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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Did it sell well on BluRay and DVD then? Good to hear.


Personally.... I'd rather see it as a tv series. I don't mean a knockoff series, I mean a Walking Dead quality series. Little one-hour stories, each one like a comic strip. It's perfect for the format. Then throw in the odd story arc episode, X Files style.


Not that I wouldn't like another film, but as you've said, the market for very violent 18 3d films is limited. It's definitely the best 3-d film I've seen though, apart possibly from Tintin.

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Have to agree with Lokester, on the TV Series.

I would love to see Dredd brought to the small screen. Apparently Urban and Garland are wide open to the prospect, which is great news. Plus, if they did a tv show and it took off, it could be a catalyst to bring something like The Punisher, Preacher or Black Panther to TV.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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It's the best use of 3d I've seen, but I only saw it in 3d because I had to. I enjoyed it more at home on DVD.


Same here, I didn't see any of the classic Sci-fi action films of the 80s at the cinema as I was a bit too young, my brother rented them & watched them with me. I got the same experience watching Dredd with my brother even though now we're old cunts.


Why does everyone seem to love Black Panther here?

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This would be the easiest thing in the world to CG, I can't believe they've actually made a 20' tall sentinel! And he actually looks like a Sentinel, glad they had the balls to make it purple.


The Flash is getting his own TV series from the makers of Arrow - This is good and bad news I think, I love Arrow and I'm really glad it's so popular but the Flash is one of DC's biggest characters, I always envisioned a Flash movie with unparalleled special effects and crazy visuals, like how everyone went crazy for the "bullet time" in the Matrix, there's so much you could do with the Flash that could be special in a big budget movie, I'm sure the series won't be like that. I prefer DC to Marvel but how can DC stand up to something like the Avengers if they're putting their characters in soap operas? I hope it's good though and I'll obviously watch it, I just don't know if it's the way to go if they want the Justice League to be their Avengers. He'd better at least be wearing a proper costume and calling himself the Flash.


Batman to be older in next film?

A few names being tossed about including Josh Brolin and John Hamm, I always imagine Batman to be 40 odd so I'm totally down with a more grizzled, experienced Batman. I hope they don't do a Dark Knight returns lite though, they just made an amazing animated adaptation of that and they're consulting with Frank Miller on Batman vs Superman now. It's a classic graphic novel but this film should be it's own story, maybe one day in the future when the franchises have been asleep for a while they could do it but Man of Steel did a great job introducing an all-new Superman and he's not the one from The Dark Knight Returns.

Josh Brolin would be a pretty cool Batman, I'm so glad the rumours of Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a new incarnation of Batman seem to have been forgotten about.


I watched that weird short in the post above, I get what they were trying to do but it left me a bit cold unfortunately (everyone seems to be coming all over it in the youtube comments)

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In my Quest to the Avengers I watched Thor last night.


Surprisingly enjoyable. To take a particularly po-faced character and inject that much light and fun into it is quite impressive. Hemsworth was great as a Triple H stunt double, but with Portman it felt like she'd wandered in from the wrong film.


I was impressed with how quickly they rattled through setup and backstory, as these are the things that can really drag superhero films down. The CG was just boring, after this many years into a technology we get more and more pixel density and detail, but they all still move like wisps of cloud. No presence.


Enjoyable overall though.

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I was impressed with how quickly they rattled through setup and backstory, as these are the things that can really drag superhero films down


I loved the pacing too, Superhero films are so often an hour of buildup, getting the powers and/or costume then a big showdown.Thor is already a god, there was a massive frost giant fight scene 20 minutes into the film then the story properly starts, I thought it was a breath of fresh air, I'd seen a good chunk of action so I could sit back and enjoy the film develop, I wasn't thinking "when's this going to kick off?" It also makes it easy to rewatch.


New poster for the sequel.



Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Of course I do! It was great, his costume was brilliant too, designed by the late, great Dave Stevens, one of my favourite artists. I downloaded them all last year but haven't got round to re-watching it yet. Did it make your top 10 dramas list!? :thumbsup:


Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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