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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Why do you doubt a season 4? I don't read the sheets just on here pretty much.

Money really. They're spending loads on it and it gets low ratings. Expensive TV shows with low ratings don't last long.

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For what it's worth I agree with Paltaper that LU isn't Lucha and I don't like it.

And Pop Punk isn't Punk, but it still has its merits.


Well actually Pop Punk is mostly shit, but my point is you shouldn't let it be ruined for you because the name doesn't fit your pre conceived ideas of what it should be

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I know I'm welcome not to like it. And it isn't Lucha Libre like the Lucha I've watched for years.

I know I'm welcome not to like it. And it isn't Lucha Libre like the Lucha I've watched for years.

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No, I've tried to explain my opinions most of the time.


Actually, generally you don't. You tend to just write a short negative comment which is why it comes across as snarky and a bit boring. 


Now, I've had a flick back through the 8 weeks or so I've been back posting here to see if I've been trolling away, and no, that is utter cobblers. Of all the posts there are (maybe) 3 containing a pop at Lucha Underground: 



Posted 26 February 2016 - 00:01 IANdrewDiceClay, on 25 Feb 2016 - 17:52, said: 

This may be tantamount to treason, but I'm not liking Lucha Underground half as much as season one. I dont know if its high standards from last year, but there seems to be a great deal missing from this season. Just not doing it for me.  



Marco Corleone wrote a sone about that sentiment: https://soundcloud.c...-world-by-marco  Sure is Lucha Underground any different to anything else new - people always lap up something that seems different and fresh, only for the TNA esque background staff of WWE cast offs ideas of what's 'entertaining' shines through? Fuck that was a horrible, unwieldy, and confusing sentence worthy of Big Daddy Melzter  




Clinton Morrison, on 25 Feb 2016 - 18:04, said:

Aesthetically it's peaked for me. I used to enjoy seeing that set every week but now I just wish they had a proper crowd there.



It's a very dark place.


Literally, or it wouldn't look so cool. Or perhaps you'd see the chants and crowd reactions don't match when Kobra Moon is MMAing it up to ohhhs and ahhs. Take your pick.


^Didn't think I was alone on Kobra Moon (ooh yeah).



Me, and me only:

The shows don't look cheap, but they don't look $400,000 good.


If Combat Zone threw a few decent filters on their footage they'd be have way to LU's visual style. Slight exaggeration there perhaps. 

^Mega stiff shot, strong style.



But if this is the one that got to you, I apologize:




Posted 20 February 2016 - 16:49

Bengala has some good meat on him these days.


^That is a statement of fact, let alone opinion!


I haven't said jack about the content of the show, where it's up to you if you like it or not, as I stopped watching it after episode 3 because it was complete bollocks.


And I've never logged on to put you in your place and say you are stupid for liking it - or boring, or snarky, yourself. Or a Joey Ryan fan either. So, I'm not sure if you have me confused with somebody else or thought it was me that pissed in your LU cornflakes this morning (it wasn't).


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They're not a promotion. They're a TV show. About a wrestling promotion. Nothing that usually fits for wrestling promotions works if you try to apply it to LU. But people can't get their heads around this.


^Well, they are kind of reinventing the wheel, so it is a bit hard to get used to in fairness. Has anybody else tried, let alone successfully, to run a canned promotion before, no house shows, only TV studio?


How many people are watching LU on El Rey these days? I know barely anyone has access to this channel. And on Unimas (is it?) in Mexico?


Rodriguez had his own band on there the other week. I don't think it's going anywhere. He seems to like it however much it costs. Bit like the Dusk Til Dawn series. They can't just show 80's horror movie marathons all the time, they need homegrown shows like these to grow it.


^About 150,000. Might be combined between 1st run and a replay straight after. It's not on Mexican TV anymore, they didn't pick it up which was a big loss. The channel looks fairly dire to be honest, a bit like TCM after you've seen Brainstorm and Ghost Ship a few times too many. So, not the best home to be on.




Rodriguez had his own band on there the other week. I don't think it's going anywhere. He seems to like it however much it costs. Bit like the Dusk Til Dawn series. They can't just show 80's horror movie marathons all the time, they need homegrown shows like these to grow it.

Chingon? Had no idea Rodriguez was in that bad. I loved their song from Kill Bill volume 2.



^I was about to cry vanity booking for Chingon, but Goddamn at least one person has heard of them and liked em!



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Its not a Ben Mitchell telling Jonathan Ross that Abby's going to fuck Phil with a strap on over the Deals On Wheels desk. Its MVP hosting a podcast where another person who works for Lucha Underground reveals that her character is actually 100 years old. On a podcast, mind you, where the only people who listen to it are hardcore who can just go and listen to Meltzer's spoiler ridden shows anyway. Catrina should be sacked as well by this logic. Where in reality, neither should have been fired. All this is is a bunch of people who used to work for WWE buying into this idea that Lucha Underground is high art, instead of the reality of it. Its a very well production pro wrestling show, featuring pro wrestlers with non-competes for wrestling shows. Its typical wrestling bullshit. It starts off well, the people buy into the hype and suddenly think they're writing Seinfeld.



^Yeah, it's complete cobblers. Like Catrina gave it away not realizing she'd be duped by evil MVP, poor thing. What happened to the equality in LU? Sexist!


At the end of the day, it's only MVP. It doesn't really matter and I doubt they'll be a season 4.



^This is one of the most important facts, got to agree - it's only f'n MVP, who cares.


For what it's worth I agree with Paltaper that LU isn't Lucha and I don't like it.



^Preach on ;) I always love you Gary...I mean Butch. You respect real men!



Why do you doubt a season 4? I don't read the sheets just on here pretty much.

Money really. They're spending loads on it and it gets low ratings. Expensive TV shows with low ratings don't last long.




^I dunno, they've got this far. If TNA can be a ghost ship for so long there's hope.


Pantera's been tucking in.





^Lovely stuff. Always like a porked up thumbs up. Plenty to tuck into there.


I know I'm welcome not to like it. And it isn't Lucha Libre like the Lucha I've watched for years.

I know I'm welcome not to like it. And it isn't Lucha Libre like the Lucha I've watched for years.


^Ah, but you see, it seems like you're not allowed to not like it. Especially if you followed the Jim Cornette thing. Or had a look on Twitter. It has a very cult like following.


I think I don't get Lucha Underground most of all because it's not for my demographic, I am out of touch... It's for 59 year olds, at least according to the ratings stats of their average viewership age. *BOOM* as excommunicated Konnan might say after (possibly) getting the chop for saying the inter gender was stupid.




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