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Growing Hair


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As a modern man I have been open to trying different styles with my hair, ive done pretty much everything from Bald, crew cut, various colours and even a modest mohawk many years ago but the only thing I have not done is grow it long, so I am.


I tried it once before but working in a kitchen isnt the best environment for it as I was told to keep it covered so I resorted to bandanas, I also had a beard so I was rocking the pirate look pretty good but again not really appropriate for the environment plus I got really fed up with it so it took the chop.


Ive left my hair for a while now and its up to 4 inches which isnt much but its the longest ive ever had it. I want it long enough to put in a decent ponytail but im quite a way off that, or at least a good mullet!


My issue is I have really thick hair with a mind of its own, it refuses to stay flat and when i try to slick it down it starts to curl up (ive clearly inherited my mums wavy hair), its worst behind my ears where it gets tucked and by the neck line where it sticks up or goes curly.


Does anyone have any advice or experience with stuff like this?




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I have the exact same unruly, thick type of hair and the effects of a hair straightner used to last me all of ten minutes.


In my experience it's just something you have to ride out. Some people were just not meant to have straight hair. It will seem horrible and curly now because it's in the middle of growing out but once it gets proper long it's happy days. It will eventually get so long that it will just sort itself into being ... well ... long hair.

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I've just given up on my hair. I haven't been able to do anything presentable with it for about 15 years and I've just decided to grow it until I look too much like a hippy.

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Don't grow a ponytail. It's impossible to have a ponytail and not look an arse. I just treated my hair as well as a gay would, and in 9 months I had superb wavy flowing locks.


Then I decided it looked a bit mince and so went back to the crew cut.


But yeah, Mid-Length wavy hair looks just fine. The real ballache is when it's getting there and it looks a bit explosion.

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Oh to have long flowing locks. What a treat it must be. See, problem is I'm ginger. Growing hair has never been an option, because then I'd have more ginger hair. Only Axl Rose can pull that off, and I am not him.


I must be the only guy who's genuinely pleased to be going white aged 26. Gives the illusion I'm blond at a distance.

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Oh to have long flowing locks. What a treat it must be. See, problem is I'm ginger. Growing hair has never been an option, because then I'd have more ginger hair. Only Axl Rose can pull that off, and I am not him.


I must be the only guy who's genuinely pleased to be going white aged 26. Gives the illusion I'm blond at a distance.


I'm the same age and have shitloads of grey. I think it looks cool and women seem to either like it or not care. My brother is the same but he dyes his.




To the OP, I can only reiterate what others have said, and back it up from my own experience. I have hella thick hair, even though I get it thinned out every time I get a haircut. When I grew it long it went through the annoying mid-length wavy stage. You're just gonna have to ride it out. You could straighten it out with chemicals or real good straighteners but it's a lot of effort and damages your hair. I did successfully use straighteners regularly when I just had a longish bit on top and at the front, but if you're going proper long it's not worth it.


Oh yeah and ditto what Butch said and just go for mid-length and not a ponytail. Again, yeah, I've had both so I'm speaking from experience. I did also rock a badass mullet for a bit. You need to complement that with a drophandle or a goatee though!

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I have the exact same unruly, thick type of hair and the effects of a hair straightner used to last me all of ten minutes.


Where you using generic hair straighters? You need to use GHD's and you will no longer have that problem, they are amazing and even straighten the frizziest of hair


Edit to comment on what Chest said, yes greying hair is very attractive on men, regardless of their age.

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Yeah it was a standard one as far as I know. In any case I didn't like the effect. I'm not CM Punk and I can't pull off shoulder length, stringy hair. Forcing it to be just that just made it look odd :laugh:.

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