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A story from the Kevin Steen shoot that I loved:


It's a CZW match, Super Dragon & Necro Butcher vs. Kevin Steen & BJ Whitmer. At one point Steen is knocked onto the floor, he opens his eyes and everything is pitch black and he thinks "What the fuck?" but then realises that Super Dragon has jumped on him to hit a senton. Dragon lands on Steen's ribs with all his weight and Steen has the wind knocked out of him. Kevin says this is in his top 3 most painful moments wrestling. Dragon goes back in the ring to continue the match and Steen is lying on the floor gasping for breath, thinking all his ribs are broken and doesn't think he can continue the match. Ref Bryce Remsburg goes over because he can see that Steen is hurt and Steen tells him in a hcoked voice "Tell Dragon I'm hurt. I can't continue, I'm going to head to the back". Bryce gets in the ring and tells Dragon and then jumps straight back out the ring over to Steen.


Bryce gets down and whispers in Steen's ear "Dragon told you to go fuck yourself".


Steen bursts out laughing, gets back in the ring and finishes the match, which turned out really good.


Another story from the shoot, written by someone from another board:


So Trapped was Steen's last CZW show when he was working there monthly. He had already planned a tour of Japan, so he told Zandig that he needed to drop the Iron Man belt in the match. Zandig turned to Generico and told him he would take the belt, which made no sense since they were on the same team in the match. Generico told him he wouldn't be around monthly anymore, so Zandig was pissed. So Steen thought, "What's the craziest thing I can come up with?" and told Zandig that LuFisto should beat him for the belt. Zandig's eyes lit up. He thought it was a great idea.


So later all the participants are gathered around to talk about the match and Zandig is going on about why he won't be in the match. He's saying DJ Hyde is going to attack his son so Zandig will have to take him to the hospital or something. So Generico keeps saying, "Yeah but what about the match?" And Zandig keeps ignoring him. Finally when Generico says it one more time, Zandig screams "FUCK THE FUCKIN' MATCH!" and Generico goes, "Yeah, fuck the fuckin' match!"

Edited by LaGoosh
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Watched the Jesse Ventura one last night.


Initially i was surprised that A) RF was able to get him and B) He would be prepared to do something like that in the first place.


Still a very charismatic chap and someone who is easy to listen to. Nothing particularly special about it that made it stand out but definitely worth a watch. Even by RF's usual low standards this one must break the record for the most amount of poorly researched or factually inaccurate questions or statements. There must be about half a dozen "memories of working with xxx" which were just plain wrong.


We really need to get a movement going for Haku shoot interview now. I can't think of anyone else who, realistically, i'd like to here about from that era more than him.

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