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big mickey

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Oh my life! These people, kids, teenagers, adults are burning down buildings, people's place of work, people's homes, they are seriously putting people's lives at risk! Last night I was concerned about heavy handedness, today it's time to kick some arse! I don't give a fuck if you 10 years old or 30 years old. If you're on the streets tonight robbing, burning, stabbing, whatever your contribution to the trouble that you shouldn't be doing I want you stopped. I want the Prime Minister on the TV this afternoon making it 100% clear that this will not be tolerated tonight or any other night and anyone who goes forward with plans of anymore riots will be putting their own safety at risk the the Police have been authorised to use the necessary force to clear the streets.


Tomorrow when Mrs Thing is bitching that her little boy got hurt by police in the riots someone ask her what the hell he was doing out in the first place then have her in court right next to him.


Enough is fucking enough, stop making excuses for your shit lives and start doing something about it. No one owes you shit, it's not my fault I have a job and you don't, it's not my fault my parents gave a fuck and yours were happy for you to raom the streets. Take responsibility for yourselves!


Am I being too harsh?


Well said.

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The thing that gets me is that, if all of you are right and it is so easy for these kids to get jobs, to have prospects, life-chances etc, then why the fuck would they start burning down their own communities? Then we just come back to there being no earthly reason whatsover. And that does not explain why these riots started and continue in the more deprived areas of London (or Birmingham, Liverpool and Nottingham).

No one says it's easy, nothing worth anything is easy, that's not the point. The point is they need to get off their arse and make the fucking effort. The cost of transport is no excuse, it's a problem most of us face and as Mike pointed out to you in some parts of the country you have limited public transport limiting your options, but you still have to pay for that transport.

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So, from your advantaged position high up in that ivory tower, Whiskey, what should be government be doing TODAY to put an end to the rioting if it flares up again tonight?


And I won't accept cooking an industrial tagine as an answer.

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The thing that gets me is that, if you're right and it's all down to deprivation and lack of jobs, prospects, life-chances etc then why the fuck isn't every single person from these communities out on the pillage?


Because, like I have explained twenty fucking times, it is down to MORE CHANCE of being involved in crime, not a fucking certainty! Why do you think the middle class kids from the leafy suburbs aren't out there? It's just beyond me that you could have no comprehension of this.

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Because, like I have explained twenty fucking times, it is down to MORE CHANCE of being involved in crime, not a fucking certainty! Why do you think the middle class kids from the leafy suburbs aren't out there? It's just beyond me that you could have no comprehension of this.


You have no proof of that statement.

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At this point, as long as they don't go in with shotguns, I don't think the police would face much of a backlash for cracking a few skulls anyway?

The police have every right to use reasonable force to arrest anyone they find breaking the law. I doubt anyone would have problems with that.


The issues that people usually have with the police is that when they do go in heavy-handed it's not the criminal making his way out of Curries with a telly, or one with a petrol bomb that gets clobbered and hauled away, it's the guy running in the subway station or the guy trying to negotiate his way home from work.


They get picked up on those actions, and rightfully so, but if people are breaking the law they have to deal with it.


That doesn't invalidate the fact that various Governments have chosen to ignore the problems that certain sections of society face, and that bringing in an austerity program like they have will undoubtedly result in more of the same.


I posted a video of Government figures being interviewed last year about the riots in Greece, and to a man they said "that won't happen here. The British won't go down that road".


Guess they were wrong...

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So, from your advantaged position high up in that ivory tower, Whiskey, what should be government be doing TODAY to put an end to the rioting if it flares up again tonight?


And I won't accept cooking an industrial tagine as an answer.


I've said before. More police presence until the areas saturated with police, perhaps consider the use of water canons (to help with the fires as well). Surround and close off areas of trouble (high streets etc) so that they're confined to their own streets and where there is nothing to loot.

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The thing that gets me is that, if you're right and it's all down to deprivation and lack of jobs, prospects, life-chances etc then why the fuck isn't every single person from these communities out on the pillage?


Because not all people are likely to commit acts of criminality because of disenfranchisement. This is the dividing line here, and the thing that the populist drivel being spouted online is ignoring, that their exists a grey area. It's not as simple as it's all about people being poor, or them all being thugs; it's a cross of the two. And, in response to that, people should be willing to look at the underlying societal variables in due course, but at the same time people should be wishing for a robust police response to protect those people that aren't predisposed to violence...

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Because, like I have explained twenty fucking times, it is down to MORE CHANCE of being involved in crime, not a fucking certainty! Why do you think the middle class kids from the leafy suburbs aren't out there? It's just beyond me that you could have no comprehension of this.

Why do you think not everyone from the deprived areas of London is out there? What separates the looters from the other people in those communities?

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I've said before. More police presence until the areas saturated with police, perhaps consider the use of water canons (to help with the fires as well). Surround and close off areas of trouble (high streets etc) so that they're confined to their own streets and where there is nothing to loot.

Sounds about right to me.

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The police have every right to use reasonable force to arrest anyone they find breaking the law. I doubt anyone would have problems with that.


The issues that people usually have with the police is that when they do go in heavy-handed it's not the criminal making his way out of Curries with a telly, or one with a petrol bomb that gets clobbered and hauled away, it's the guy running in the subway station or the guy trying to negotiate his way home from work.


They get picked up on those actions, and rightfully so, but if people are breaking the law they have to deal with it.


That doesn't invalidate the fact that various Governments have chosen to ignore the problems that certain sections of society face, and that bringing in an austerity program like they have will undoubtedly result in more of the same.


I posted a video of Government figures being interviewed last year about the riots in Greece, and to a man they said "that won't happen here. The British won't go down that road".


Guess they were wrong...


The action has to be relative to the crime as well. You should only be using excessive force if excessive force is being used against you or if you feel your life is in danger. You can't just start picking off looters.

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Well judging by those comments you couldn't give a fuck about these people. So why should they give a fuck that you want them to stop?

Now you really are making yourself look silly. Do I care that someone down in London is struggling to make ends meet? Yes I do care, I hope things in this country can start to improve. But am I some how responsible for them? am I to blame? No I'm not, but I have a great deal of respect for the lady who's scrubbing toilets to try and put some food on the table, not so much for the one who's sat watching Jezza Kezza waiting to pick up her benifits, not unless she's flicking through the job section at the same time.

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