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Sadly, I'm the only one in my family who doesn't believe in it. My mum and dad have occasionally had readings, with my sister at some time or another training to read.


So getting to the point, who here buys into it and who (like me) rolls their eyes in to the back of their head whenever it's mentioned?

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I've seen a couple having been an usher in a theatre at one stage. I think they're a load of bollocks. Still, I can see why people might want to believe them so fair play to those that do. I'm under the impression that they now legally have to put 'for entertainment purposes' on their tour posters. I will say that while I don't believe them to be true I'd image they do actually bring comfort to people so I guess that's something all in all.

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It's all bullshit, obviously. What are we, babies?


The one, I guess, original comment I can pass is this. If there are real mediums out there, as claimed whenever some idiot like Derek Acorah outs himself to all but the most hardcore of believers, then why do they all appear to use the exact same techniques? That whole thing people say when grasping at it, that "Ooh, probably only 1 out of 100 is real..." then it's a crazy coincidence that the way a real medium communicates with the dead looks exactly the same as when an exploitative, cold-reading cunt just pretends to.

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James Randi and his million dollars says it's all bollocks.


Watching uncut footage of that Crossing Over chap where he throws truck loads of mud before anything even slightly sticks, but gets edited down to make it look as though he's spookily accurate all the time, says it's all bollocks.


I wish I could do it though, as all the ones round me that do it have nice cars and houses.

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It's all bollocks in my opinion. A money spinner targeted at either the gullible or people who are grieving and wanting to believe which is ashame.


Shows like Most Haunted and pish like that make me laugh. Some of the funniest unintentional comedy I've ever seen, yet my mom and my sisters believe it and sit there in awe watching Derek Acorah and co ponce about shaking and quivering in the dark as if he's possessed. I seriously don't know how that twat keeps a straight face.


Have you noticed on these shows all it is is a bunch of people running about with the lights off shitting each other up. But NOTHING ever happens, the camera never catches fuck all and any little noise *must* be a ghost. A squirrel farts and they all screech 'OOOOOH fuck what was that?'

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Me and Mrs Small have a genuine interest in the subject, not really along the lines of wondering whether it is real or not, but more an interest in the people that practice as mediums, psychics and the suchlike. I think they can be split firmly into two camps - those that are just doing it for the cash, whether it be by cold reading or other means, and there are those that genuinely believe that they have a gift, if you want to call it that.


The second camp interests me more than the first lot - I think Derren Brown's fantastic little look at them earlier this year covers almost all the bases you need covered about cold reading. But there was a really fantastic little documentary (actually I think it might have been a mini-series - my memory's fucking awful) on BBC2 around a similar time that followed a couple of people who I thought really genuinely believed that they had something and that they were genuine in wanting to help people.


Whether they do or not is obviously a completely different subject, but I think increasingly such people are being driven out of the limelight by people just wanting to earn a fortune along the Derek Acorah lines, and I think in some ways that's a bit sad because whether they have a gift or not, those are usually the ones that aren't doing it to get rich and that people, whether they are right or wrong to search for comfort in this way, will get that comfort from.


On the subject of Acorah, we've been to see him twice at the Fairfield Halls, and it was really interesting comparing the audiences for the two. The earlier one we went to was full of people who were clearly totally into it and he was given shit-loads to work with and it was an entertaining if utterly absurd performance. The second one though was full of people who had now bought more into the taking the piss aspect of wanting to be entertained by him and mocking him and he barely got anything all night.


He almost broke down, it was fascinating. He came back out after the interval, and I swear, he actually barked at us all like we were schoolkids telling us that all the spirits that he had lined up wanting to get in touch with people were ashamed of everyone in that audience. Looking back it's as funny as fuck - but NO-ONE was laughing when he said it because there was something genuinely unnerving and unhinged about the guy. "He's a fucking nutter," as my wife put it as he was barking at us.


If you get the chance to go and see him one day, take the opportunity. It's an extraordinary spectacle watching him perform.

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They're obviously bollocks. I'm pretty sure my mother spends a lot of money on them as well since my dad died, the ones who come to the house. Twice I've been there and there's been some old gypsy-looking slag going "He's not in pain anymore... His mother was waiting for him when he passed" and the like. Still, anyone who does spend money on them A) gets some comfort out of it and B) deserves to be scammed.

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The second one though was full of people who had now bought more into the taking the piss aspect of wanting to be entertained by him and mocking him and he barely got anything all night.


He almost broke down, it was fascinating. He came back out after the interval, and I swear, he actually barked at us all like we were schoolkids telling us that all the spirits that he had lined up wanting to get in touch with people were ashamed of everyone in that audience. Looking back it's as funny as fuck - but NO-ONE was laughing when he said it because there was something genuinely unnerving and unhinged about the guy. "He's a fucking nutter," as my wife put it as he was barking at us.


Blimey, cracking post. When was this? There were a lot of reports around the time of the Most Haunted expose in the Daily Mirror that he was having near-breakdowns in his shows.

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Blimey, cracking post. When was this? There were a lot of reports around the time of the Most Haunted expose in the Daily Mirror that he was having near-breakdowns in his shows.


Yep, it was around that time and just after he had 'quit' Most Haunted.


Somebody asked him about it at the end and whether it was true that he was leaving and he basically made out that there were lots of very 'bad people' working on the show and then he made a grandstanding speech about how he would use the opportunity to better himself and that the show was restricting his talents anyway. He wouldn't answer any questions about the Mirror thing though, if I remember rightly.


It was interesting in the second half of that show actually - it looked as though people had actually been scared into being 'contacted' because of the go he had at us. In the previous show, several times he had people answer the contacts he had and he had turned them down because he didn't think they were the 'right' person. On this second show he didn't do that at all - it was really a case of him just taking anyone that would play along.


My wife kept egging me on to ask him about Kreed Kafer and Rik Eedles, but I was scared shitless by now!

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Stories please.


But if they start with "I was laying in bed" or "I just woke up" then they don't count.


No in my old house I saw my grandma a few times in the kitchen and we used to live next to a old monastery and our yard was once part of it and saw a monk walking around at a friends house I saw this old guy up stairs and it turned out it was her granddad


Plus I had few pics in the house with people on them that wasn't there when I took it.


I'll make the point I do believe the soul/ghosts are a kind of biological energy I don't think it's really spiritual in the religious sense.

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