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Egg Shen

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Man, I wish every thread would naturally segue into a "Hacksaw Jim Duggan sucks" thread. I also like how Ebb bookended the discussion, like this was his plan all along. Bring up brutal Banzai drops, people will remember that Duggan was famously Banzai dropped, then a few more short steps and it's a Duggan sucks thread. Nice.


I do agree that a lot of it is down to the braindead U.S. patriot schtick not landing so well with European viewers, but I distinctly remember thinking he was completely lame even as a child. Definitely one of the first wrestlers I found embarrassing to watch, long before I was remotely self-conscious about being into wrestling. His particular brand of hulking up with the stomping around the ring and the puffing out his cheeks and the god awful offense... ugh. Even in the games you wouldn't play as him because they had no way of making his finisher look good and his regular offense was, well, nothing. Also I've never been a big fan of a face beating people up with weapons for no particular reason other than that he liked to carry a piece of wood (two bah four) about with him.


Also I remember reading a WCW magazine in the late 90s advertising that bruise cruise thing you could do where you went on a cruise with WCW talent and one of the guys advertised was Duggan. I'd actually rather not run into late 90s Duggan on my holiday and would ask my travel agent how to avoid it if I somehow thought it was a possibility.


Lastly, I like that the fast-forward button is known as the Duggan button at Realinmemphis, and that the verb "to Duggan" has been fully conjugated there.

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to me most of his bonzai drops look safe and im sure in the Billy Gunn shoot he says yoko is one of the safest workers he has been with and says most of the big samoans are safe to work with

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Man, I wish every thread would naturally segue into a "Hacksaw Jim Duggan sucks" thread. I also like how Ebb bookended the discussion, like this was his plan all along. Bring up brutal Banzai drops, people will remember that Duggan was famously Banzai dropped, then a few more short steps and it's a Duggan sucks thread. Nice.


I think Ebb's comment wasn't meant in that way. We always claim that Duggan must actually stink of something rotten. It's a long running thing. Terry Funk is top of the list though.

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Oh right, in that case, which wrestlers would probably smell terrible is a pretty good topic. I got headlocked by a super-sweaty Jim Neidhart at a Hammerlock show once. It was unpleasant.

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