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Question of The Day: Would Hogan have drawn money if.....

Ez Money

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Question of The Day: Would Hogan of drawn money if he hadn't of had the supporting cast back in the 80's of Savage, Piper, Warrior etc.


I personally think he would of but I heard a radio show co-host (Kevin Castle) say the opposite.



  • Paid Members

It's worth nothing he drew big money in the AWA aswell with Nick Bockwinkle, although he was also a tremendous talent, but it does at least show he could draw with different bookers etc, just Vince took it too a whole new level as he was a far superior promoter to Gagne.


If he hadn't have had Savage, Piper, DiBiase etc, he'd have had Flair, Slaughter, Nikita Koloff and other wrestlers that Vince would have brought in. It's not like there was a shortage of talent at the time.

  • Paid Members

It depends how you mean. He could draw money with other people too, if it hadn't been those guys it could have been others, there was plenty of talent about at the time. On the flip side they couldn't have done it without him, in my opinion.


Having said all that, Hogan couldn't have done it without a good supporting cast. I don't believe you could have achieved the same result if he'd had some of todays cookie cutter stars instead of the solid characters he did.

  • Paid Members

Nobody would draw anything without the other person. You cant draw money on your own, otherwise you'd only need about 3 wrestlers on the roster. But if you want to switch the question around, would Warrior, Savage or Piper have draw money in the 80s and 90s with anyone other than Hogan? I doubt Piper or Warrior would have, because by all accounts McMahon didnt even think Piper was worth putting on the active roster as a singles wrestler when he signed him, because he was so small. And Warrior didnt have the depth of a Savage or a Hogan, and it showed eventually. All three as so tied to Hogan, you cant imagine their career without him in it. You only have to look at the business Hogan did with different opponents compared to the rest. The business he did with Piper, Orndorff, Andre, Savage which went around the country in arenas and occassionally stadiums was pretty ridiculous looking at it from todays standards. Thats how the formular works. You feed a cast of characters to your number one babyface, and he has longevity. Thats why WWE is probably suffering now. You have Cena wrestling a bunch of different people you've either seen a million times or nobody thinks stands a chance against him.

  • Paid Members

Please change the title of the thread. I have no input I wish to make but such a horrible spelling mistake is haunting my browsing of the forums.

Please change the title of the thread. I have no input I wish to make but such a horrible spelling mistake is haunting my browsing of the forums.


Spelling AND grammar.

Would Hogan of Drew Money If.....



Hogan got the crayolas out and a pad and drawing dollar signs all day long brother!

  • Paid Members

Hogan's criteria for creating a match which made Hulkamaniacs lose their tiny minds didn't matter whether he was wrestling Piper, Savage or some immobile wreck or complete nobody. Personally I believe the crowds that came to see Hogan depended mostly on how they felt about Hogan rather than who he was wrestling. He sold out plenty of shows opposite utter dross in the mid-late 80s as well as those super talents.


Conversely, the Hogan/Flair series of house show matches in late '91 and early '92 reportedly did quite poorly, and you don't see anyone arguing Flair's talent or ability to draw. I'm guessing by that point people were bored of Hogan on top - also visible by the smattering of cheers for Undertaker's win at Survivors and Miami going mental for Sid at the Rumble. Back in the 80s Hogan vs Des from Neighbours would have had more people watching on telly than the average episode of SmackDown today.


Question is though, can Draw Mcintyre drew money if they gave him the ball?


We would of known if they'd gone ahead with the (rumoured) planned MITB victory for Draw at 'Mania last year, but would a forgettable McIntyre reign of been any worse than the one Swagger ended up ofing. I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out, and had McIntyre won MITB, we never would of had the Swagger/Orton match at Extreme Rules, which I'm actually quite partial to.

  • Paid Members

Plenty of people paid to come see him wrestle John Studd, Ken Patera, Nikolai Volkoff, Hammer Valentine and Dino Bravo (off the top of my head) among others who were either gash, dull as fuck or nowhere near his level on the "superstar" scale.


Admittedly there was no-one actually on his level aside from Andre at the time, but in terms of perception at least Piper and later Savage came close. Well, IMHO of course.


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