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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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That gif just sums it up.


Lost for words really.


I think TNA have finally put the nail in coffin for people not buying a TNA PPV again.


People have been saying that for so long now it's lost all meaning... I mean lets face it their buyrates are probably never going to get any higher their focus is going to be more on their tv show this will get them more viewers keep their ratings healthy plus its james storm the guy has hogan and bischoff in his corner backstage so he's gonna get a huge push.


Just enjoy it.

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People have been saying that for so long now it's lost all meaning... I mean lets face it their buyrates are probably never going to get any higher their focus is going to be more on their tv show this will get them more viewers keep their ratings healthy plus its james storm the guy has hogan and bischoff in his corner backstage so he's gonna get a huge push.


Just enjoy it.


Accept it hasn't lost meaning, their PPV numbers have dropped again and again, I dont have the figures but when Joe was on firer in 2006/7? they were doing really good on PPV numbers, now they just do shit, not only have they killed the casual viewers that would buy them, but their core viewers, I mean really why buy the biggest PPV of the year, when you can tune into the impact shit zone and see a new champ crowned.


Their PPV numbers would get higher if they actually had shit happen on them that made sense, for the first time on the forum and alot of other places I saw people interested in a TNA PPV, people who usual dont give a fuck(can see why now), I myself if given the chance would have bought BFG, but again they make all fans look like total tits for actually believing in what we would see.


I don't have a problem with Storm as champ, its the manner in how we have got there, its just fn stupid, it doesn't matter who is champ, TNA's tv ratings have always been shit unlike their PPV numbers, mainstream wrestling is a cold business right now, TNA is just small time compared to WWE, there tv ratings will stay shit.


Who outside the TNA faithful will give a shit about Storm winning a match (out the blue) against a man who looks like he is dying before our eyes in a match that lasted 1-3 minutes I heard, winning the title should be the end of a long hard fought journey, at-least your first win, not the start of a push, its like busting your load before even sticking your cock in, like I say I'm not against Storm, its TNA's booking.


You say enjoy it, I was until the end of BFG, probably by TNA's next PPV Jeff Hardy will be champ again, because TNA ratings wont move, that's just how this company seems to be, pretty stupid.


Its too bad really TNA have some great talent, but they are fucked about so much, I suppose at the very least we will get some decent matches out of (Heel)Roode vs Storm, before Jeff is champ again.


Also Abyss back on TV, FFS.

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That gif just sums it up.


Lost for words really.


I think TNA have finally put the nail in coffin for people not buying a TNA PPV again.


People have been saying that for so long now it's lost all meaning... I mean lets face it their buyrates are probably never going to get any higher their focus is going to be more on their tv show this will get them more viewers keep their ratings healthy plus its james storm the guy has hogan and bischoff in his corner backstage so he's gonna get a huge push.


Just enjoy it.


So having Hulk Hogan and Sting and Hardy on Impact doesnt move ratings but Storm as a champ does?


You are the one being silly.. this is dumb and stupid on multiple levels.

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Firstly, I'm literally kicking myself for reading cleetus' spoiler in the BFG thread.


Secondly, I agree completely with The Total Package about buyrates. They've just built their best title match on PPV in ages and probably persuaded many more people than usual to buy it. Then they've given them a massively unsatisfactory ending and pissed all over it on the next TV. Booked by monkeys.


As for the actual development, I'll wait and see. I like Storm and I'd like to judge on how they create the title match and how they follow it up. Don't think it fair to criticise based only on vague info.

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That gif just sums it up.


Lost for words really.


I think TNA have finally put the nail in coffin for people not buying a TNA PPV again.


People have been saying that for so long now it's lost all meaning... I mean lets face it their buyrates are probably never going to get any higher their focus is going to be more on their tv show this will get them more viewers keep their ratings healthy plus its james storm the guy has hogan and bischoff in his corner backstage so he's gonna get a huge push.


Just enjoy it.


So having Hulk Hogan and Sting and Hardy on Impact doesnt move ratings but Storm as a champ does?


You are the one being silly.. this is dumb and stupid on multiple levels.


What are you talking about? It didn't say that. Where did he say "having Hulk Hogan and Sting and Hardy on Impact doesnt move ratings but Storm as a champ does"? All he did was imply that Impact's priority is to its ratings so that major developments should happen on there.


I don't agree with him necessarily, but at no point was he saying that Storm as champion is better than Hulk Hogan, Sting or Hardy's presence on the show.


Anyway, I can see why they did what they did, though think the execution was poor and that having Roode win at BFG was the better way to go. Roode could of had a nice face run with opponents such as Chris Daniels, Bully Ray, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe etc before the inevitable Roode / Storm showdown.

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Anyone thought that the reason plans have changed was because of what I mentioned in the BFG thread as soon as Roode lost. TNA has new bookers. Its happened countless times since the inception of scripted wrestling. A new booker comes in and says "he's not my guy" and changes tact. James Storm is far more of a WWE style character headliner than Roode, which is what Bruce Prichard has known since he first got into wrestling. He's got a gimmick, he's got a million catchphrases you can put on t-shirts, he looks like something Disney forgot to draw. Maybe there thinking is, its far easier to go that route.


I'm pleased for Storm because he has always deserved better and never got it. And for this to go one minute, is really worrying for Angle. He's supposed to be in really bad condition.

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The crowd chants ‘You Deserve It’ during the segment.

Is there a vomiting smiley?

tumblr_lqq09jpFeT1qkiqdko1_250.gif I knew that segment would work out in the end.


I have no problem with Storm winning this, as he's James Chuffing Storm. My issue is they've really hurt Bobby Roode. They built him up so well, only for his mate to win the title in three minutes on TV.


TBH this has made me want to watch Impact though. After BFG I really wasn't fussed, but I can see this leading to an interesting story between the two members of Beer Money.


The rumours are piling up that this is all Hogan's doing. Given he endorsed James Storm and not Bobby Roode, makes you wonder.

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I am a little disappointed in this for a few reasons.


It feels like they want to undo the whole BFG series and Roode's push because someone decided Storm was a better prospect. Now, I'm not against Storm being champ, but there's definitely a few reasons why this is bad.


They spent ages trying to build up the value of the title, only to have the guy lose to Angle, and then hotshot it to Storm in a shitty little match?


Are we to believe Roode couldn't beat Angle, yet Storm could in a few seconds?


Shoving the title on Storm, who hasn't really been built up as a main eventer at all, is quite disappointing.


I'm sure there's a few 'well Storm is better than Roode' comments being thrown around, and in all honesty I wouldn't have minded Storm being the one pushed through BFG and getting the title over Roode, but this way? I'm sure there are far better ways they could have done it without making everything before it meaningless.

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