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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Was i the only one who actually quite liked the other F4 films? (The ones with Captain America as Torch)

The second one, with the Silver Surfer, is the only film I've watched at the cinema and fell asleep during it.

Of all the complaints about people's race being changed and stuff not being true to the source material, Galactus being turned into a cloud is for me by far the biggest indignity any character has faced in the transition to screen.

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Was i the only one who actually quite liked the other F4 films? (The ones with Captain America as Torch)

The second one, with the Silver Surfer, is the only film I've watched at the cinema and fell asleep during it.

Of all the complaints about people's race being changed and stuff not being true to the source material, Galactus being turned into a cloud is for me by far the biggest indignity any character has faced in the transition to screen.



Agreed 100%


As it stands I actually didn't mind the two Tim Story films, they had a lot of issues but they got the tone right, which is that Fantastic Four is the first family of super heroes and that the films should be fun. Something that this one missed entirely hence the reason I could tell it would flop bad.


I haven't seen the movie yet, I don't know when it will be released here but I had no desire to see it after the initial trailers were released because they had the tone completely wrong.


To go back to Hollywood white washing, I agree it still remains an issue and I think it's up to the individual and their love of the source material how much it bothers them. I consider myself a big comic book fan and I didn't like the change made to Mandarin one bit, I also don't like 6'3 Wolverine or non french Gambit etc etc. Idris Elba in Thor didn't bother me at all as it's a minor role and it's Idris fucking Elba. Changing the whole dynamic of the "Family" relationship in the F4 though was a bad idea though for numerous reasons most already stated.


You can argue till your blue in the face that changing the race of a major character and the whole dynamic of the team shouldn't matter but clearly to many people it did and I would be very surprised if we saw any attempt to do it again.

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Yeah him being a space fart wasn't the best but a planet sized Pharaoh just doesn't translate to film i don't think.


There seems to be two weird conversations here. I was actually talking about changing the ethnicity / backstory of a character, rather than choosing an actor that's a different race to portray them.


I actually don't mind the last 2 Fantastic Four movies, they aren't great but they are big, loud, dumb superhero movies that seem to know how cheesy they are. There's as much of a place for things like that as there is for the brooding, overly dark films. I'd argue that they are probably better films than Man of Steel.

Edited by chokeout
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Yeah him being a space fart wasn't the best but a planet sized Pharaoh just doesn't translate to film i don't think.


A planet sized pink pharaoh no less.

I'd love to see his classic form in a film (played by Arnie obviously) but I'm a die hard comic fan. A cloud is no compromise though. A fucking cloud, just don't use him if you're that embarrassed by the character.

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There was a good comparison between Fantastic Four and David Fincher's experience on Alien3 with the inexperienced Director being swallowed up by the realities of a big studio franchise ( I'm sure its just a coincidence that it was Fox both times). It was 3 years before Fincher got another film after being locked out of Alien3, luckily it was Seven and it showed what he could do. If he had had another bad film I'm sure blame would have landed squarely on his shoulders and he'd not have had the career he's had.


The more that comes out, the more Trank seems to have gone over the edge making it, although a part of me thinks some of the stuff coming out could still be damage control by the studio, using him as a fall guy. His next film will be the make and break one for him.

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I agree about Trank being the studio's fall guy, as soon as he posted that tweet all the stories about him being impossible suddenly came out. I'm sure all the bad stuff about both parties is based in truth, in any case I think this film will be remembered for all the wrong reasons and will be spoken about alongside other films with infamously difficult productions. The reshoots sound like hell, no wonder the second half of the film fell apart if it was being made like that.

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I agree about Trank being the studio's fall guy, as soon as he posted that tweet all the stories about him being impossible suddenly came out. I'm sure all the bad stuff about both parties is based in truth, in any case I think this film will be remembered for all the wrong reasons and will be spoken about alongside other films with infamously difficult productions. The reshoots sound like hell, no wonder the second half of the film fell apart if it was being made like that.


He's already had to lawyer up because there's talk that he breached his contract by speaking out against the film on Twitter. Be interesting to see if the studio chase it up and publicly try and blame the negative press on him or just wash their hands of the whole thing and write off the $60million they think they will lose.


There's been a few good write ups of what was cut based on the footage that already been released, The shot of Thing free falling from a Stealth jet seen in the trailer seems to be one of the 3 missing 'big set pieces' and is not in the final film and a behind the scenes featurette had pre effects footage from after the Fantasticar crashed during another action piece.

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The Thing free falling isn't even in the final film? That's one of the main hooks used in the trailer! "State of your marketing market mate!"


There's at least 12 scenes from just the trailers that aren't even in the final cut. 12! http://www.hitfix.com/harpy/12-scenes-from-the-fantastic-four-trailers-that-arent-in-the-film(film spoilers obviously)

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In Fantastic Four the sibling relationship between Johnny and Sue is downplayed so much it really doesn't matter what colour they are or if they match. Their difference in personality is the only aspect of their relationship that's represented at all so them being adopted or different colours doesn't hurt the story they're telling in the film whatsoever.


Was that for me? If so, you've missed the point.


Should this matter? Probably not. But it mattered to me.


You've pointed out well why it shouldn't matter, but to me, it does. To me, Sue and Johnny are brother and sister. PROPER brother and sister. That matters to me. If you give me a Fantastic Four where they aren't, you might as well change Reed's name to Dave. And swap his power from stretching to no-selling or something.


I'm usually the guy who has to batter down his mates for whining that the films deviate too far from the comics because they're stories inspired by the comics, not just telling the same stories again. But Johnny and Sue not being trueborn siblings, for whatever reason, I can't deal with. I'd have been less bothered if all four of them had been black or born in Kosovo or both, than I am with the idea that Susan is only Johnny's adopted sister.


I don't expect anyone else to agree, or even understand, but that's how I feel.

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Idris Elba as Heimdall was no problem for me. The film's rationale was that they were an alien race that the Vikings worshipped as gods, not Vikings themselves. Fits fine.


I've got no problem with Will Smith being cast as Deadshot, either. The problem I have with the proposed Deadshot character is that he's meant to be a psychopath who's been a villain and is barely managing to stay on the goodies' side, something he doesn't want to do anyway. This whole making him a family man bollocks is stupid.


All in all, I'd say there are comparatively very few characters in comics who can't have their ethnicities changed. Thunderbird and Warpath can't, certainly; neither can Sunfire. Hal Jordan can't, but that's mainly because of John Stewart - Stewart's experiences of life as a black man inform how his character and major turning points in his arc have been written; also, one of the best bits about him was the mirror he basically held up to Jordan, forcing Hal to confront his own assumptions about life formed by his own privilege (and this was done decades before terms like "privilege" had become current).

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In Fantastic Four the sibling relationship between Johnny and Sue is downplayed so much it really doesn't matter what colour they are or if they match. Their difference in personality is the only aspect of their relationship that's represented at all so them being adopted or different colours doesn't hurt the story they're telling in the film whatsoever.



Was that for me? If so, you've missed the point.

What? Not specifically, I'm just rambling about how the on screen sibling relationship was actually presented.

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This FF just made me appreciate the original films more for what they were - decent Saturday afternoon throwaway telly. I actually think they did the Fantastic Four a good service (although Doom was pretty ropey), and mentions of the MCU in this thread have made me kind of wish they could shoehorn Gruffudd, Alba et al into the MCU just for the crack of watching them recast the Torch.


The new FF is just there, which is more frustrating when you hear the hints in the dialogue of something that could have been more fun.

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