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One example of cognitive dissonance is when people try and justify behaviour in themselves that they would normally be opposed to, or consider themselves opposed to within their own mind. The conflict created when you behave in a certain way (say for example making racist jokes, making allusions about black people being monkeys) that you would normally oppose (say by being outraged at a footballer being charged with racist abuse) so you have to justify it to yourself by crouching the racist joke or allusion under the guise of "this is what a racist person, or someone who is perceived to be defending a racist would say lol" in order to reduce the dissonance in your mind. And when that person presents themselves and actually believes that they're taking the moral high ground and fighting a crusade against that behaviour, even the mock-racist behaviour itself is considered within their own mind to be part of that moral fight against racism, the dissonance is incredible. It takes a special kind of idiot to be that hypocritical. But for someone else to come along and do the same thing even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, you need to be Pitcos-level stupid.


"Up yours nigger."

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Oh, do shut up.

I think I have a right to defend myself when I'm constantly being ripped by the clique of neil-wannabe dipshits.


I'm all for a bit of flippancy, but this place used to be mixed with other stuff too. The pack mentality now is just stunning. Personally I find the social behavioural element of this stuff interesting, sorry if you don't. I think it's a direct result of LOL-LET'S-MAKE-NEIL-A-MOD-LOL. Now that the pack has decided that I'm fair game for being ripped on, it's open season, and thanks for joining in.


You have to admit that it must be hard to be an "alright poster" when you're constantly on the defense. I can't post anything without being jumped on. Look back over the last month since I've come back from being suspended, the vast majority of abuse headed my way, I've not responded to, just reported and tried to get on with posting normally. But I'm not prepared to be bullied off the forum, just because it's been decided that I'm not in with the cool kids any more.


And I'm sure everyone will respond with, "self-pitying scouser" or an irreverent picture, or "shut up, you're boring" or more of these classic avoidance tactics.

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Christ bobbins, give it up would you? You have decidedly NOT been 'posting normally', you're basically trolling and it's really fucking dull. I actually really like reading your posts even though we don't really see eye to eye and I don't wish to see you bullied off the forum and yep, you're currently drawing a lot of unfunny 'zingers' from clowns, but this esoteric victim shit you're peddling has to go.

Edited by Mr. Seven
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We used to get it here, although I never bothered with "Improve your wordpower" as I preferred the crappy inspirational stories. There was one once about a coach of Alabama's College Football team and his son had Down Syndrome. And it was all very heartwarming.


Coach Stallings is a hell of a man. Don't suppose you recall how old this Reader's Digest was (in my experience, new editions must be held in storage somewhere for about 8 years, before then being distributed to dentist's waiting rooms, or grandparents' houses) - his book about it was mid-90s, so may have been around then?


The Stallings' sadly lost their son to a congenital heart condition a few years back.

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Oh, do shut up.

I think I have a right to defend myself when I'm constantly being ripped by the clique of neil-wannabe dipshits.


I'm all for a bit of flippancy, but this place used to be mixed with other stuff too. The pack mentality now is just stunning. Personally I find the social behavioural element of this stuff interesting, sorry if you don't. I think it's a direct result of LOL-LET'S-MAKE-NEIL-A-MOD-LOL. Now that the pack has decided that I'm fair game for being ripped on, it's open season, and thanks for joining in.


You have to admit that it must be hard to be an "alright poster" when you're constantly on the defense. I can't post anything without being jumped on. Look back over the last month since I've come back from being suspended, the vast majority of abuse headed my way, I've not responded to, just reported and tried to get on with posting normally. But I'm not prepared to be bullied off the forum, just because it's been decided that I'm not in with the cool kids any more.


And I'm sure everyone will respond with, "self-pitying scouser" or an irreverent picture, or "shut up, you're boring" or more of these classic avoidance tactics.


You not exactly endearing yourself to anyone though are you? Calling people dipshits and the like whilst throwing a paddy after being called a cunt amongst other things smacks of the double standards you're trying to play out.


As for pack mentality? Maybe they are just tired of your postings? No?


Anyway, why would you want to chat amongst us, you're clearly way too intelligent for us and as you probably suspect, always in the right.


Give it a rest and have a break please.



Rule One

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Calling people dipshits and the like whilst throwing a paddy after being called a cunt

Hey Butchi, here's a real good example of that cognitive dissonance. See it was perfectly justifiable to call me a cunt, because I threw a paddy afterwards. See how it works?


Although "but if you can refrain from calling me a cunt, it'd be appreciated" is hardly throwing a paddy, and I'm only calling people dipshits now that I've finally had enough.

