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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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UFC President Dana White has been busy tweeting regarding the WWE Wrestlemania event tonight:

good luck to my man @TheRock tonight!!! I will be watching the @WWE plus all the rumors of 2 nights event sound like it's gonna be crazy!


Dana White also responded to several questions from followers including:


Yes I will be watching @WWE Wrestlemania tonight, as I said I got @TheRock. Alot of the UFC boys will be watching in fact. Just Bring It!


Source: Dana White twitter

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Taker over Trips. Brock out after to challenge Taker. Also, I predict if Lesnar does show tonight, then just like when Taker returned at WM20 with Paul Bearer coming out first, Paul Heyman will come out first to introduce Brock Lesnar.

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But surely if Brock comes out after HIAC, and that match isnt going to be the last match, it'll be a pretty big comedown after to calm the crowd down etc, if Brock is going to challenge Taker it should go on last or wait till RAW.

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Its Rock and Cena. People are paying to see that. If Brock turns up before the main event, nobody is going to be sitting on their hands after it. Its not Cena vs Jericho that would be following it. There's not a chance the people are going to be quiet for the main event, even if Owen Hart came back to life this afternoon and thought "for my comeback, I'll try coming down on a wire again, as an ironic play on my first death" only for the wire to snap and land on Shawn, Triple H and Undertaker, killing those three as well as himself in the process*


*Watch it be dead now

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Im not saying it'll be dead, I just think such a massive happening taking place in the middle of the show, lessens the impact and gives a dis service to Brock Lesnar in a way.


The perfect way to end Mania would be for Brock to be standing tall over Cena and Rock or something, I think such a massive return should close a show, not happen half way through it, even if it is WrestleMania.

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I wouldnt be surprised if Mick Foley had some involvement in the HIAC considering his history in the cell and with all 3 men, even if its just for a false finish.

Foley doesn't deserve to be anywhere near that match. His days of being on the Taker/Michaels/Triple H level are long gone. He'd probably prefer some involvement in the Divas match anyway.

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On Scuzz music channel they a show/slot on 10-11 called 'Stand up for CM Punk' in the synopsis its says 'its clobbering time and wrestlemania sunday and we support the best in the world CM Punk' its just a show of punk bands videos but a good idea though.


And at 11-12 its 'wrestle Metal Mayhem' its wrestling inspired tunes or something like that.


Not big news but least its something.

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So I caved and ordered it, first WWE PPV since last year's Mania, and second since WM25. Makes me realise how much I've fallen off the grid in terms of being a hardcore fan. Funnily enough, not due to the Lesnar rumours, but because of Rock vs Cena. The build has been lacking, but let's not forget, Austin vs Rock at WMX7 involved feuding over Debra. Hogan vs. Rock had the hokey shite of Hulk attempting to kill Rock in an ambulance stunt and Rock not having a scratch. I'm expecting the match to blow the invisible roof off and remind me why I loved this "hokey fake shite"- seriously, have you guys seen the Facebook comments on Dana's tweets? They make MMA fans look positively retarded. :(


In all honesty, Brock Lesnar has increased my interest 20-fold. Really hope the rumours aren't just an elaborate April Fools joke.

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I'm feeling far more excited about this years Mania than i have for the last few years.


Rumoured returns, 2 world title matches that could steal the show, Hell in a cell and The Rock vs Cena. This is what Mania is all about in my opinion, elevating new talent while still having the spectacle of the Legends.


My money is on D-Bryan and Sheamus to be the real story of the night.







Oh and...Team Johnny For The Win!!

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Silly question. I had to plug my phone line into my sky box to order the ppv but do I need to keep it plugged in now and during the event or is it ok to unplug?


I am not sure about having it plugged in at the start of the show but i usually take it out after 5-10 mins and it still works

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