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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I loved the first Thor, I've just watched this trailer a couple of times and it doesn't really grab me, hopefully it's just a bad trailer and there's a lot left to see as it doesn't really even show who the bad guys are or anything.


While Thor did return to Earth in "The Avengers," he didn't call Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and so he has to make up for that faux pas.


Hemsworth says: "Thor still has lot of explaining to do, and a lot of making up. Even demigods end up in the doghouse, mate. So none of us is safe."


With Jane's life in danger, Thor is forced to bring her from Earth to Asgard for safekeeping in the upcoming sequel. This means she is the 'fish out of water' this time.


That doesn't sound particularly thrilling but for me the movies tied to the Avengers have a 100% success rate of being great so I'm certainly going to give it a chance.




A terrible actress on the set of the new X-Men movie

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A terrible actress on the set of the new X-Men movie


Fuck Singer. Hasn't made a decent flick since Apt Pupil (X2 had it's moments though, in fairness).

I really wish Vaughan had returned for this flick Wolverine's cameo in First Class, shit on anything else that the character had done on celluloid prior to it.

I do hope, however, that Singer shuts my little bitter fanboy mouth.

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I fucking Halle Berry as Storm, she plays the character completely wrong and is just plain terrible. My hatred of her version of Storm is difficult to put in to words, I really can't stand her. When I heard she was pregnant, I hoped that would mean Storm being recast, but no such luck, they have just rewritten the fucking part for her instead

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They had a perfect opportunity to cast a younger actress as a teenage version of her with the storyline they are using. She doesn't suit the role at all. Singer is a great director. The first XMen film suffered from 'backstory/origin syndrome' which usually hampers Superhero films, especially so when they were introducing so many characters but X2 was fantastic. Its so easy to balls up a film like this (I'm looking at you Brett Ratner) and Im excited to see what he does with this film. Saying that with the amount of people that are in it and the storyline involved it could easily become a clusterfuck

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I read the synopsis for Thor 2 last summer and whilst I was excited that they're going to bring more of what happens in the comics into the films, I'm starting to wonder if maybe they've done it a bit too much and explained very little. I'm hoping they'll explain things more but in such a way that people who haven't read the comics won't be sat there asking wtf is going on.

With the other Marvel films going to go down the Civil War route, it will be interesting to see how exactly they're going to work that into Thor 3/Avengers 3 from where Thor 2 ends.


Bottom line though is that I'm so excited I need to change my pants. Also, Iron Man Thursday.

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Thinking about it, I don't think I've seen Halle Berry in any of her other films so I guess I can't really comment. She has the acting ability and charisma of a large stinking turd in X-Men.

I do remember reading that Singer was strong armed in to casting her by the studio that bankrolled X-Men, he had originally offered the part to someone else

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Going back to the Snyder discussion, I find myself really polarized with his films.


Sin City definitely worked, his style was exactly what that adaptation needed. Great film and great adaptation. I'm an idiot


Watchmen was disappointing for me. It just doesn't work on the screen. Moore wrote it specifically to show what comics/graphic novels could do that other mediums couldn't, and that really shows in the film. Also, the fighting was far, far, far too violent and unrealistic. And that sex scene was awful. Having said that, 2 things going for it are the brilliant casting, and the opening credits are possible some of the greatest I have ever seen. I could watch that opening segment over and over again. It's beautiful. All downhill after that though.


As for Superman, I've no doubt he will do a fine job, but I can't help but feel it won't work overall. And the slow motion action scenes can fuck off in this film. I hate slow mo, it's the hallmark of a lazy director.

Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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With the other Marvel films going to go down the Civil War route, it will be interesting to see how exactly they're going to work that into Thor 3/Avengers 3 from where Thor 2 ends.


wait, what?



Yeah... I haven't heard this as anything more than completely unsubstantiated rumour. Is there more on this than I know?

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With the other Marvel films going to go down the Civil War route, it will be interesting to see how exactly they're going to work that into Thor 3/Avengers 3 from where Thor 2 ends.


wait, what?



Yeah... I haven't heard this as anything more than completely unsubstantiated rumour. Is there more on this than I know?

Sorry I thought I mentioned it earlier in the thread. I'll try and find my sources!


EDIT: While I'm frantically shredding up the internets, During Phase 3 after Ant-man and Dr Strange the Hulk will touch upon the Planet Hulk/WW Hulk story. There will be no new Hulk film until after the Avengers 2, which will "Take the characters to a dark place" and will give a baseline for the Civil War/The Dark Avengers. Before Avengers Assemble was released, at a press conference Kevin Feige was quoted as saying that Avengers 3 would be a good film for the Civil War story line. Given the time frame for the films, this would fit in perfectly with an X-men crossover which both producers said they want to do so we can sit and hope. From the synopsis' of the near future films they all seem to be gearing towards the bitch fight, and back in 2011 there were very heavy hints from Marvel so I would be very surprised if they now decided not to do it. In the mean time I'll carry on looking for my articles!

Edited by Kookoocachu
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With the other Marvel films going to go down the Civil War route, it will be interesting to see how exactly they're going to work that into Thor 3/Avengers 3 from where Thor 2 ends.


wait, what?

Word is, they're toying with the idea of bringing the Civil War arc to the fold for 2017. It'd be ballsy and very interesting but can't see how they could pull it off, as Marvel don't own the rights to get a few of the main players involved in the gig. Plus, I reckon they'd bottle the killing of Cap.

They could well give a sly nod to a potential Civil War in the next Avengers movie by talking about the Registration Act, but I reckon that's as far as they'd take it.

An animated movie/series may be the best option for that particular line, as they could also bring the sub arcs in to mix like Deadpool/Cable, Punisher, Black Panther and Blade.


Sin City definitely worked, his style was exactly what that adaptation needed. Great film and great adaptation.

I hate to be that guy, Chilly, but Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller directed Sin City. :(

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Going back to the Snyder discussion, I find myself really polarized with his films.


Sin City definitely worked, his style was exactly what that adaptation needed. Great film and great adaptation.




Ah, so obviously my assumption that he directed that film was wrong. Oops

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