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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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The funny/tragic thing about TNA at the moment is that nearly all my favourite wrestlers are on TNA yet the program is almost unwatchable.


I love Kurt, RVD, Steiner, AJ, even samoa joe but can not make myself sit through 2 hours of garbage.


On a seperate note, Does anyone think Abyss going to WWE would be a good idea, I think he is big enough, has a good look and he has a great finishing move - any thoughts ??????????

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Kendrick is the worst wrestler they have by far. Watch his recent matches, he literally only does dropkicks, forearms and sliced bread.


He's clearly not the worst guy they have - they've got Abyss, Daniels, Zema Ion (cool name, but the guy is pants), Whatshisname Sorensen (unashamed blandster spot-monkey), and even Samoa Joe is even more unwatchable right now.


Also, his moveset shouldn't even be a factor. He hits them when and where they'll get the best reactions, and doesn't need to rely on CougarThunderFalconBird Drivers to get pops. I'd like him to do a little more, but he's got an interesting character, sells well, gets people into his matches with very little and can generally work better than most of the X-Division.

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Photo of the set for the huntsville taping tonight




also they are taping two weeks tonight and according to rumours Jeff hardy will only be appearing on the second episode


looking good, as has been said about a million times, getting out of the Impact Zone is a must for future development for them.

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September 1st:


*Hulk Hogan was out to cut a promo to open the show. TNA champion Kurt Angle came out and said he was going to take out Sting. Sting accepted.


*Gunner pinned RVD in a Bound for Glory bout after Jerry Lynn interfered.


*Eric Bischoff announced Karen Jarrett was now in charge of the Knockouts. ODB and Jackie Moore are now members of the roster. Traci Brooks is Jarrett's assistant.


*Jesse Sorenson and Brian Kendrick defeated Austin Aries and Kid Kash.


*Mickie James pinned Winter to win the TNA Knockouts title with the Chick Kick.


*Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe went back and forth and started brawling.


*Christopher Daniels pinned AJ Styles.


*Kurt Angle pinned Sting. Hogan was there as referee. Immortal worked over Sting but Ken Anderson returned (already?) to make the save.


why did winter even win the belt?


im sure velvet will probably get the belt at BFG somehow just seems a bit odd unless mickie drops it to angelina or winter in between but might as well wait and see


September 8th:


*D'Angelo Dinero & Devon defeated The British Invasion.


*Jeremy Borash announced the four finalists for the Bound for Glory series - James Storm, Gunner, Robert Roode and Bully Ray. They announced a Four Corners match for No Surrender with the winner getting the title shot at Bound for Glory.


*TNA TV champ Eric Young pinned Robbie E.


*Winter and Angelina Love defeated Velvet Sky & TNA Knockouts champ Mickie James.


*Austin Aries came out to great heat. He cut a decent promo and then Kendrick came out in a suit and did some crazy promo. It was a pretty decent exchange.


*Gunner defeated Bully Ray, James Storm, and Bobby Roode in a four corners match. Gunner pinned Ray after a running knee.


*Mr. Anderson beat Kurt Angle by DQ in a TNA Title match. The match ended in disqualification when Immortal ran out and attacked Anderson and Sting.


*It was announced that The Network agreed to give Jeff Hardy a live mic. Hardy's promo was how he let the fans and the guys down in the back. He can't expect people to forgive him but he asks for one more shot and leaves.


The first match from other sources was a no 1 contender match for the tag titles


The four way was a apparantly a "preview match" why it couldnt just be a tag who knows


looking good for roode which is the most important thing


Crimson was "injured" by samoa joe at the end of the August 25th show so is out of the series


more detailed results will probably come in later but these are the best for now


anywhere between 2500 and 4000 people said to be there but some sites are reporting that only 800 paid to get in





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