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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Even with 5 hours of TV to fill a week it's not hard to keep the top guys apart so that, for instance, Reigns only meets Rollins once a year. But they don't see it as necessary or desirable for some reason.

Would it be that hard for them to do another brand split? Cena, Lesnar and all the part timers never go near SmackDown anyway, at least with some form of split you could stick half a dozen lads on SmackDown exclusively and just build them up over a year, then stick them with the top Raw lads, at least it'd be trying something different

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The issue then was the title was the secondary title and was never viewed as being THE title.


Another brand split with the current writing could end the company. The apathy is bad just now but having half the guys on a show even less people watch wouldn't be good business.

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I don't have a better analogy for this but the WWE roster is in a state of communism. No structure to the roster and they're all sharing in the same misery. Wins and losses, wrestlings nearest thing to currency, has lost any value. Creating a brand split would just split the roster into two communistic states. (I wish I knew enough to write a proper economics-style report on wrestling.)

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In that case they'd have to use the NXT writers to try and make it worthwhile and simultaneously make us forget that those featured have been booked to mean nothing for the last million years.

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However much the fans want the writer(s)/booker(s) of NXT to be the main driving force behind the main roster, unfortunately it'll never happen, well not until Vince (& Steph) steps down. It would make the biggest sense in the world to get the NXT crew involved because they are essentially putting on a traditional old school pro-wrestling show/product and they've hit upon a winning formula. But we'll never see them write/book Raw as its the "mainstream" show, with the table full of hollywood writers and cultural references (UNITY~!) ten years out of date. They try too hard to be run with the in-crowd so to speak and try as they might when they reference anything or try and parody it they just come off as so out of step it's cringeworthy. Classic pro-wrestling (ie the WWF of the 1980s) is probably the biggest pomp & circumstance you can get - larger than life colorful characters etc but it worked because it was above all fun and everyone had a place and a recognisable character even lower card guys like Koko. Now everyone is interchangeable & apart from Cena (& Bayley) they have no real color or substance to them too. New Day are at least trying, despite all the hype and "We want Sasha" chants, she's tanking on the main roster (like Emma I think she'll get sent back down to NXT & repackaged) and everyone else is just treading water. Neville won a Slammy yet they've been jobbing him out so the booking ethos just boggles the mind. They either shove talent down the fans throats, push someone to the hilt then drop them back to earth in midcard oblivion (Rusev, Ryback et al), bring talent up from NXT who tank on the main roster (Adam Rose, The Ascension, Bo Dallas, Emma et al) and the whole talent creation process is broken. I mean even Bayley says she's in no hurry to be called up to the main roster, why? because she knows once she makes her first appearance they'll saddle her with her old gimmick and pair her off with Santino as the comic relief of the WWE.    

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However much the fans want the writer(s)/booker(s) of NXT to be the main driving force behind the main roster, unfortunately it'll never happen, well not until Vince (& Steph) steps down.


Stephanie hasn't been involved in creative for the last two years. Triple H is head of creative.

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