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Bellenda Carlisle

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Bloody hell, she looks like something out of Star Trek/Wars/whatever.


Just for the record, that is Kanemura, ex W*NG, FMW, Apache Army & BJW and sexual harraser as well as part of the most awesome faction of all time, Team No Respect! Kanemaru wrestles in NOAH.

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Just for the record, that is Kanemura, ex W*NG, FMW, Apache Army & BJW and sexual harraser as well as part of the most awesome faction of all time, Team No Respect! Kanemaru wrestles in NOAH.


Is that the wanker who had Kevin Sullivan slice up his arm in SMW once?

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Is that the wanker who had Kevin Sullivan slice up his arm in SMW once?


I was just about to reply to this topic, and mention that along with foreheads, a lot of the older guys have mashed up arms from the same thing. "Arm colour" is/was the term, I believe. One of the main examples I've seen is Dusty Rhodes, and I remember a lot of matches in which his arm is covered in it. A little more recent, but not that recent is Ian and Axl Rotten from their Bad Breed deathmatch from Hostile City Showdown 1995. I believe that even if blading was as rife now as it has been in the past, then the whole "Arm colour" deal wouuld still be somewhat of a rarity, as it was starting to die out in the 90's.


In general, as some have already said, I enjoy watching a match where blood is involved, but only when it comes either during a meaningful gimmick match such as Cage matches, or when it adds to the drama and psychology of a match. However, I think it can be too risky given what we know about blood diseases etc. From a personal point of view, I wouldn't want anyone bleeding all over me whatsoever. Recently, I was watching a match between Ivan Koloff and Krusher Khruschev Vs The Rock and Roll Express, and Krusher was in the ring with Robert Gibson, and they were both bleeding heavily, then Krusher began to "bite" Robert, a few times. Of course he wasn't biting him, but he did clearly have his mouth not only on Roberts bloody face, but right about where the blood was coming from. I know things were different back then, but fuck that. I boxed for a good few years from being a kid, but when I did draw blood from a guy, unless it's coming from their nose or mouth, then it's not normally a massive flow and it would normally just go on my shoulder if anywhere, as a result from clinching. Also, the deep gashes which are common in boxing don't normally bleed much, although there are exceptions, but even then the flow of blood normally gets controlled by a cut-man and the substances they use.


On another note, in the vast majority of cases, it's easy to see when a guy is blading either from a chair shot, or after getting hit with any kind of weapon or grated on the cage fence. Nine times out of ten, they roll over, bury their head into their crossed arms and do it. However, I remember that Shawn Michaels would gig just before he took the hit, so that way, it wasn't so obvious and he would just lay down and bleed like a motherfucker. Badd Blood 97 with 'Taker in HIAC being one of the examples, I think, just before he takes a head first ramming into the cage.


My bloody contribution, Jun Kasai signing autographs just after a match

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Its the most obvious blade job ever though. Its clear on camera, Michaels cutting himself open on the ground as Taker has his legs. Undertaker looks down, see's the gig open up and then shoots him into it. I wouldnt say it was amazingly well done at all. The whole audience came see him slicing his head open.

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Its the most obvious blade job ever though. Its clear on camera, Michaels cutting himself open on the ground as Taker has his legs. Undertaker looks down, see's the gig open up and then shoots him into it. I wouldnt say it was amazingly well done at all. The whole audience came see him slicing his head open.


You say it like it took ages, he pulls his hand across his forehead and is sent flying into the cage half a second later. I don't think anyone was staring at Michaels' head at that exact second.


Here it is, one minute in...



part 3


Meh. I thought it was a very well timed gig job. Either way, it's pure hyperbole to say it's the "most obvious blade job ever" when there are loads of examples of Flair wandering around, repeatedly gigging his head, and idiots clearly sticking a blade into their forehead while their opponent weakly "grinds" a foreign object into their head.


Here's Randy Orton doing the same spot, but fiddling about for much longer and still blading on the way up into the mesh...



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I was just pointing out how noticable it was. Fairly pointless of me to bring it up to be fair. I wasnt having a go. The crismon mask itself and the drama at the time is definitely one of the best I've ever seen. At the time, I remember Austin passing out earlier in the year, so the WWF made a massive deal that if your head was cut open, you were in big trouble. Blade jobs happened WAY to often post 1997 for me. Even Headbanger Thrasher bladed in a match with Goldust and Marc twatting Mero in 1998. Why?!


I think if they do do another blade job in the near future, Undertaker needs to do it at WrestleMania. Its less of a short cut in 2012. In 2005, blood was a shortcut special attraction stars and green 'next big things' used to make the match better. If Taker blades, it would add so much to the drama if he looks like he's about to go down for the three count.

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Ah, fair enough, Ian. All good. I remember at the time (when I was a 16 year old Power Slam addict) me and my mate went back and watched that gigging in slow-motion to see where Michaels bladed. I'd never seen anyone do it mid-move like that, it was always the "take the bump, then roll onto your face" routine.


Considering WWE have been advertising R Rated films on recent PPVs, I'm sure they could get away with a blade-job here and there, especially in a huge Taker Mania match. That would indeed be the type of event that could warrant the return of blood.


At whatever point in the future they turn Cena, a killer beatdown and blade job on his babyface victim would be amazing.

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I was just pointing out how noticable it was. Fairly pointless of me to bring it up to be fair. I wasnt having a go. The crismon mask itself and the drama at the time is definitely one of the best I've ever seen. At the time, I remember Austin passing out earlier in the year, so the WWF made a massive deal that if your head was cut open, you were in big trouble. Blade jobs happened WAY to often post 1997 for me. Even Headbanger Thrasher bladed in a match with Goldust and Marc twatting Mero in 1998. Why?!


I think if they do do another blade job in the near future, Undertaker needs to do it at WrestleMania. Its less of a short cut in 2012. In 2005, blood was a shortcut special attraction stars and green 'next big things' used to make the match better. If Taker blades, it would add so much to the drama if he looks like he's about to go down for the three count.


RE: The Thrasher thing, I actually think he did a hardway on the steps, I might be wrong but the cut looked like it was on the top of his head.


Ric Flair sweats blood these days, it's pretty tiring seeing it over and over in TNA, even though I love Naitch in TNA.

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RE: The Thrasher thing, I actually think he did a hardway on the steps, I might be wrong but the cut looked like it was on the top of his head


I seem to remember it being hardway also, and there was a close up shot of the cut in a magazine and definately looked more of a gash than a slice from a razor. It was also in a strange place, more towards the top of his head than his forehead.


The HBK blade job is much easier to look back on afterwards and say it was obvious, but when watching the match for the first time and live, it went with the flow of the match because you weren't immediately aware of it in the same way as when a guy takes the impact and then buries his head down as they normally do.


I stayed up to watch WM13 live and the image of Austin struggling and passing out in a pool of his own blood was incredibly gripping. I was extra glad that I watched it live because on the repeat which Sky aired a few days later, they put a graphic up on screen saying something to the affect of because the match was so graphic they could not show it. However, they just played the censor graphic on the screen at the point Austin began to bleed and kept just the audio running instead of just skipping it.

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