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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Not into comics or anything, but why is it cool to hate on Superman?

Superman has very little charisma, and there's little indication given in the movies that he will really lose. Makes them really boring to watch for me
Comics are one thing but if you watch any of the superhero movies and think the hero is going to lose you're a lunatic.


Hating Superman is like hating John Cena, it's not as cool as people think it is.


Unrelatedly I was reading an interview with someone (someone high up in Marvel IIRC) and they said Iron Man is their flagship character and they considered him Marvel's "Mickey Mouse". I knew he was popular in the films but fuck when did that happen? That's Spider-Man's spot on the card.

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The amount of kids around my da's area who were running around in Iron Man costumes last year was insane.
It's all down to the Downey and his ludicrous charisma. He single handedly turned an admittedly boring character into the most popular Avenger, and has caused a serious boom in his post 2007/2008 flagging comics.

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The problem with Superman is that while there's interesting character stuff to do with him, he's not terribly interesting in battles and so on. I suspect CGI actually hinders rather than helps that last point. It's Superman, so naturally he does lots of things that seem beyond human beings, but when you've got a large CGI budget and those expectations it's real easy to go too far with that. And it's a potentially difficult character to relate to anyway.

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Yeah, makes sense. I have no more than a passing interest in the 'superhero' world, but I always see people hating Superman and just wondered why.

Myself and my mate Rachel were arguing about this at my wedding of all things. (You have to remember her, she was at your table and mouthy, dancing with every old man in the place. and she has big bangers and wound up crying at the end of the night coz nobody commented on her shoes or something)

I think you, Jo and Amerz were there too on the balcony and it got quite heated. She was digging her heels in over some "brilliant irony" of Superman being the anti-superhero as his costume is Clark Kent and his real form is Kal-El.

I dug my heels in and said he was still shit.


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haha, yeah I remember her.


I remember Amerz hated her because she was all slutty, flirty, and vulgar. Whilst nodding in agreement with Amerz, me & Jody were still thinking how filthy she'd be in the sack. And maybe you were too - but it was your wedding day, so I didn't include you on that list.

Edited by herbie747
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Not into comics or anything, but why is it cool to hate on Superman?

Superman has very little charisma, and there's little indication given in the movies that he will really lose. Makes them really boring to watch for me
Comics are one thing but if you watch any of the superhero movies and think the hero is going to lose you're a lunatic.

Hating Superman is like hating John Cena, it's not as cool as people think it is.

Unrelatedly I was reading an interview with someone (someone high up in Marvel IIRC) and they said Iron Man is their flagship character and they considered him Marvel's "Mickey Mouse". I knew he was popular in the films but fuck when did that happen? That's Spider-Man's spot on the card.

A well done movie, or a wrestling match since you brought cena into it, is that even though you know it's not real, and that the good guy always wins in the end, it should should give you enough reason to like the main character, and to think the bad guy has a chance, even if it's slight, to win. I don't get that from any superman film.

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haha, yeah I remember her.


I remember Amerz hated her because she was all slutty, flirty, and vulgar. Whilst nodding in agreement with Amerz, me & Jody were still thinking how filthy she'd be in the sack. And maybe you were too - but it was your wedding day, so I didn't include you on that list.

Have it on good authority that's she guttersnipe between the sheets, sir.

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Vamp hit the Superman problem on the head with relating to him. I don't like Superman just he is impossible to relate to. Unless the baddie has a little bit of a certain type of rock on them, He is indestructible, how are you supposed to rally behind what can not be beaten.

That's one of the reasons why I've always gravitated towards Batman. Only Clark Kent can be Superman, only Peter Parker can be Spider-Man, but (assuming you have the financial Capitol) anybody can be Batman as he is a symbol of hope and justice. People can aspire to be Batman because he is a mortal man without alien powers. Batman has to actually fight the battle, whereas Superman can just swoop in with his "it's alright lads, I've got this" attitude because he can't be beat. He can take a kicking but he'll always triumph in the end because he is indestructable. Hence why people started likening John Cena to him a few years back

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The point about Superman is that he can't swoop in and sort everything out because he can't be everywhere at once. That's why he is the example to be followed rather than a messiah. Superman can save everyone but he has to choose to deal with the greatest threats. You can't rely on him to bail you out, so you have to become the hero and fight to save your fellow man, doing what he would do if he was there. The sinking ship scene in Superman Returns sums it up best. They fight and fight to survive as long as they can, until fate fucks them over, but then and only then does Superman arrive, when hope is lost. I think today's generation would interpret that as Superman being a dick, or more likely ask why he doesn't just become our overlord with all those powers, but I think that (much like Snyder's mopey selfish iteration) reflects the reader's attitudes, and, ironically, why Superman is better than you.


Yeah. Fan, over here.

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The smugness does seem to have become more pronounced over the years, but I suppose when a character has been around as long as he has, things are bound to swing with changing times. I like the difference between the confidence of Superman, when he can be himself, and the nervousness of Clark Kent, which I always saw as brought on by having to tiptoe around us to avoid smashing us to pieces by accident rather than a conscious pretense. He doesn't have the now-classic dark side that so many superheroes get saddled with, but I still find the idea of Superman really cool. Batman's cooler, but I wouldn't want to be him.

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Hating Superman is like hating John Cena, it's not as cool as people think it is.



Sorry, but I'm fed up of reading that, I think it's bollocks. People don't dislike Cena to be cool, at least not all of them. I personally don't like him because I find his character stale and smug. As a wrestler, he's clearly one of the best, who can have great matches with a broomstick, tell great stories in the ring, and has great delivery in his promos, but I find his character overplayed, boring, unrelatable, insufferable, disingenuous and I just don't enjoy anything he's in any more.


I'm not a Superman fan for the reasons I stated above, but I do enjoy reading his stories when he's really up against it, like when he's fighting Darkseid, Doomsday, Mongul or even Captain Marvel/Shazam. It's also why I enjoy reading Batman much more - there's more enjoyment to be had out of "How's he going to manage to beat adversity this time?" instead of "Well, any bets on how long it's going to take him, in his usual, boring style?"



The smugness does seem to have become more pronounced over the years, but I suppose when a character has been around as long as he has, things are bound to swing with changing times. I like the difference between the confidence of Superman, when he can be himself, and the nervousness of Clark Kent, which I always saw as brought on by having to tiptoe around us to avoid smashing us to pieces by accident rather than a conscious pretense. He doesn't have the now-classic dark side that so many superheroes get saddled with, but I still find the idea of Superman really cool. Batman's cooler, but I wouldn't want to be him.


Oddly enough, I don't find Superman smug. That's one thing I think they've written well for him. If anything, he seems to go really hard on himself, because he's so self-aware. Whilst I find the character a bit boring, I do appreciate that DC have written his personality, as well as his powers, to be "super" - he's clearly a natural leader, and in this regard, quite likable, even if he's not relatable.

Edited by Carbomb
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This is an article detailing the agreements between Marvel and Sony over some specifics of the way Spider-man legally has to be portrayed on screen. It includes caveats that Peter Parker has to be white and heterosexual, I'm actually surprised that that can be stipulated in such a politically correct time.

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I think stipulating that Peter Parker has to be white and heterosexual is different, if not completely defendable, to saying Spider-Man has to be white and heterosexual.


Peter Parker is an established, identifiable and marketable 'brand' to Marvel that they probably don't want to run the risk of being diluted or distorted in the publics eye by another company; Spider-Man is a more abstract concept.

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