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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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It looks as though Jamie's been on the Monks tonic recently. What a sap.It also appears that the Green Brigade have spoken regarding the NEWCO business. This open letter was sent to Peter Lawwell;

Peter As you will know, the issue of any potential newco

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The problem with jail is that they'd need to meet the burden of criminal proof. It's like how you don't see people convicted of insider trading, a criminal offence, but get fined for market abuse, which is done on a balance of probabilities like the FTT.

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I'd love to see Martin Bain in the jail. No sane reason, but I just hate his idiot, smarmy face.I'd also love to see John Greig be found out too. He was never as 100% to the "Rangers Cause" as he liked to make himself out to be.

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Sorry if this has already been answered here already and I have missed it. Regarding the transfer embargo sanction; were the reports in the press on the weekend following the original decision correct in stating that it was unanimously agreed by all clubs some time previously?On a similar note what timescale were the dual contacts alleged to have taken place?By the way bAzTNM#1; man that's a rough comment on a man who has given so much to the club over the years. I'm not a Rangers fan but there are many people who deserve criticism before anyone targets John Greig.Shuggy

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Yeah, it was rather harsh of me to be fair. I'd just like to know what Greig knew about the situation. Getting frustrated with the whole carry on.ADDED: Why are they calling the Final tomorrow the "Salt and Sauce Final"? Can somebody explain that to me. Cheers!

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Yeah, it was rather harsh of me to be fair. I'd just like to know what Greig knew about the situation. Getting frustrated with the whole carry on.ADDED: Why are they calling the Final tomorrow the "Salt and Sauce Final"? Can somebody explain that to me. Cheers!

Due to Edinburgh chippies offering 'Salt and Sauce' - the sauce being a mix of vinigar and brown sauce - rather than being asked if you want salt and vinegar as you would in a Glasgow chippie.Considering where else you post I thought you would know that one!Shuggy
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Yeah, it was rather harsh of me to be fair. I'd just like to know what Greig knew about the situation. Getting frustrated with the whole carry on.

Didn't Greig walk out because he wasn't being given the information he felt he deserved?
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Due to Edinburgh chippies offering 'Salt and Sauce' - the sauce being a mix of vinigar and brown sauce - rather than being asked if you want salt and vinegar as you would in a Glasgow chippie.

I miss that from living up there. It's probably shite now like, but chips and Edinburgh Chippy Sauce in very weird rectangular paper trays (thin and long with short verticle sides that had holes in near the corner) were a staple when at school dinner times as the canteen was shit and couldn't live off shop made pot noodles or sandwiches in the freezing cold winter months as was. Anyhoo I digress a little
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Can anybody on the Rangers board seriously have plausible deniability over the goings on of the David Murray era? Either Murray deceived them or they weren't asking the right questions. It's one of those "ignorance is not a defence" stories.

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Yeah, it was rather harsh of me to be fair. I'd just like to know what Greig knew about the situation. Getting frustrated with the whole carry on.

Didn't Greig walk out because he wasn't being given the information he felt he deserved?
Nah, Greig walked out to avoid all the flack. Alex Thomson said on Channel 4 that Greig knew and was also one of the employees benefiting from the EBT's.
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