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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Mike Knoxx

Tony Nese

Mikey Whipwreck

Big Daddy V

Tommy Dreamer

Carlos Colon Jr.

Eddie Kingston


Those names are above Edge on that listing. Knox and Big Daddy V are the only ones anyone's heard of. If Carlos Colon Jr is Carlito, he's got some name value as well, but certainly not more than Edge, and certainly not using Carlos Colon Jr as a name. And for that matter, why not call Edge... Edge? "WWE Hall of Famer Adam Copeland"? Fucking hell. Is that card from a press release put out by Dreamer's promotion or did some div just knock it up putting the names in random order?

Edited by King Pitcos
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You can mention that they are formerly known as such-and-such, can't you? That's not against the rules to my knowledge, but I don't think Dreamer's too keen to get in a battle with Stamford's lawyers if he's using names like Edge and Carlito.

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Tommy Dreamer is rated as a worse booker in history by all accounts. Apparently he booked OVW into such a hole, the regulars fanbase fucked and still haven't came back. And that period where they allowed him to book his own storylines in TNA was horrendous as well (ending with the ECW lot going over Styles, Kaz, Morgan and Beer Money). Awful. I imagine the only future this has is 1PW shows to get his mates a payday.


Dreamer should have done the trick everyone promotion does on the poster:


WWE Hall of Famer The artist formerly known as



Or do what All Star would do. Put a picture of Edge and Hulk Hogan from 2002 on the poster and then say "it was the only picture we could find. Hogan isn't here".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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While I'm here, here's a sad story:

I heard a sad update on former TNA star Jesse Neal. According to someone close to him, Neal has fallen on hard times and is now living out of his truck.


Apparently WWE had interest in signing Neal but may have backed off due to some physiological issues.


Regardless of the reason(s) WWE didn

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While I'm here, here's a sad story:

I heard a sad update on former TNA star Jesse Neal. According to someone close to him, Neal has fallen on hard times and is now living out of his truck.


Apparently WWE had interest in signing Neal but may have backed off due to some physiological issues.


Regardless of the reason(s) WWE didn

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While I'm here, here's a sad story:

I heard a sad update on former TNA star Jesse Neal. According to someone close to him, Neal has fallen on hard times and is now living out of his truck.


Apparently WWE had interest in signing Neal but may have backed off due to some physiological issues.


Regardless of the reason(s) WWE didn

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Its the nature of the business. Do you think WWE midcarders are living the life of luxury while paying for their own travel, food and accommodation? Unless you have a good run as an uppercard talent for a few years and have merchandise on the shelves and are worked on the road, most of the wrestlers come out of it looking for real work. Its not 1998 anymore. There's only so many opportunities to earn a living these days. I bet the likes of Kaitlyn and those NXT lot arent paying for the bill at the end of the night.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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TNA's actually worsened the situation recently by telling the talent they're not longer even allowed to work any indy events that will be televised or released on DVD or internet. So they're reducing the options for their low-card talent.


I mean, it's better than the blanket ban WWE has, but then WWE run a lot more shows and pay better.

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Its the nature of the business. Do you think WWE midcarders are living the life of luxury while paying for their own travel, food and accommodation? Unless you have a good run as an uppercard talent for a few years and have merchandise on the shelves and are worked on the road, most of the wrestlers come out of it looking for real work. Its not 1998 anymore. There's only so many opportunities to earn a living these days. I bet the likes of Kaitlyn and those NXT lot arent paying for the bill at the end of the night.


This is true. There's a reason lower-carders are called "ham-and-eggers". And Neal was released before TNA started improving and increasing their revenue streams merch-wise, I think, so he wouldn't have had much more income than his pay for his appearances.

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TNA's actually worsened the situation recently by telling the talent they're not longer even allowed to work any indy events that will be televised or released on DVD or internet. So they're reducing the options for their low-card talent.


I mean, it's better than the blanket ban WWE has, but then WWE run a lot more shows and pay better.


I've asked this on here before but I can't remember the answer... When did the WWF ban talent from working indie dates? It was during Mick Foley's tenure, but I don't know when.

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