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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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Assassins Creed is technically excellent but structurally weak. The 2nd and 3rd improve on that greatly and make a fantastic game. If you really want to play the 1st one then do it first, otherwise you'll never be able to stomach it after the other 2.

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Just had a look at a video for Crysis 2. Looks pretty sweet. Are all of the surroundings destructible ala Red Faction?


No, not really. Some things are but you can't go round blowing NYC up. I'm also picking it up tomorrow so I'll be playing it. I can't really pick a game thats already out that I want to get round to playing. I generally buy whatever I really want and lovefilm fills in the gaps. Of the forthcoming games I'm mostly looking forward to LA Noire, Batman: Arkham City, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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From yesterday best Classic Game would probably be Mercs, just edging out some other megadrive and arcadey type games Fucking Brilliant and of that there is no mistake


Today's Games I want to play are IL2 Sturmovik, Mad World, what ever Ace Combat Games after the Belkan War Ive missed, and the new Global Defence Force games

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Christ, I just remembered this time black hole:




That has to be in my list of "time most spent playing", which would be a good subject.

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looking forward to this basically because its the closest any of us will ever get to playing augusta be buying it just for the masters



This game right here, going to be trading in Homefront for it after being thoroughly disappointed by it.



Next Friday can't come soon enough.

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I got a hold of masters today, just played the initial start to the game (playing the final hole of the masters as tiger is sort of a prologue to the game) and have to say it plays very nicely indeed.

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It depends on what you class as best. Funniest, most quality etc.


But IMO as is a running pattern the best performance for any game is Mass Effect 2 with Female Shepard. Superb voice actress supplementing the best voice ensemble ever in a game. Always found the Male Shepard to be a nightmare to listen too.


Funniest has to go to House of the Dead:

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