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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Funnily enough I watched First Class with my mate who hadn't seen it yet on Friday with a promise that he won't watch Days until I'm round next. At the bank scene he remarked "Fassbender was perfect for Magneto" and he really is. I wouldn't really worry about relatable, the whole idea of Charles and Erik is that they're not enemies in the truest sense, their ideologies force them into opposition. Magneto, like all great villains, firmly believes he's fighting the true and just cause, fighting to protect the oppressed and persecuted (i.e. mutants) against those that fear, hate and ultimately would destroy them (mankind). I'd be more worried if he wasn't relatable. The flip side being that Charles believes in fighting for peace and co-existence with mankind, who by and large are meant to be good (?) but have enough dickheads (the Strykers and Trasks of the world) to make their cause like look evil, even though from their point of view.... it's true and just. That's the tragedy. X-Men is all about shades of grey, something that X2, First Class and Days all pulled off brilliantly with dual enemy within/without conflicts.


Well put, sir. In a way, his cause is just, as evidenced by the humans trying to kill them all after they averted the nuclear war. The ideological contrast between the two is such a great dynamic, and the shades of grey really make it a fascinating, almost allegorical in some ways, reflection on humanity's mistrust of "different" throughout history.


The only problem with Fassbender's portrayal of Magneto is that he went a bit Irish near the end. "Da humans have played dere hand!"


It seemed to coincide with the moment he puts the special hat on.


I like how even though you know his eventual fate as a "bad guy" is waiting for him, he allows himself to be challenged and influenced by Xavier's principles throughout the film, only to reject them at the end. But even then, he still immediately uses his power to pull the bullet from Xavier's spine. Need to watch DOFP now. Like, now now.

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Need to watch DOFP now. Like, now now.


I couldn't judge it as a film objectively as a massive X-Men fan with a higher-than-normal level of emotional investment, but having totally bought into McAvoy/Fassbender/Lawrence/Hoult, it's fair to say that Days might be my favourite film. First Class was awesome, but Days built on it and knocked my socks clean off. Socks, shoes, feet, everything.

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Is the Rogue cut of Days of Future Past worth checking out? Noticed it on PSN the other day and was tempted.

It's alright but I prefer the theatrical cut, it has better pacing. There's the odd extra line or slightly extended scene that's cool, but overall it doesn't really add much, and that's coming from a Rogue fan.

Edited by Juan Manforce
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Is the Rogue cut of Days of Future Past worth checking out? Noticed it on PSN the other day and was tempted.

It's alright but I prefer the theatrical cut, it has better pacing. There's the odd extra line or slightly extended scene that's cool, but overall it doesn't really add much, and that's coming from a Rogue fan.



Agree with this. It doesn't make it a better film and does slow it down in places (They were the right cuts to make) But, if you're a fan, and want more X-Men. then its well worth a watch

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Finally got round to seeing Deadpool. It was pretty damn good. It wasn't challenging Guardians for "best" or Days for "favourite" in my rankings of the Marvel inspired films since 2000, but it was really good, probably top 5 in my head. Ignoring the sex/swearing turned up to 11, it was probably the most faithful conversion of a character from comic to film. Gloriously meta, very funny, and clearly a labour of love for Ry-Rey. Dork quibble was that they had a character called Negasonic Teenage Warhead whose powers were nothing like Negasonic Teenage Warhead from the comic - like, nothing like - but ehhh, what's in a name. Loved some of the lines, some of the ruder parts of the Wade/Vanessa montage, the appearance of Reynolds on the magazine cover, the appearance of the Weapon XI action figure.... yeah, definitely my favourite rom-com ever.


Looking forward to Reynolds' next outing in the red suit. If the rumoured X-Force roster of Cable, Deadpool, Warpath, Domino (!!), Cannonball, Feral and Boom-Boom turns out to be true, I'll be a very happy man.

Edited by air_raid
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It looks very very good, I'm hoping they can meld all this together with the rest of the X-verse as it were, as I'm a bit fan of Xmen, and the movies.


I was thinking about that, and timeline wise they could manage it, assuming Deadpool is set in the altered post-Days present day and thus the original fate of Wade at the hands of Stryker/becoming "Weapon XI" has now not happened.


Although as comic fans, multiverses and "they're all just stories" can excuse stuff not all fitting together unless its explicitly stated that they're supposed to fit together, like the flashbacks to previous films.

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Yeah, I think the official answer is that Days totally changed the time line from then onwards, so anything post 1970's (I think Wolverine Origins is in 1979?) either didn't happen or has been altered. Although when you think about why certain people are different races/alive in different times, that kind of messes it up a bit but "generally" its ok, and I don't mind it hah.

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Yeah, I *think* Origins was 80s. Origins was kind of rendered contradictory by First Class depicting Xavier losing the ability to walk in the 60s when he was mobile in the 80s in Origins, and also by having Emma Frost as an adult in the 60s in First Class and the (implied) same character being teenaged in the 80s in Origins. I can ignore that. I can ignore there being Jubilee as a youngster in Apocalypse and also a girl called Jubilee shown as a youngster in X2. There's probably not much I can't ignore, even if it's literally "let's just forget that bit."

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Greatest thing in the history of anything ever. That Deadpool movie.
I don't know how they are going to work it into an X-Men timeline or how Deadpool would even fit into that universe. I mean, does he call Professor X, James or Patrick? And how do they react? Is he beeped after the obligatory one f-bomb into a PG-13 movie?
Or do they keep him and the X-Force separate?
It's an interesting few years ahead.

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