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The 2010 UKFF UK50(+) - Results

Big Benny HG

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A fiver? A fucking fiver?? Jonny Storm only used to charge a quid for his decent signed photos, and you had the added bonus of meeting him and shaking his hand.


In the amended words of Nikki Graham- "Who IS he???"

Surely if he sells 2 at a fiver that's better than 2 at a quid?

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love the use of the word Rubes... very underated, anyway here's more hilarie from Brad's site


"The initial batch of Photo cards (35) are now sold out. We will be replacing these with new stock in the new year


To get a personal recording from Brad this is available for a short period until Brad visits Montpellier, priced at just

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I'm back!! Apologies for the delay but, like I said, I've been moving house. Anyway, time to get this thing finished - it's never took anywhere near this long before!



13= Shane Spyral

13= Surf Grafitti

13= Peter Staniforth

13= Maddog Maxx

13= Love Muscle Russell

13= Joey Starr

13= Dave Rayne

13= Cage Tyler

7= Rainz

7= Flyin' Ryan

7= Dragonian

7= Dan Edge

7= Chris Hart

7= Brad Flash

5= Sean Midnight

5= Highlander Colin McKay


~~SHIT LIST No. 4 - Jonny "The Body" Rose~~




This guy has been around the UK circuit for what seems like forever, yet is still uniformly recognised as shite. Mainly appearing in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and the Midlands and appears for LAW, HCW-UK, UWE, Celtic Wrestling, LWL, and others. What is perhaps even more scary is the fact that man also known as Johnny Hotbody and "Mr. Number One" also runs his own wrestling training. Indeed, the nominations came flooding in for Kidderminster-based Jonny The Body, who plays an American gimmick and claims to be an old-school Southern US wrestler. As part of this, he also claims to hold the Southern Heavyweight Title, as in the one made famous by Jerry "The King" Lawler etc.


WHen appearing for UWA, Rose once put together and set out a tag bout with him and his protege (and fellow SHIT LIST entrant) Love Muscle Russell against Dragon Aisu and a midget which was so lacking in logic, structure and sense that it caused Dragon AIsu to just walk out half way through. There is also word of some kind of incident which occurred on another occasion between Rose and real southern wrestling star Tracey Smothers...


Of all the nominations received, this single quote is perhaps the greatest summing up of "Mr. Number One" Jonny The Hot Body Rose you could ever hope for:


"Utter wank. Does a gimmick of being a Memphis lard-arse by the look of him. Piss poor in the ring. You can get a bus through the gap between his strikes and the target. Looks like a giant baby. Has been doing this for fucking ages and is still rubbish"



Edited by Big Benny HG
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~~SHIT LIST No. 3 - Mikey Riot~~




Poor Mikey Riot. Poor, poor Mikey Riot. It seems there's absolutely no-one that thinks Mikey isn't anything but a genuinely nice guy who tries really, really hard. However, almost everyone thinks that, after a number of years trying this wrestling lark, it just really isn't working. Appearing on cards in the South Yorkshire and Derbyshire region, GNP's Riot seems to be the butt of Brad Flash's bullshitting, jokes and "pranks" and doesn't seem to realise. Also appearing during the year under his alternative gimmick of "Moonshine", Riot has fought the likes of Rainz, Jack Russell, Bar Room Barker, Scumboy and Pitbull Pearson.


Rotherham's Mikey had what was described as the worst match in the entire history of professional wrestling against She-Devil. Their bout was so bad that it actually caused half the audience to leave and completely killed the other half for the rest of the matches. Word is that the match was the sole reason why the show was not released on DVD...


"He's just not accepting his lack of ability"


"This guy just cannot wrestle at all. He doesn't bump: he falls, is pushed over or trips and hopes to land well enough to make it look good. But it doesn't. It's shit. He's shit"


"Poor Mikey Riot"


"The guy just doesn't seem to get how truly, ridiculously, outrageously awful he is"


"Possibly the worst wrestler anywhere in the world alive today"



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~~SHIT LIST No. 2 - Ronin~~




Yep, it's clearly Ronin. Runner up (read: winner) of the original SHITARSE 50 a couple of years ago, Ronin has scaled back the number of bookings he's taken this year considerably due to injuries, age and general continued shitness, but popped up a few places here and there to remind people he wasn't getting any better. Still announced as hailing from "Yakuza, Japan", yet speaking with an instantly recognisable West Midlands accent, Ronin is a fat, masked pleather-clad mess who has appeared this year for LPW (now Live Pro Wrestling) and others sporadically across the midlands, even popping up in Peter Staniforth's PTW....


"Brummy accent. Japanese gimmick. German music. Classy guy"


"The shittest of the shitarses"


"A fat Englishman trying to pull off a Japanese gimmick...badly. Words can't describe how bad he is. Oh yeah - pleather!"


"Just the shittest person ever. No selling, no fucking clue. The worst of the worst. If anyone ever saw him in a match they'd wonder why the fuck he exists"




Only one left on the SHIT LIST.... any guesses?!?



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