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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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I can't wait untill Monday to find out how this all turns out. This has to be the straw that breaks the cammels back for Rodd. Just look at the amount of pissed off people there are on the 1PW facebook page?

Thats not even all of them as he has banned numerous people from the wall inc me just cause we asked about refunds and/or vented our frustration's

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I can still view One Pro Wrestling (Professional Sports Team) on Facebook just incase the forum requires any updates?

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I don't know if any of you chaps (assuming your all blokes) have checked out the facebook group for the 1PW Academy?




Desmond Wolfe was meant to conduct a training seminar, though shock! Horror!... Gues what? It got cancelled.


Here's what the charlatan said:


"Due to a burst water mains. we will not be able to do the Desmond Wolfe Training Seminar this weekend. the issue may be fixed by Friday but there is zero guarantee for this and i do not want people turning up, only to be turned away on Saturday if its still not fixed. sorry guys :("


Unless this is all some sort of game to Rodd, I'd say he was WAY out of his depth. He's either a conman or a complete imbecile.

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I don't know if any of you chaps (assuming your all blokes) have checked out the facebook group for the 1PW Academy?




Desmond Wolfe was meant to conduct a training seminar, though shock! Horror!... Gues what? It got cancelled.


Here's what the charlatan said:


"Due to a burst water mains. we will not be able to do the Desmond Wolfe Training Seminar this weekend. the issue may be fixed by Friday but there is zero guarantee for this and i do not want people turning up, only to be turned away on Saturday if its still not fixed. sorry guys :("


Unless this is all some sort of game to Rodd, I'd say he was WAY out of his depth. He's either a conman or a complete imbecile.

i would say both

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I can still view One Pro Wrestling (Professional Sports Team) on Facebook just incase the forum requires any updates?

I think we can all view the Facebook page for 1PW, they just block folks who are unhappy from posting new wall posts and comments.

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There's a 1PW representative in the chat room at www.DropkickRadio.com now if anyone has questions for them.


The guy aint for talking. If hes got a set, then he'd be on here telling me how to get MY money back. Sitting on a chatroom with 100s of wee boys talking about tonights ppv is cowardly.

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You can change your name to "Captain Small Dick" in chatrooms. Are you sure he's not just winding you lot up?


No it's defo him, we were talking to him via email and had a quick announcement off him to read out. He's on his phone though and unable to write in the chat for some reason:


Statement was as follows:



the original contract we had with Shawn is now invalid. over the last week, we have agreed new terms, (hence i notified the dome on tues that i might cancel the shows unless a new deal was drawn up but i will let them know next week) as of Thursday evening we had a agreed a new deal, and the shows are still going ahead, as planned.


as i said on our facebook, if it doesn't come from 1PW or Shawn, then take anything you hear with a pinch of salt, as this is where silly rumours start, 1 fan hears a rumour from a news site, or another fan, or even a UK Worker, they then pass it on, add there own slight twist and so on, and so on, a horrible game of Chinese whispers has started, and its come from gossip from people who have no idea about the situation.


the issues, i spoke about when i was last on, or at least touched upon, have been resolved. we have issued a lot of refunds, which has hit us quite hard. i understand people will worry, and i do sympathise with them. as i said on your podcast wait till the end of the month before buying tickets, and if your in your 60 day paypal thing, and can wait until then, please also do. as if we keep issuing all these refunds which we have done so far, its going to take it to the point where its not financially worth us, and Shawns team doing these dates together.


im unsure what else has been said now as i have stopped reading the usual forums. but if there is anything you want to touch base on, by all means ask away.






Hopefully something will come from talks with HBK's team tonight that Danny is having. I'm expected it to be canned, but for those who have paid, I really hope it goes through and if it does, I suggest everyone wanting to go who has not already paid waits until the day and buys on the door of whatever venue it ends up being in.

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No it's defo him, we were talking to him via email and had a quick announcement off him to read out. He's on his phone though and unable to write in the chat for some reason:


Statement was as follows:



the original contract we had with Shawn is now invalid. over the last week, we have agreed new terms, (hence i notified the dome on tues that i might cancel the shows unless a new deal was drawn up but i will let them know next week) as of Thursday evening we had a agreed a new deal, and the shows are still going ahead, as planned.


as i said on our facebook, if it doesn't come from 1PW or Shawn, then take anything you hear with a pinch of salt, as this is where silly rumours start, 1 fan hears a rumour from a news site, or another fan, or even a UK Worker, they then pass it on, add there own slight twist and so on, and so on, a horrible game of Chinese whispers has started, and its come from gossip from people who have no idea about the situation.


the issues, i spoke about when i was last on, or at least touched upon, have been resolved. we have issued a lot of refunds, which has hit us quite hard. i understand people will worry, and i do sympathise with them. as i said on your podcast wait till the end of the month before buying tickets, and if your in your 60 day paypal thing, and can wait until then, please also do. as if we keep issuing all these refunds which we have done so far, its going to take it to the point where its not financially worth us, and Shawns team doing these dates together.

im unsure what else has been said now as i have stopped reading the usual forums. but if there is anything you want to touch base on, by all means ask away.






Hopefully something will come from talks with HBK's team tonight that Danny is having. I'm expected it to be canned, but for those who have paid, I really hope it goes through and if it does, I suggest everyone wanting to go who has not already paid waits until the day and buys on the door of whatever venue it ends up being in.




So Danny doesn't have the money to pay for Shawn and is relieing on ticket sales to fund this? That is seriously bad business sense.

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So Danny doesn't have the money to pay for Shawn and is relieing on ticket sales to fund this? That is seriously bad business sense.


I assume he means it wouldn't be profitable rather than what you say, but what you say wouldn't surprise me to be honest.

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So I go to bed in order to be alert for tonight's ppv and this is what I wake up to? Bankrolling Michaels trip to the UK on ticket sales? Sales from what? My money from May's dates? I dont trust them enough to believe them at the moment, thats as much their fault as it is the people on the forums. Refund Now!

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