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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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But I don't WANT unpredictability! At least, not all the time.


Sometimes, what you really want is the obvious story, well told. That's what they'd done with Roode up until BFG. Lister's idea makes perfect sense, and would have made compelling viewing.

Exactly, a good example is the Mega Powers storyline. It was clear the Macho Man was slowly turning on Hogan and long time fans like us could tell what was happening. BUT the story was that well done by everybody that it hooked the audience. Swerves all the time don't work, Russo has shown that for over a decade now.


Anyway, after the Roode/BFG thing I'm not really arsed anymore. I'm sure Roode/Storm will do great with the stuff they are given though.

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I thought it was very predictable what was going to happen. TNA is usually predictable. Its only the Bobby Roode storyline I can remember them pulling the plug on. And that had nothing to do with them thinking it was because it was to predictable. It was because they thought there was more value in him as a babyface, and that James Storm is a more marketable babyface. You could predict the Hogan turn last year from the previous January and you could predict the babyface Hogan turn from about March. You can predict what TNA is going to do next. You just can't predict when they are going to do it.

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Exactly, a good example is the Mega Powers storyline. It was clear the Macho Man was slowly turning on Hogan and long time fans like us could tell what was happening. BUT the story was that well done by everybody that it hooked the audience.

Were you a longtime fan in 1988-89?


The comparison doesn't work anyway, it was a different time. Hogan and Savage weren't on every week then, and there hadn't been a million storylines of partners turning on each other. If you're after a comparable example to support your point, go with Triple H vs Batista. Or maybe Edge vs Christian. But even so, I think we've already seen the "jealous mate" story enough times now (aren't AJ and Daniels currently doing that story?) that they're as well to just pull the trigger on it and go for the shock. Of course, that's me being optimistic and ignoring TNA's enthusiasm for face/heel turns. What's the longest they've gone in the last year with nobody turning?

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I thought it was very predictable what was going to happen. TNA is usually predictable. Its only the Bobby Roode storyline I can remember them pulling the plug on. And that had nothing to do with them thinking it was because it was to predictable. It was because they thought there was more value in him as a babyface, and that James Storm is a more marketable babyface. You could predict the Hogan turn last year from the previous January and you could predict the babyface Hogan turn from about March. You can predict what TNA is going to do next. You just can't predict when they are going to do it.

I wasn't having a go at anything in particular (well Russo and his bloody swerves). Just agreeing with Loki's point that being unpredictable doesn't mean it's any good.



Were you a longtime fan in 1988-89?


The comparison doesn't work anyway, it was a different time. Hogan and Savage weren't on every week then, and there hadn't been a million storylines of partners turning on each other. If you're after a comparable example to support your point, go with Triple H vs Batista. Or maybe Edge vs Christian. But even so, I think we've already seen the "jealous mate" story enough times now (aren't AJ and Daniels currently doing that story?) that they're as well to just pull the trigger on it and go for the shock. Of course, that's me being optimistic and ignoring TNA's enthusiasm for face/heel turns. What's the longest they've gone in the last year with nobody turning?

No I wasn't, but I'm sure if you were as into wrestling as much as we all are, you'd probably see what was happening. That's the point, making things unpredictable for folk like us that read spoilers and newsletters is daft, we're (allegedly) a small part of the wrestling audience. If they want to grow they need to please the smelly masses.


Angle turned, Mr. Anderson turned two/three times, Abyss turned, Daniels turned, Roode...

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But even so, I think we've already seen the "jealous mate" story enough times now (aren't AJ and Daniels currently doing that story?) that they're as well to just pull the trigger on it and go for the shock.


Not even for the first time they've ran it with those two!

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On Team Loki for this one. I can't be a big critic because I won't actually be watching the shows or the PPV, just reading this thread until something I want to watch appears in it. But I'm still pretty fucked off that my favourite guy and big breakout good guy didn't win the title at Bound For Glory in a fit of glorious niceness, and has now won the title two weeks later as a snivelling baddie. Roode will probably do the other TNA cliche and join Immortal in a few weeks just to fully tie up the heel turn, despite it making no sense.


Lister's storyline would have worked too. Piss easy. There are right mongs who bang on about TNA being "too hard to follow",which is plainly bollocks if you actually sit and watch the show. But the insanity certainly has a larger overall impact on casual viewers who crave consistency to cling on to. Roode's not the only example of this in TNA, (not by a long shot), but if anybody got sucked in by the BFG build (which by the general pulse from net fans, was a decent cross-section of all fans), if they didn't fuck off after the PPV, and didn't fuck off after Storm winning, I bet they've fucked off now. TNA have pissed that away in two weeks. Those people got behind a seriously effective babyface push and a decent guy to be the focus of it, not simply Robert Roode the performer so it won't satisfy them seeing him becoming a champion this way. Just like it hasn't me.


Of course it doesn't have any bearing on business, nothing in TNA does. But like I had a period about in the BFG thread, all that momentum is gone and they're gambling on something all over again from scratch. None of it's about the quality of the performers involved, (Roode and Storm are ace, them in the main event is long overdue) it's about a dangerous self-harming undercurrent TNA has had in its booking for years, and years, and years.


Fin Martin's major issue with Cena is that they way he goes over guys causes a similar problem with WWE's booking of guys in the future. But he's a fucking bellend and ultimately dead wrong, because Cena is an absolute megastar and makes infinity million quid in tshirts alone. TNA are nowhere near this with any of their guys. What they wouldn't give for another Hoytamania or something daft, at least that moved some bloody shirts.


