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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I dont see a thing wrong with this personally. Its what they should have done if they weren't putting the belt on Roode. The belts on someone the people like. Unlike WWE, TNA can experiment with shit like this. As I said in the other thread, Roode winning or losing means very little as far as business goes. Now you have Storm and Roode in the headline feud. We'll get the Mega Powers Explode angle and Roode will probably win the belt off him. Thats what people wanted afterall. The general consensus reading the feedback of this decision is that they got it wrong on Sunday, but at least it makes sense going forward. Hogan and Prichard rate James Storm. At least they seem solidly behind someone. More than what you could say 6 or 12 months ago.


And, Dave Meltzer said on his audio update that now Hogan and Bischoff have signed a new deal, they are stepping up their bid to rid Russo of TNA. They still hate him, Prichard has been pampering the Hulkster and now they want Russo out again. Hence why Lagana has been signed. Nobody believes Lagana is there just to do the india show. If Russo is there in the next two months, it'll be shocking.

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I dont see a thing wrong with this personally. Its what they should have done if they weren't putting the belt on Roode. The belts on someone the people like.

The only alternative would have been to have Roode win at the PPV and then pass the belt onto Storm next month. Had they done that, I think the belt, Angle and Roode would have come out looking just as shit as they do this way. The only thing in it's favour is that Roode vs. Storm with good build up might have done some business. If they repair Roode quickly, it still could.


Interesting thoughts on Russo. I think he has some decent qualities but it's long past the point where they need to try something new. Hopefully their new direction won't involve the Authority figure vs. wrestler that WWE, TNA and WCW have overdone massively since 1998 and they'll stop trying to recreate the late 90's with naff stable after naff stable.

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As much as I wanted to see Roode win the belt on Sunday I think this could be a viable alternatvie. When I sat and thought about things I really didnt know how Roods charecter was going to develop with the belt. The No Gimmick Needed thing is good for short main event runs and upper midcarders but ultimately these types (which Roode falls into at the moment) never catch on fire as people cant relate or enjoy the charecter.


Looking at Storm he has a good look, a catch phrase and is well known and would have always been my preffered choice for champ out of the two. Roode can now turn heel slowly hopefully gain some of his old heel gimmick back, perhaps with less emphasis on the money.


The only thing I would have done different is try if possible to have had the PPV match longer. This would have made Roode look better on the night and also gave more reason as to why the TV match was so short as well as a reason for Roode to be jelous that Storm basically had the belt handed to him thanks to Roode Vs Angle being so Grueling.

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Well I certainly didn't expect to wake up and see these spoilers! Well I'm gonna watch impact despite my claims that I'd given up. I feel bad for Roode, but on the other hand I love Storm and both of these guys deserve it. Having them in the main event can only be good for TNA. I just hope they do the Bobby Roode snaps and goes mental on his partner as good as they built him up for BFG. While they are doing that James Storm has a bunch of credible heels that can make him look like a great Champion while they focus on Bobby Roodes ever consuming jealousy.


On another note, did Roode really look that bad Sunday? I mean in tna terms he lost to the best wrestler in the world, who had to resort to cheating to beat him. I don't think it does anything to devalue Roode. Just the storyline and contract make him look like a goof but I think he is still a solid contender.


Anyway, I really don't enjoy Angle in TNA and I hope he goes away for a long period. The rest of the show sounds a bit meh though.

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This feels a bit like asking for Optimus Prime for Christmas and opening the present to find HotRod. I mean, HotRod is cool, but it's not what I've been hoping for for 6 months.


If this is leading to a Roode heel turn, I understand the decision BUT I personally think Roode is the best babyface to come along in YEARS. James Storm's character is better suited to being a heel. They should turn him in this feud instead.


So on the one hand the idea of my favourite tag team feuding over the heavyweight title is great but on the other hand I still think Roode's been damaged by all this.



Also... I'm now deeply suspicious that Roode will get hustled out of his spot by Hardy. Hardy looks in good nick, and is fiery at the moment - his run in during the go-home show looked great. But we all know he'll fuck up at some point.

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All i can say is this.


Look at the main event players.


Sting to old to carry the ball


Angle looks badly beaten up these days and needs time off.


Anderson, Dull


AJ top baby face


Maybe they are building up a new top end roster.


Storm or Roode turn heel, and Hardy coming back as a top face. Id push bully ray into the mix and you have 4 new Main event players

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Ahhhh this is awesome, I love James Storm, I agree with what Hogan said the other day that, especially in America, people can relate to James Storm a lot more than Bobby Roode, Storm's been on fire lately and has probably actually outdone Roode in the promo department, Roode turning heel will work very well I think, his money gimmick is made for being a heel.


I hope they don't turn him too soon though, a proper old school jealously angle with him turning going into Lockdown maybe, have the big match culminate there. Is a long time to drag it out I know but hopefully they'll make it work.


Can't wait to watch this, gutted I find out about it beforehand now.

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For me it could go two ways. either storm brags that he beat angle quickly and turn heel saying he did something that roode couldnt or roode turns heel on storm out of jealousy and says he beat angle half to death at bfg and storm is picking up the pieces. they could even put roode in immortal by using the hogan radio endorsement of storm and to help bischoff rid tna of hogan.

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Roode turning heel will work very well I think, his money gimmick is made for being a heel.

What money gimmick? They've just spent weeks telling us he's an everyman.


He still comes out with dollar signs on his trunks, is the 'money' part of beer money etc, I know what you mean though, and it mentioned it the other week how it's strange they've got him with the dollar signs etc, maybe they've done that to revert back to the gimmick, I dunno.

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It depends, we are assuming that the people booking this, who don't like Roode are going to put him into a meaningful program with Storm, if anything its Crimson and Storm that will eventually be at the top, somebody up there obviously like's Crimson, even though he is shit, when he does eventually win the title I expect it to be greeted with silence, unless its taped, then they will pipe in the fake cheers from the mutants.


Roode might well end up going into TNA limbo like the likes of The Pope, Anderson, Joe etc, we will have to wait and see, imo you will see Storm, Jeff, and Crimson as the new main eventers.


Roode must feel like total shit though, I cant imagine him coming home to his family that night, his sons, I bet he feels like he let them down, its certainly enough to kill someones motivation, after 9 or 13 years to be told naa sorry you aint good enough, what a hammer blow, especially when you got someone like Crimson going up the ranks.

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