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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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Ok, I've had a few and I tend to rant when I'm in this state so I'll try to be as diplomatic as possible.....


Fuck it. I can understand 1PW saying that if they have many more refund requests then the likelihood is the show will not go ahead. I'm sorry but in my book that's blackmail. That's them saying "Don't ask for your money back or you won't get to see a bit of sweet chin music!" Fuck you Rodd. I can understand that they will lose buks on seats from people who have invested their hard earned cash only to want it back whilst 1PW foot the further cost of paypal refunds putting them further out of pocket but if they hadn't covered their last few 'announcements' in a blanket of silence and alienated what new and old fans they had left then they wouldn't be staring a half empty Doncaster Dome in the face! It's all their own doing. If the show gets cancelled now they can blame the fans who RIGHTFULLY claimed their monies back once the shit hit the fan! Also, they issued a 'statement' saying they had contacted the dome to say "they MAY have to cancel the shows" - WTF!?! That fills everyone with confidence! No wonder the Dome want to fuck them off. With Curtis (the only one of 1PW management I ever trusted), Lynskey, Maurice (whoever the fuck he was!), Matt Barnes (?) and established roster regulars such as Burridge and Ruffneck jumping ship leaving the saint that is Danny Rodd in sole command of the stricken vessel I can only see this story going one way. Hopefully to the grave where 1PW should have stayed 19 times previously!

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i think them saying they've issued lots of refunds is bollocks I've yet to hear of anyone receiving 1 and i know a few people inc myself that have asked numerous times also why would they issue refunds if it was on as they stated that refunds would only be issued if the advertised talent wasn't going to appear. People our still after money owed from may's fiasco Oct is never gunna happen so 1pw need to just admit it and refund everyone NOW

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the original contract we had with Shawn is now invalid. over the last week, we have agreed new terms, (hence i notified the dome on tues that i might cancel the shows unless a new deal was drawn up but i will let them know next week) as of Thursday evening we had a agreed a new deal, and the shows are still going ahead, as planned.

Ace, hope it happens for the fans that have fack all chance of a refund plus maybe he'll give you sweet chin music a couple of times, one time for each chin.


as i said on our facebook, if it doesn't come from 1PW or Shawn, then take anything you hear with a pinch of salt, as this is where silly rumours start, 1 fan hears a rumour from a news site, or another fan, or even a UK Worker, they then pass it on, add there own slight twist and so on, and so on, a horrible game of Chinese whispers has started, and its come from gossip from people who have no idea about the situation.

Actually I'll take anything from 1PW with a pinch of salt as well, nay a fleet of council gritters full of salt. Is you 'quietly booking' Ho Ho Lun and passing him off as big import also a Chinese 'whisper'. Anyway the news was HBK wasn't gonna make it from the first to last mouth, so not much of a chinese whisper eh.


the issues, i spoke about when i was last on, or at least touched upon, have been resolved. we have issued a lot of refunds, which has hit us quite hard. i understand people will worry, and i do sympathise with them. as i said on your podcast wait till the end of the month before buying tickets, and if your in your 60 day paypal thing, and can wait until then, please also do. as if we keep issuing all these refunds which we have done so far, its going to take it to the point where its not financially worth us, and Shawns team doing these dates together.

I call bullshit on the refunds, never heard of such a thing from anyone as yet. And I love the excuse for failure already being set up here, if it falls through it'll be 'The fans listened to shit and had no faith and got refunds which ruined the deal, The fans screwed the fans' whilst Rodds strolls off with a big 'meh' and in his head a clear conscience about it.


im unsure what else has been said now as i have stopped reading the usual forums. but if there is anything you want to touch base on, by all means ask away.

Bullshit, unless your fragile ego has tapped out you'll be reading this right now to see how your shitment went down. I have a question for you, how do you sleep at night knowing you are stressing so many people out every time you run a show.

And people put a

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Hopefully something will come from talks with HBK's team tonight that Danny is having. I'm expected it to be canned, but for those who have paid, I really hope it goes through and if it does, I suggest everyone wanting to go who has not already paid waits until the day and buys on the door of whatever venue it ends up being in.

I'm confused. I thought he confirmed a new deal was reached and it's going ahead? "the original contract we had with Shawn is now invalid. over the last week, we have agreed new terms, (hence i notified the dome on tues that i might cancel the shows unless a new deal was drawn up but i will let them know next week) as of Thursday evening we had a agreed a new deal, and the shows are still going ahead, as planned."


So Danny doesn't have the money to pay for Shawn and is relieing on ticket sales to fund this? That is seriously bad business sense.

Now I don't want to defend them, especially since that is more than likely the case, but he quite clearly didn't say that. He said if they keep issueing refunds then it won't be profitable. 2 very different things. Of course I'm nto sure why 1PW would be issuing refunds though, because I wouldn't have thought anyone was entitled to one if Shawn is still coming?

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Now I don't want to defend them, especially since that is more than likely the case, but he quite clearly didn't say that. He said if they keep issueing refunds then it won't be profitable. 2 very different things. Of course I'm nto sure why 1PW would be issuing refunds though, because I wouldn't have thought anyone was entitled to one if Shawn is still coming?

Why would issuing refunds affect the profitability of the Shawn Michaels tour? Surely the tickets freed up could then be re-sold? Or am I missing something?


I'm not counting PayPal fees and suchlike as that's a business expense and should come out of any contingency fund.

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Why would issuing refunds affect the profitability of the Shawn Michaels tour? Surely the tickets freed up could then be re-sold? Or am I missing something?


I'm not counting PayPal fees and suchlike as that's a business expense and should come out of any contingency fund.


He seems to be making a habit of spending people's refunds from previous months in order to get talent in for up and coming shows. That's why I've had enough and want money back from the Michaels show and the 'Last Stand' show. Got to remember that the guy was in Australia when the shit hit the fan during the Hall/Nash/Pac/Richards/Cabana debacle in May...make noo bones about it, he will do the same when it get to Mid September and Michaels hasnt booked a flight to the UK yet.

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I'm confused. I thought he confirmed a new deal was reached and it's going ahead? "the original contract we had with Shawn is now invalid. over the last week, we have agreed new terms, (hence i notified the dome on tues that i might cancel the shows unless a new deal was drawn up but i will let them know next week) as of Thursday evening we had a agreed a new deal, and the shows are still going ahead, as planned."



I believe he was speaking with them to iron out the final parts of the deal, with the new one currently being agreed in principle.

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He also didn't comment on the fact that The Doncaster Dome themselves seem to be under the impression that the show is off, have cancelled it, are telling customers so, are not selling any more tickets and are refunding the tickets they have already sold....

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He also didn't comment on the fact that The Doncaster Dome themselves seem to be under the impression that the show is off, have cancelled it, are telling customers so, are not selling any more tickets and are refunding the tickets they have already sold....


yep hes a grade A cunt its looks like hes trying work it that its are foult its canceled when he finaly decides to grow a set and admit its canciled I garantee thats were this bullshit with "it not happening if theres to many refunds " this guy puts gountlay to shame motherfucker !!

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yep hes a grade A cunt its looks like hes try work it that its are foult its canceled when he finnlu decides to grow a set and admit its canciled i garantee thats were this bullshit with "it not happening if theres to many refunds " this guy puts gountlay to shame motherfucker !!


Are you the police officer from Allo Allo?


"Good Moaning"

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So is Shawn coming or not? Is it on or not?


Seems shawn and 1pw are saying yes for the moment, will the fall out from this and 1pw's other financial issues mean it's quite possible it could fuck up between now and then? Yes, but it's not confirmed yet.

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