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It Begins - Vignette


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My only gripe with the HHH/Taker match is that the crowd were so into it, they were totally burned out afterwards. Normally I would say this should've been the main event, but I guess that would come at the cost of not having The Rock close the show. Dilemmas, dilemmas.


It was a cracking match Although I've always been adamant that the streak will never end, I thought it was over after Triple H's tombstone. If Punk/Cena never happened, this would be by MOTY.

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I always thought there was no way they would let the Undertaker character be carried out unless he physically wasnt able to walk for real, just assumptions I made on the night, I may well be wrong

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well if it was legit he would have to explain it that way, just cos thats what he said doesnt mean the injuries werent legit and the finish wasnt changed on the fly, like I say I may be way off the mark but that was my interpretation of events

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I think more was meant to happen though, like in my section we heard a head security guy goin up to various stewards an other security types and pointing out a path of a potential brawl in the crowd. It never happened and the security guys came saying something to tge effect of "they scrapped it"

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I think more was meant to happen though, like in my section we heard a head security guy goin up to various stewards an other security types and pointing out a path of a potential brawl in the crowd. It never happened and the security guys came saying something to tge effect of "they scrapped it"

If that was the case, it would've been much earlier in the match and scrapped for timing reasons, surely. If Undertaker and Triple H had gone any longer, Cena and Miz would've had to do their double count-out about thirty seconds into the main event.

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There was a bit of crowd brawling leading up to the main finish of the Cena and Miz match. You dont shit on your main event. The road agents arent daft enough to allow two crowd spots in a row. The match was pitch perfect. I cant see why anyone would think they wanted to do more in it. The finish, to anyone who isnt mental, was obviously planned out. Triple H did all his moves and when they didnt work, finally went for the big sledgehammer shot that puts everyone down. And instead of landing the sledgehammer shot, Undertaker locked him in his own finisher, that nobody gets out of. What else was there to do? All their moves had been used. The way people are talking, it was like Taker beat him with a small package and Harvey Whippleman escorted them quickly to the back.

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There's no way that was an audible. Taker beat him with his submission move that you'd almost forgotten he even had, out of nowhere, in pure desperation. The unstoppable force met the immovable object, and the object won. It was glorious storytelling, and another notch on HHH's regrettable mania record in recent years.

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There was a bit of crowd brawling leading up to the main finish of the Cena and Miz match. You dont shit on your main event. The road agents arent daft enough to allow two crowd spots in a row. The match was pitch perfect. I cant see why anyone would think they wanted to do more in it. The finish, to anyone who isnt mental, was obviously planned out. Triple H did all his moves and when they didnt work, finally went for the big sledgehammer shot that puts everyone down. And instead of landing the sledgehammer shot, Undertaker locked him in his own finisher, that nobody gets out of. What else was there to do? All their moves had been used. The way people are talking, it was like Taker beat him with a small package and Harvey Whippleman escorted them quickly to the back.


Bollocks. If you add up the attendance figures plus domestic and international buyrates, then times it by the amount of merch sold, then run that number through the enigma machine, you get the message "SUCCEED WHERE BROCK FAILED. FUCK U EVAN." You'd have to be an absolute clown to read that message and not realise Taker was obviously meant to go over with the SSP. Also it's obvious because the SSP is one of Undertaker's established finishers. All that bit with the chokehold that Undertaker had never done before, and Triple H reaching for a sledgehammer that just happened to be there, was obviously just the result of them calling an audible.

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I thought that Undertaker was so beaten up that he couldn't even stand, so with the SSP spot out of the question Mr H's called an audible and decided he was going over instead, but Taker didn't want to do business so he had to choke him out for real with his legit MMA move. You can tell because Triple H taps out as if he really was losing consciousness. If you think about it, Undertaker must have been beaten up really badly for real because he hasn't been seen since. I heard that his hair even fell out after taking all those Pedigrees. He looks like Duncan Goodhew now, you know.

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Having watched the match once, probably half asleep at the time, I thought it was an audible. Obviously I'm the only one and onviously I'm incorrect. That doesn't make me mental, it just means I got sucked in by excellent storytelling and got worked which is exactly why I watch wrestling and what I don't get enough of nowadays

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Looking back on it that match was great. That they managed to get a cynical old mark like me to believe HHH had won it when he hit the tombstone is pretty incredible all by itself. We all know the streak is going nowhere at this point and to get some of US thinking it was coming to an end is a real achievment.

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Looks like JR Might have let it slip.


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with another blog update at JRsBarBQ.com. JR wrote about a number of topics, including CM Punk's popularity, whether Shawn Michaels is really retired, whether the Ultimate Warrior could get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2012, The Rock's return to the ring at Survivor Series and much more.



The Undertaker's Return: "There is rampant speculation as to when the Deadman will return, who he will wrestle at WM28, who wins, who loses in Miami, how many matches that Taker is planning on having before he retires and even more on his current hair style ... The Undertaker is WWE's most enduring star and 'The Streak' is as big a part of Wrestlemania as any thing on the card in the eyes of many fans. Adding the Undertaker to the WM28 mix, say after the first of the year, will add needed momentum to the April 1, 2012 event."

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