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Shoot interviews


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Bret tells that story in his book.  It's amazing that nobody noticed any difference.  That match is very good and a great example of what a excellent wrestler Bret was.


I wonder how true it even is. Wrestlers are not exactly noted truth tellers, and the other corroborating party is dead. It's pretty lucky that many people's favourite Bret Hart match is one he gets to tell them was 100% him, carrying a fooked broomstick.



I think it's true. Bulldog was a big guy back then and didn't work a lot of fast paced matches. Lots of stalling, tests of strength, etc. Also, if you look at History of WWE, his last match before SummerSlam was August 13th (SS was on August 29th).


Edit: Just realised Bulldog wrestled a couple of short matches at TV taping on July 20th, then only worked twice, on August 3rd and August 13th, before SS. So two matches in 38 days before the biggest match of his career. Odd.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Watched that Kevin Steen Show with Cliff Compton as well, based on the posts above. And they're bang on. I recommend going out of your way to catch it, I can't think of a funnier shoot interview. I don't think I'll ever stop wanting Domino and Gallows teaming up in the WWE.

Edited by King Pitcos
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The Youshoots have hit the wall. Brodus doesn't want to answer anything. He seems a decent bloke, but he obviously cant be arsed with Sean Oliver and his Howard Stern-lite act. Same with Evan Bourne. For these things to work you have to be a bit of a cock or have no fear about losing a spot in WWE, like New Jack or Honky Tonk or Kevin Nash. Getting the likes of the Hurricane, Evan Bourne and Brodus on just defeats the purpose of doing a Youshoot. They dont want to offend anyone.

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The shoot interview game on the whole is being hit hard by the cleaning up and monopolisation of the industry. WWE has far fewer drugged-up, reckless, arrogant nutters coming through the doors these days, so shoot interviews take the brunt of that. If you're looking at a list of non-contracted wrestlers to interview and you're after a bit of sleaze that might get talked about on forums, Raven and Honky and New Jack are safer bets than anyone who has just had their P45 from Triple H. But if you're Sean Oliver, you have to roll the dice on a few of them. Evan Bourne could have been this year's London and Kendrick shoot, with his fondness for recreational drugs and how he didn't put much effort into hiding it from WWE. But with how WWE is now, Bourne's probably never even had a veteran want to wank in the cupboard while watching him fuck a waitress anyway.

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Yeah that Youshoot was shite alright,waste of bandwidth.Brodus didn't have an opinion on anything and looked embarrassed to be there a lot of the time.The Hornswoggle story was the closest he came to opening up,and even that was tame enough.


Just started the Steen/Compton show and it's hilarious so far.

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