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Who will be the next top face/megastar in WWE?


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It's got to be CM Punk. He's the first guy to be properly and seriously established in the main event since Cena and Batista. They seem to be properly behind him this time, and he's been holding up his side of things by having great matches and cutting money promos.


As to whether he'll be a megastar or not, hard to tell. But he's very naturalistic, and I wouldn't bet against him holding his own against the likes of The Rock on the mike.

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CM Punk is already pretty established, but so is my pick, the Miz.


He's currently fell back a bit since his title run, but I'm sure he'll be champ again. how he's improved over the years is incredible, and if he gets any better I can't see him anywhere other than at the top. I know he's a heel now, but think he's becoming likeable and will be a top face in a year or so.


I don't know many of the rookies, so couldn't even really have a guess as to who might make it big.

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Punk hasn't really been established that long as a main eventer - it's only last week that he was really, properly elevated. Before then, he was an upper midcarder leading factions of jobbers, and his championship runs were never really booked to make him look much of a threat or a solid champion.

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I think Punk is on that top tier at this very moment, but whether they want him to stay there, and whether he'd be a straight-up face or something more nuanced are still to be seen.


As for someone from lower down the card, who knows? These things are difficult to predict; Rock was hated at one time, Cena apparently close to being released before the rapper gimmick, Austin moved around promotions and got stuck as the Ringmaster for a while. I think Sheamus has great potential if they want to go that way with him though.

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The Miz is going to be the next man in my opinion. That "Really" thing is going to catch on even bigger than it is now. Its the new "WHAT?". When they do turn him (and it has to happen), your going to hear that shit everywhere.


Why is there a section of people who wont give Miz credit (Cena-esque hate as well)? Is it only me who thinks the Miz is really, really likable? Everytime I see him on something like Blue Peter or Lopez Tonight or something, he comes across as a really cool and nice guy. He's supposedly got a mental worth ethic as well, which can only be a good thing.

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The Miz is going to be the next man in my opinion. That "Really" thing is going to catch on even bigger than it is now. Its the new "WHAT?". When they do turn him (and it has to happen), your going to hear that shit everywhere.


Why is there a section of people who wont give Miz credit (Cena-esque hate as well)? Is it only me who thinks the Miz is really, really likable? Everytime I see him on something like Blue Peter or Lopez Tonight or something, he comes across as a really cool and nice guy. He's supposedly got a mental worth ethic as well, which can only be a good thing.


Yeah i think The Miz is likeable too. Look at him greeting paparazzi outside a restaurant with Jericho. The thing with Miz is he seems natural but when i see Cena do something to paraphrase the rock 'its phoney'. So i can viably see Miz being a star. Really will catch on big time i'm sure.

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If you look at who was pushed since Hogan and take it from there it seems to follow a pattern!



Ultimate Warrior (Despite it going back to Hogan)

Bret Hart

Shawn Michaels

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

The Rock

Brock Lesnar

John Cena


So based on this pattern i would say CM Punk or maybe with the SD MITB supposed to be cashed in at Wrestlemania 28, maybe they are gonna do the whole "Boyhood Dream" scenario with Daniel Bryan!

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The Miz is going to be the next man in my opinion. That "Really" thing is going to catch on even bigger than it is now. Its the new "WHAT?". When they do turn him (and it has to happen), your going to hear that shit everywhere.


Why is there a section of people who wont give Miz credit (Cena-esque hate as well)? Is it only me who thinks the Miz is really, really likable? Everytime I see him on something like Blue Peter or Lopez Tonight or something, he comes across as a really cool and nice guy. He's supposedly got a mental worth ethic as well, which can only be a good thing.

He has the eyes of a wee lad. The Miz is the new Chris Jericho (not a bad thing).


Anyway the answer is clearly Punk. It's been years since they've had anybody with this kind of momentum. He carries himself as well as Vince McMahon, completely as ease with himself and as such comes across natural and a bigger star as a result.

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But are the WWE looking for a replacement for Cena do you think? It seems to be the only thing stopping them turning Cena heel is the fact they have no one to replace him as top face.


Hogan was pushed until the drug scandal saw him take a back seat. Hart was just in the right place at the right time, despite being one of the best technical wrestlers in the company. Still he rose to the occasion and became the top face. However the WWE did try to push several stars during that period in the hope of finding the next "Hogan". Diesel was pushed in 95,Shawn in 96 but the title kept coming back to Hart. It wasn't until 97 that they found a proper potential replacement with Austin, who finally became top face in early 98. So if anything they could push Punk and Miz, with the option of going back to Cena if things fail.



I really didn't see the Rock going to the top, his early IC run was very boring. Even when joining the Nation in late 97, a rise to to the top didn't seem likely. The Rock was lucky in that Austin got injured and he took his place. Perhaps if Cena got injured (I don't wish that on him!) someone would rise to the occassion and become the next big thing.


But yes in general these things are hard to predict. I was watching a heel vs heel match with Austin and Triple H at a 1996 IYH event. The crowd reaction was dire for both wrestlers but Jim Ross said both guys would be future main eventers in his opinion. Maybe we should ask JR?

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He has the eyes of a wee lad. The Miz is the new Chris Jericho (not a bad thing).


Anyway the answer is clearly Punk. It's been years since they've had anybody with this kind of momentum. He carries himself as well as Vince McMahon, completely as ease with himself and as such comes across natural and a bigger star as a result.


I'm with you on both points. I've nothing against The Miz, he was one of the most enjoyable acts on RAW for most of last year. But I think he looked (and looks) out of place in the main event scene. He's a definite asset in the upper-midcard and a safe hand for promotional appearances, but he's never a megastar in a million years.


Punk is coming close to the sort of universal babyface reactions that haven't really been heard since the start of Batista's main event run. Punk has a lot more about him than Big Dave in terms of in-ring and mic work though, so now they've finally bit the bullet and put him strongly over one of the established main eventers, I think he'll be the biggest star they've made in quite some time.

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Agreed on the point about the 'Really?' gig. Kids are saying it at bus stops to each other, for the love of pox.

Hard to believe the simple questions like 'What?' and 'Really?' have become mainstays in grap culture, that trancsends in part to sections of pop-culture.

On topic, yeah, I'd be behind the Miz 100%. My 9 year old son is a fuckin huge fan of the Miz and Punk for the last 2 years and it's great to see him cheer someone with a bit of bollox about them. It does be a riot taking him to wrestling shows, coz it's like watching meself as a wee lad, sniffle weep...

I'd genuinely put money on Orton being the next crossover star though. He's just a majestic looking chap.

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Unless WWE drop the ball, Punk is going to be massive. It is obvious he has resigned with the WWE. Punk has broken out all on his own thanks to the magnificent Promo's of recent weeks. He has also given Cena his best ever match. Punk has a chance now of being massive.

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WWE seem to be in a good babyface position now finally. CM Punk (if he is coming back full time at some point which hopefully he will) could be fucking HUGE. The Miz is on the verge of being a babyface and I love the guy, he could be the next Chris Jericho. Randy Orton has finally learned how to be a proper main event babyface. Shaemus could quite easily be a ass kicking babyface main eventer. Hopefully John Morrison on his injury break has stepped back and tried to work out what he needs to do promo and charisma wise to be a main eventer because in the ring he has the goods, but needs that personality spark. And we've got Daniel Bryan as a solid midcard babyface and Alex Riley/Sin Cara/Kofi Kingston bringing up the rear. I'm feeling positive about the future of wrestling.

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