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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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I'm shocked there's not more romance films set on a petrol station forecourt in the top 10 myself.


How original.


To be fair your original question would surely be some what redundant for the most part of the countdown if you read through the pages of discussion on the films.


But that might require you not being a spastic so I'll not hold my breath.

Edited by Tommy!
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Insult notwithstanding, he's right. Many people have given their reasons as to why they still like these films in this thread, the answers are not difficult to find, so I'm not entirely sure why you are asking the question in the first place. Have you just not read the thread or are you trolling or what? I like to hope I've covered many of the reasons why these films have done so well in my descriptions as well.

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I love the fact I make your blood boil. Long may it continue.


Don't flatter yourself, I couldn't really give a shit. Calling you a spastic just fills some time.


But still feel free to actually read the thread, it is a good read as far as UKFF threads go, so more power to Gladstone.

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Don't flatter yourself, I couldn't really give a shit.


If you really weren't bothered you wouldn't reply. There are surely more productive ways of 'filling time' than doling out uninventive personal insults. What a waste of a life if that's what you do to pad out the hours in your day.


I've read the thread, I'd just be interested in some thoughts on the action genre as a whole, which seems to be generally thought of amongst film fans to be formulaic and low brow. I found it interesting that films that are often slated on places like IMDB are given so much love in this poll (even when they're praised on such sites it's usually qualified by 'I know this is rubbish but...' type critiques).

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I've read the thread, I'd just be interested in some thoughts on the action genre as a whole, which seems to be generally thought of amongst film fans to be formulaic and low brow. I found it interesting that films that are often slated on places like IMDB are given so much love in this poll (even when they're praised on such sites it's usually qualified by 'I know this is rubbish but...' type critiques).


Aside from Commando, which is hardly 'slated', ALL the action films in this list are highly praised and highly rated on IMDB and in many other places. They are not nearly as slated as you seem to think they are.


But again, you are making the mistake of seemingly damning an entire genre of films and I don't really understand what you are expecting to get from this discussion when you are choosing to take that path of discussion. It seems to me that you have set yourself a very narrow field of what you personally deem to be acceptable in your film viewing habits - you've already written off sci-fi and westerns. A discussion of the action genre as a whole is pointless - just LIKE every genre out there, it has some wonderful films in it and some utter shite in it. Taking an overview is a waste of time, in my opinion.


Personally, I think you're on the troll and you KNOW the reaction that you are getting to get when you post messages like this. Why not just discuss the films at hand individually if you are not trolling? Have you actually seen them?

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I've read the thread, I'd just be interested in some thoughts on the action genre as a whole, which seems to be generally thought of amongst film fans to be formulaic and low brow. I found it interesting that films that are often slated on places like IMDB are given so much love in this poll (even when they're praised on such sites it's usually qualified by 'I know this is rubbish but...' type critiques).


There is a ton of low brow and shoddily made acton films out there, but the ones that have made it to this list are amongst the cream of the crop. Robocop is a sharp satire; Terminator is a brilliant blend of action and sci-fi with a bit of horror; Terminator 2 revolutionised special effects and as Loki pointed out earlier has outstanding sound design; Aliens is a near perfect film in many ways; Total Recall while being an over the top action film has a lot going on under the surface. I can

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Again, this isn't a Best Films thread, it's a Favourite Films thread. The need for depth or intelligent plot is completely negated if a film is enjoyable for any reason whatsoever.


I like Freaked, for example. I like it because it's stupid and lowbrow. It's be no means a great film, but it's a film I enjoy.

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Again, this isn't a Best Films thread, it's a Favourite Films thread. The need for depth or intelligent plot is completely negated if a film is enjoyable for any reason whatsoever.


Yes - and I know that Flaming June understands this point because the write-ups he gives for his some of his own films ram home the point about them being fun and enjoyed by him.

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I hated Hot Tub Time Machine. I was really hoping to love it as well and was excited about it for ages beforehand, but sat there in the cinema gutted as it was going on. I thought maybe it's more enjoyable if you've seen John Cusack films from the eighties where he holds a stereo up in the air or falls in love with a mannequin that turns into Kim Cattrall* or something, but it's probably just a matter of personal taste.



I've still never seen Predator, except possibly as a child. I might watch it over the weekend.



*I know.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Surprised at the popularity of action films so high up the list, I don't know anyone who likes them really, except for teenage boys. Are the votes based on nostalgia (as the dates of the films suggests) or have these films got artistic qualities that I've been missing?


Obviously you've missed it. If you've read Mulvey, action in the Arnie vein is a statement of masculinity and patriarchy.


This is a forum mainly populated by men. Hence we live vicariously through the hero, and his mighty weapon represents our penises and the power we'd wish to have.


You're really shit at being pretentious for a pretentious type.

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I think we need to go out and find some more pretentious types - maybe put an ad in the paper. Guardian, or Indy, I guess. "Pretentious twat needed, so that other pretentious twats can quack at him/her, and he/she can quack right back at them. Platonic ideals only need apply. GSoHubris."

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