I've said it before, but I swear TNA do this over and over again just to make Sting their version of The Undertaker. He's the only guy I dare put any stock in, ever. He's the only one ever protected from it all.

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They even turned Sting, for all the good that did.


Some people in WWE turn quite regularly, but certain guys like Cena have stayed face for years. You need some consistency sometimes. I don't think there's anyone in TNA right now who hasn't turned in the last 12 months! Perhaps RVD.

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They even turned Sting, for all the good that did.


Some people in WWE turn quite regularly, but certain guys like Cena have stayed face for years. You need some consistency sometimes. I don't think there's anyone in TNA right now who hasn't turned in the last 12 months! Perhaps RVD.


I've excused that turn because they got MAJORLY lucky with how it all got flung together to look as if Hogan was the heel all along and Sting was always doing the right thing.


I think you're right about RVD as well, but that's because he's become so unover in TNA that I don't think they consider him a guy worth turning. I imagine turning is what TNA considers "investment in character." For every Bully Ray, there's 50 Mr Andersons.


I remember being pissed off when Monty Brown sided with Jeff Jarret as he appeared on the verge of superstardom. Mental that we're 6 years on or whatever it is and there's no change with the major problem. God, I sound a right Vito going on like this. I probably shouldn't come in this thread anymore.

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They even turned Sting, for all the good that did.


Some people in WWE turn quite regularly, but certain guys like Cena have stayed face for years. You need some consistency sometimes. I don't think there's anyone in TNA right now who hasn't turned in the last 12 months! Perhaps RVD.


I've excused that turn because they got MAJORLY lucky with how it all got flung together to look as if Hogan was the heel all along and Sting was always doing the right thing.


I think you're right about RVD as well, but that's because he's become so unover in TNA that I don't think they consider him a guy worth turning. I imagine turning is what TNA considers "investment in character." For every Bully Ray, there's 50 Mr Andersons.


I remember being pissed off when Monty Brown sided with Jeff Jarret as he appeared on the verge of superstardom. Mental that we're 6 years on or whatever it is and there's no change with the major problem. God, I sound a right Vito going on like this. I probably shouldn't come in this thread anymore.

RVD was actually meant to take Jeff Hardy's heel spot in Immortal at BFG last year, but RVD told them where to go.

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They even turned Sting, for all the good that did.


Some people in WWE turn quite regularly, but certain guys like Cena have stayed face for years. You need some consistency sometimes. I don't think there's anyone in TNA right now who hasn't turned in the last 12 months! Perhaps RVD.


I've excused that turn because they got MAJORLY lucky with how it all got flung together to look as if Hogan was the heel all along and Sting was always doing the right thing.


I think you're right about RVD as well, but that's because he's become so unover in TNA that I don't think they consider him a guy worth turning. I imagine turning is what TNA considers "investment in character." For every Bully Ray, there's 50 Mr Andersons.


I remember being pissed off when Monty Brown sided with Jeff Jarret as he appeared on the verge of superstardom. Mental that we're 6 years on or whatever it is and there's no change with the major problem. God, I sound a right Vito going on like this. I probably shouldn't come in this thread anymore.


I meant in the Main Event Mafia, Newy. Forgot they turned him AGAIN last year!


You're nothing like Vito - you enjoy watching TNA, as do I, and they've got more right this year than wrong. They've just really pissed me off with this BFG, but like a sly girlfriend they've reached for my cock by focusing the show around my favourite team, and whilst they're tugging I can't stay mad.

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nah, he beats Joe to be number 1 contender


That's a fucking joke in itself, surely? Joe's no one right now. The WWE equivalent would be someone becoming top contender by beating Heath Slater.

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I should and thought I would hate this whole Title changing on Impact two weeks in a row after it was retained at Bound For Glory but I can't.


The reason is in my eyes it's set up a great feud between two tag team partners, obviously Roode being screwed out of the Title and then his partner winning it the next night would and should piss him off. He played the "I'm happy for you" act at the celebrations which looked a bit put on too (dunno if that was great acting or he was just uncomfortable acting all happy anyway) but then when his opportunity came again he thought this time I'm not losing it and his anger and annoyance at how Storm won the Title came out.


Some may say it weakens the Title but think about it, two guys who have been a solid team and have been tag team partners for a long time as well as holding the Tag Titles, the World Title means more to them than their friendship, well to Roode anyway and I think it makes the Title look like it's the one thing anyone will do anything for.


This slow burner thing of a turn, sure if done well it works well but sometimes I think they mess up by having people wait too long and by the time it happens no one really cares, I remember feeling like that in the past and it just loses all momentum. The whole Roode and Storm falling out should happen as soon as this as having Roode go on and being friends with him until he screws him out of the Title, fair enough it may be a good build but thinking about it he'd want the Title as soon as he can and his annoyance at how he was screwed and then his partner won it so easy would be at breaking point. He may take the view that he did all the hard work the night before in that match and then Storm just defeated a weakened and tired Angle the next night and then he gets the Title and all of the praise when Roode feels that he should be there being praised and it should be his Title.


So yeah I would have thought I'd hate this but it is panning out to be a good interesthing feud. I just hope they don't ruin it now and have the feud combine with something else or have Jeff Hardy appear and win the Title as then the feud would still have a reason but it'd be pointless if they were fighting each other whilst someone else has swaned in and won the Title and moved onto another feud as the reason this feud began was over the Title.

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