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Destination X Division


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Ok basically, I see that TNA are doing Destination X as an all X division PPV but theyve put joe against Kaz rather than in the daniels and styles match so i thought to do some fantasy booking of how we would do it differently. You can use all talents that have been in TNA in the past with the exception of any currently hired by WWE.


AJ styles vs Daniels vs Samoa Joe


Hardy Boyz Vs LAX - Full Metal Mayhem


Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam - No dq


Motor city Machine Guns vs Generation Me vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Kaz vs Sabu vs Douglas Williams vs Gregory Helms - Ladder Match


Ultimate X match - Petey Williams vs Jay Lethal vs Pope vs Senshi vs Austin Aries vs PUMA


Steel Asylum - Robbie E vs Amazing Red vs Shannon Moore vs Sonjay Dutt vs Suicide vs Kenny Omega vs Davey Richards vs Colt Cabana vs Jushin Liger


Battle Royal


dark matches for bonus dvd or xplosion - Briscoe brothers vs Worlds greatest tag team


6 man dragon gate showcase


Sean Waltman vs Desmond Wolfe


Kaz vs Sabu vs Douglas Williams vs Gregory Helms - Ladder Match


What an odd match to book...


dark matches for bonus dvd or xplosion - Briscoe brothers vs Worlds greatest tag team


This should never be a dark match


Other than that your PPV is very gimmick heavy. Also you booked Robbie E so im not watching :laugh:

Kaz vs Sabu vs Douglas Williams vs Gregory Helms - Ladder Match


What an odd match to book...


dark matches for bonus dvd or xplosion - Briscoe brothers vs Worlds greatest tag team


This should never be a dark match


Other than that your PPV is very gimmick heavy. Also you booked Robbie E so im not watching :laugh:


I just saw the Kaz vs Christian Cage ladder match and Kaz really works well with the ladder. and im not easily entertained by Kaz if im honest.


I'm intrigued by this PPV. But I'm also hoping that they use it to rejuvenate the X Division. I've been utterley bored of the X-Div-ers for a while, but enjoyed the last few Triple Threat qualification matches on Impact.


The indys have a lot of x div style guys, so I hope they will use this to bring in various guys on a series of one off deals. That way you can have a incredibly varied and competitive X division. I mean it's not like WWE are going to poach them all is it?


Good luck TNA! I actually feel you might pull off this "all X devision" ppv.

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Sean Waltman vs Desmond Wolfe

Heb C cure on a pole match

At least you haven't got the worry of infection. Just put them on last and then burn the canvas afterwards.

  • Paid Members

Not a full card, just matches I really want to see.


Hardy Boyz vs. Motor City Machine Guns


Should be pretty obvious why I'd book this. Outside of a squash of Generation Me, it's the most natural match the Hardyz can have in TNA. I reckon it'd be pretty spectacular too. It'd have to be a three-match series, though: Full Metal Mayhem, Ultimate X, and then a rubber match of perhaps a fusion of the two: an XTC Ladder match?


Ric Flair vs. Sabu

Tables match


Complete and utter car-crash. God, it'd be fucking glorious.

Ric Flair vs. Sabu

Tables match


Complete and utter car-crash. God, it'd be fucking glorious.


YES! Just yes!

  • Paid Members
a rubber match of perhaps a fusion of the two: an XTC Ladder match?

It's TNA. The rubber match would be a straight match


The thing that concerns me about this event is since they've renamed the title, what the fuck is going on with that?

a rubber match of perhaps a fusion of the two: an XTC Ladder match?

It's TNA. The rubber match would be a straight match


The thing that concerns me about this event is since they've renamed the title, what the fuck is going on with that?


They haven't renamed the title, Abyss is just calling it the eXtreme title, which is what the 'X' stands for anyway.

  • Paid Members
Ric Flair vs. Sabu

Tables match


Complete and utter car-crash. God, it'd be fucking glorious.


YES! Just yes!


This has been an odd dream match of mine since I feuded them on WCW vs The World, more than a decade ago.

  • Paid Members
This has been an odd dream match of mine since I feuded them on WCW vs The World, more than a decade ago.


That game was the bollocks. Wu Fang vs Kapuna, The Turk vs LETHAL and Abispa vs Habanero were always my top matches. Oh, and Black Ninja vs anyone.


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