as possible as the longer you leave it, the worse it'll look if/when it eventually comes out and the far higher chance you'll have of getting the sack. To be honest, it's not going to reflect well on you whichever way you do it as you've already shown yourself as untrustworthy and they might get rid of you lying to them to get the job but better they hear it from you now.

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You're fucked and you deserve to be. The least you could do is come clean now and not leave it until they desperately need someone in Australia only to find out you can't go.


Only known one person get fired in the whole time I've worked for my company (going on 13 years) and that was for non-disclosure in his interview.

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Australiua are shit hot on visas - especially working ones so dont try to blag getting back in. If you try to get into the country again then they will just re-start the 5 year ban.


You'll need a work visa to go to Oz anyway, when you apply you will get rejected and can appeal on compassionate or unusual grounds. They may change their mind if iots deemed important enough. YOu can apply now for a dispensation or for the ban to be reconsidered - if you explain your new working conditions,a nd provide a copy of your contract and a letter from your employer with regard to your working intentions and what you will be doing - then it might work.


Not all work or business trip visas get approved anyway.


Good Luck :-S

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It all seems rather vague. If it was just mentioned as one of a number of places then you could always claim you don't remember as you were a bag of nerves at the time or thought it was somewhere else. "Australia? I thought you said Austria." Did you sign anything?


I would just idly get on with my job and see if the fateful day ever arises. You're fucked either way but you may as well be getting paid rather than being out of a job now which is what will happen if you come clean.


Sounds like your new in the door so I doubt you will be at the front of the queue for a jolly in Oz.

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Fucking hell, Richie, this IS life outside of the Barrow conurbation. Also, when you leave the village, you're no longer just its idiot; you're just AN idiot then, with no particular ties, or punishments. No more ducking stool, no more trudging home after another day in the stocks, wiping rotten veg off of your pasty big face. Richie, no more being tossed in the midden by the field workers, and having to present yourself for work saturated in sass-ridden shite and piss. No longer would you endure the ordeal of ordure that is your life. Look yonder, young metalmong, and travel ye beyond your Marsh's Sassless sassy marsh... to Clithero! No clit hero thou, yet wonders abound! Lay forth to Leyland, come more toward Morecambe, come forth to Carnforth.


Absolutely fucking brilliant! You are truly on fire at the minute Rosey lad, easily this year

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