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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I thought that trailer for suicide squad was horrible. The music synched with the noses really didn't work for me and the font and the graphic that said 'worst heroes ever' was lame.



I loved it Chest. In particular I loved the richness of colour throughout and in particular how they incorporated the multi colours into the film company logos.


The trailer made it feel exactly like it should, incredibly fun.

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Lot of absolute fucking idiots being negative emptying their bowels all over the place because Harley Quinn's accent isn't as strong as it "should be", though. Can't please them all.

That's typical. My main takeaway from that trailer was that for mannerisms and all-round sass, Margot is totally pulling it off as Harley. Pedantic bellsniffs everywhere.


I quite like telling the comic wankers complaining about the differences with the comics, "Yeah, that's the comics. This is the film. There's no point doing the comics again, because you already have the comics. Nobody's going to force you to watch the film if it's too different from the comics for you. Shut up and read your comics." As a gigantic X-Men comics fan, fans of a comic ragging on a film purely for the differences is a major pet hate because it tars us all with the same brush - a brush that was definitely different in the comic. Or any cross-medium re-imagining for that matter. YES, Targaryens are meant to have purple eyes and Bumblebee is meant to be a VW Beetle. Get over it.

Totally with you on that Raid. It's the same with a bunch of things, Game of Thrones is one that one guy I work gets all bent out of shape about if it's not a direct copy of book to screen. People don't know what 'Based On...' means anymore, everything has to be a carbon copy.

God help the fans of Preacher when that hits TV, as that has tonnes of changes from the books apparently, but they have been approved by Gareth Ennis

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I loved it Chest. In particular I loved the richness of colour throughout and in particular how they incorporated the multi colours into the film company logos.


The trailer made it feel exactly like it should, incredibly fun.

I thought the first trailer made it seem good fun and light, but this one made it seem a bit silly and lame - hence my disappointment. If I wasn't expecting good things I wouldn't have been that fussed!


I'll still see the film though, I'm sure. Unless it gets totally panned.

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I loved it Chest. In particular I loved the richness of colour throughout and in particular how they incorporated the multi colours into the film company logos.


The trailer made it feel exactly like it should, incredibly fun.

I thought the first trailer made it seem good fun and light, but this one made it seem a bit silly and lame - hence my disappointment. If I wasn't expecting good things I wouldn't have been that fussed!


I'll still see the film though, I'm sure. Unless it gets totally panned.

Strange. Complete opposite for me.


The first trailer is very dark in tone and the majority of it really has the majority of the characters either looking depressed, or in some sort of turmoil.


Each to their own though.

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Yeah, the first trailer was very "serious" in tone I thought, with this one being a bit more Guardians of the Galaxy-esque, which looks real fun.

Mad to think Batman/Superman and Suicide Squad are out this year......Two DC movies! hah.

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That trailer looks fun. I don't get the criticism about it, you know what you're going to get, this isn't Dogme 95 filmmaking.


I'd actually like someone to do an exact carbon copy of a comic book, word for word, shot by shot and show everyone how fucking dull it would.


As Raid said this is a film not a comic.


Oh and Cara Delevigne. Inhumanly beautiful

Edited by gbacon85
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I thought it looked decent. Margot Robbie showed her flat arse and all.


I agree some of the lines are like a train coming down the tunnel. Particularly Quinn's one about the voices in her head. It would not be out of place in a middling WWE promo.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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