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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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I watched the Rock/Cena special and to be honest, the point of the match is that they are two juggernauts in sports entertainment and are set to collide on April 1st and the doc did a great job of capturing their statuses and the magnitude of their respective superstar appeals. Good job I thought, even if Rock comes off as Dwayne playing the role of The Rock.

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They've just announced the inductors for HoF:

Will spoil tag just to be on the safe side

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Christian to induct Edge

Del Rio to induct Mil Mascaras

Dusty Rhodes to induct the Horsemen

HHH & Shawn to induct Tyson

JBL to induct Ron "DAMN" Simmons

The Usos (with Rikishi) to induct Yokozuna


[close spoiler]

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Great call on all of them. Nice to get SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Christian, Del Rio and the Usos

on TV and the rest are exactly the right people, short of getting SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Austin for Tyson


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I'd have loved that. I was hoping he'd turn up at the Rumble and dance with them, leading into the countdown... then out comes Funkasaurus!


Between that and my booking of the GM tag match in the alternate card thread, I should be running this fucking company.

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A group of us all agreed months ago to take the Monday off work and all chip in to watch Wrestlemania because at the time the combination of The Rock coming back, the huge stadium, and the fact it's Wrestlemania sounded like an ideal show for us to watch considering the last full show any of us watched was the Wrestlemania with the Ric Flair retirement. We were discussing it a few days ago and it was pretty unanimous that we really don't care about anything on the show other than Hell in a Cell and kinda regret even bothering now. In fact not one of us even remembered the Jericho/Punk match was even happening until we looked at the lineup. I've only watched a few bits and pieces of the build up through Youtube. The Triple H/Undertaker/Michaels stuff has been pretty great but the few Cena/Rock segments I've watched haven't inspired me whatsoever. In fact they've been so bad I kinda wish they hadn't even bothered because we were all looking forward to the match WAY more before they started trying to build it up on TV. Now I don't really care.

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In the old days, they'd have done an angle where the Uso's keep nearly beating the Colons only for Rosa to screw them over. Then at WM, they bring their Dad along as an equaliser and win the belts.

Good thing WM spots aren't as easy to come by now. That does sound like the sort of shite they'd fill one of the lesser PPVs with. The Usos and Primo/Epico have both had about fifteen uwarranted filler PPV matches (which were bland rematches from TV the weeks before).


I'd have loved that. I was hoping he'd turn up at the Rumble and dance with them, leading into the countdown... then out comes Funkasaurus!

I was absolutely hoping for a Rikishi/Funkasaurus dance in the Rumble, then Brodus eliminating Rikishi like Rikishi did to Too Cool in 2000.

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