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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Obviously I'll wait until actually seeing the show, but even if they do it well, I STILL think it was the wrong decision at BFG. If this was the plan all the time, then they should have changed it - because Roode was OVER as a face. I disagree that Storm makes the better babyface, Roode was doing as good a job as anyone in recent memory. Storm could have turned on Roode and beaten him for the title through a beer bottle at the next PPV.


Regardless, I think these two will make it work. And it looks like the new generation are here to stay as main eventers - Roode, Storm, Styles, probably Joe again. Add in Hardy and RVD and you've got a good little topline roster going there.

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I don't have a problem with Heel Roode or Storm, they have the talent to pull of a decent feud for sure, and yes it was always going to be one of them turning on the other, that doesn't mean they have to do it the week after.


Batista was always going to beat TripleH, does that mean he had to leave evolution and then the following week beat TripleH for the title on RAW, it means so much less.


What I don't like is how we got to this stage, I'd imagine that's what most of IWC is pissed at, not Roode or Storm.

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I would of preffered Roode taking it a BFG get a few title defence under his belt, whilst having Storm take the TV title , and do the same.


Then 3 or 4 ppvs down the line Storm challenges for the title, but roode wins. Have him challenge again on impact, btu again loose. The following PPV have him cheat to win out of frustration, vacate the TV title for a nice little tournament to build that back up again, And continue Storm/roode until lockdown or something like that.


Flip flopping titles all over the place doesnt help anybody, especially the champion.


Although, on the plus side at least the younger guys are getting into play now.

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I wish they could have took their time with this, rather than giving Storm a one week title reign. They could have stretched it out a good 6 weeks or so before finally turning Roode into a bitter and jealous heel. Young, fresh and talented blood main eventing is all that matters in the long run though I guess, they are doing something right.

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Roode wins at BFG making a big happy moment and making the fans think they got their money's worth by seeing an important event. He then knocks off two or three heels on PPV to build him up as a serious main eventer.


Storm wins a few bouts and starts asking for a title match, but Roode blows him off, saying that's not up to him, he'll need to see the championship committee/powers that be/network/Dixie/whoever about that. It's done in a way that it's plausible he's genuinely constrained by the system but there's a suspicion he's ducking Storm.


Then on one of your "let's make a huge edition of Impact" weeks, you do some sort of tournament where the winner gets a title shot. Storm gets to the final, his opponent is cheating, Roode comes out and tries to help Storm but fucks up with plausible deniability. Fortunately for Storm he's able to overcome this and the title match is on for the next PPV.


It's a clean bout, albeit a competitive one, but Storm winds up in control and Roode winds up bottling him so he can retain the title. The next episode of Impact, Storm demands an explanation. Roode comes out and gives him some shit about the heat of the moment and how until you hold the title (which Storm hasn't done) you don't know how passionate you get about holding it, and sorry and all that. They go for the handshake but Roode then attacks him and a bunch of his new mates run out to beat Storm down.


Roode then makes Storm work his way through a bunch of heels until he gets a title rematch.


People pay to see this rematch.

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Roode wins at BFG making a big happy moment and making the fans think they got their money's worth by seeing an important event. He then knocks off two or three heels on PPV to build him up as a serious main eventer.


Storm wins a few bouts and starts asking for a title match, but Roode blows him off, saying that's not up to him, he'll need to see the championship committee/powers that be/network/Dixie/whoever about that. It's done in a way that it's plausible he's genuinely constrained by the system but there's a suspicion he's ducking Storm.


Then on one of your "let's make a huge edition of Impact" weeks, you do some sort of tournament where the winner gets a title shot. Storm gets to the final, his opponent is cheating, Roode comes out and tries to help Storm but fucks up with plausible deniability. Fortunately for Storm he's able to overcome this and the title match is on for the next PPV.


It's a clean bout, albeit a competitive one, but Storm winds up in control and Roode winds up bottling him so he can retain the title. The next episode of Impact, Storm demands an explanation. Roode comes out and gives him some shit about the heat of the moment and how until you hold the title (which Storm hasn't done) you don't know how passionate you get about holding it, and sorry and all that. They go for the handshake but Roode then attacks him and a bunch of his new mates run out to beat Storm down.


Roode then makes Storm work his way through a bunch of heels until he gets a title rematch.


People pay to see this rematch.


I like this. It's simple and effective. I think what also works is that roode can start by defending against heels (bully ray, Daniels, Steiner, Jarrett) and then when the heel turn comes, has a whole roster of faces (hardy, Anderson, styles etc) to build him up for the inevitable storm vs roode.


It really could of been a year long feud, but sadly tna have pulled the trigger early (IMO).


Every wrestler only gets one first big title win, and sadly both roode's and storm's is tarnished which is a shame.


Don't get me wrong, I see what tna have tried to do, and on paper could of sounded great, but the execution is lacking.

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Roode wins at BFG making a big happy moment and making the fans think they got their money's worth by seeing an important event. He then knocks off two or three heels on PPV to build him up as a serious main eventer.


Storm wins a few bouts and starts asking for a title match, but Roode blows him off, saying that's not up to him, he'll need to see the championship committee/powers that be/network/Dixie/whoever about that. It's done in a way that it's plausible he's genuinely constrained by the system but there's a suspicion he's ducking Storm.


I don't think that would fly in wrestling nowadays. Whenever a champion makes excuses like that, every single person watching knows they're the chickenshit heel. It'd be especially hard to pull off as genuine when the company's just been regained by babyface authority figures. Regardless, they were as well to do the turn now, I reckon. Storm's already been heavily involved in the title build-up to the point where people wondered if he'd cost Roode the match with Angle, and stretching out a Roode heel turn for a month or two longer would probably have less impact than the sudden one did. It certainly sounds to me like a more exciting episode of Impact than I'd have expected. I won't watch it though, I've read the spoilers and ruined it for myself.

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But I don't WANT unpredictability! At least, not all the time.


Sometimes, what you really want is the obvious story, well told. That's what they'd done with Roode up until BFG. Lister's idea makes perfect sense, and would have made compelling viewing.

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Everything in wrestling seems to be rushed now. I think it is a big problem. People aren't willing to wait for a story to develop anymore, they want everything now.


In 2011, the Sting/nWo storyline from WCW would not last as long as it did. WWE or TNA wouldn't be able to resist pulling the trigger on the blowoff match. I honestly believe that. You could say that they're waiting to do Rock/Cena but they're doing that out of necessity rather than because they want to.

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I haven't read the spoilers in detail as I want to leave some form of surprise at how it pans out, but from a selfish POV I'm a massive fan of heel Roode and can't wait to see it. It's probably the wrong thing for business (though nothing TNA does seems to have much of an effect on business either way these days), but, like when Austin turned in 2001, I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway.

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I also prefer Roode as a heel and think in terms of marketability, Storm has much more going for him in terms of possible merchandise oppertunities as a face with his beer drinking cowboy gimmick than Roodes everyman schtick.


Bischoff has been on twitter saying how "hot" the crowd were at the tapings, which for me personally always makes the shows more enjoyable!

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