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Calling people dipshits and the like whilst throwing a paddy after being called a cunt

Hey Butchi, here's a real good example of that cognitive dissonance. See it was perfectly justifiable to call me a cunt, because I threw a paddy afterwards. See how it works?


Although "but if you can refrain from calling me a cunt, it'd be appreciated" is hardly throwing a paddy, and I'm only calling people dipshits now that I've finally had enough.



Paranoid much? I'm not Butch.


So you're only handing out the dipshits now you've had enough? Top top reasoning there, maybe they took that approach first because they'd had enough of you and politely told you firsthand?

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The pack mentality now is just stunning. Personally I find the social behavioural element of this stuff interesting, sorry if you don't. I think it's a direct result of LOL-LET'S-MAKE-NEIL-A-MOD-LOL. Now that the pack has decided that I'm fair game for being ripped on, it's open season, and thanks for joining in.


Hooray! Don't mind if I do.


bobsy, there is a very clear issue that I fear you need to address, else you are very likely to suffer some kind of mental meltdown. You take this place far too seriously, and are in severe danger of becoming a permanent victim of abuse if you don't modify your behaviour somewhat. You also seem to be taking yourself far too seriously, and showing flashes of "I'm too big to resort to petty name-calling and sarcasm." This is a very slippery slope.


Is there an automatic thread-lock function that activates whenever the cognitive dissonance goes off the scale?


Is there an automatic thread-lock function that activates whenever the Flaming June-style pretention goes off the scale?


Sorry, I tried to refrain, I really did. Passive aggressive, hyperbolic pseudo-intelligent witterings in a different thread to those that you are directing the comment to. (Fragment, I probably should consider revising) But here's the thing - it's not big, and it's not as clever as you'd like it to be.


One example of cognitive dissonance is when people try and justify behaviour in themselves that they would normally be opposed to, or consider themselves opposed to within their own mind.


How about coming into this thread to pick a fight, which seems to be what you are criticizing others for?


It takes a special kind of idiot to be that hypocritical.


Let's dispense with the foreplay, bobsy.


I believe this whole debacle started, correct me if I'm wrong, when you made some comments in the Premier League thread supporting either Suarez/LFC point of view in that there racism row. Now, I'm not really interested in joining in the debate on what a disgrace the players/club/fans have been in that episode, it's neither the time or the place. Point is, some lads think it's funny to call you a racist for it. And they're probably right. About it being funny, not about you being a racist. It's funny because of your hysterical overreaction. If you ignore the jibes, the people making them will get bored. I'm stunned a chap as intelligent as yourself didn't learn this lesson at school, where you no doubt were picked on, for being as vastly more intelligent than everyone else as you undoubtedly were.


I think I have a right to defend myself when I'm constantly being ripped by the clique of neil-wannabe dipshits.


You've lost me here bobsy, you really have. I think I know the "dipshits" of whom you speak, and they'd much rather tear the rules up than enforce them. Unless you're referring to a higher level of control/"moderation", that being circumventing the actual rules of the forum itself and merely instigating the desired behaviour by carefully orchestrated comments or provocation which appeals to the subconscious minds of other posters. If you think that is what this clique is up to, then - back to my original point - you're TAKING THIS PLACE TOO SERIOUSLY.


You're going to continue to have to face up to whatever abuse this imaginary Anti bobbins Corps throw at you, for so long as you continue throwing your toys out of the pram. It's a forum. IT DOESN'T MATTER.


I'm all for a bit of flippancy, but this place used to be mixed with other stuff too.


It still is. Fucking loads of it. Go and enjoy it.


But I'm not prepared to be bullied off the forum, just because it's been decided that I'm not in with the cool kids any more.


How ironic. No-one wanted to bully you off the forum until you started whinging about being bullied. That's if it's even true. Even if the AbC exists, they wouldn't want you to go quiet or leave the forum, that would be the end of their fun. Poking a monkey with a stick is only funny when the monkey reacts. You're the monkey, bobbins.


And I'm sure everyone will respond with, "self-pitying scouser" or an irreverent picture, or "shut up, you're boring" or more of these classic avoidance tactics.




We get it. You're above "that sort of thing."


Although "but if you can refrain from calling me a cunt, it'd be appreciated" is hardly throwing a paddy, and I'm only calling people dipshits now that I've finally had enough.


... but you're still reacting to the stick. Bad monkey.


But for someone else to come along and do the same thing even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, you need to be Pitcos-level stupid.


I'm actually with you on this one, bobsy. You see, on the face of it, I've just written a long-winded drawn out message to you in relatively serious tones, as though it matters, even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, and told you how terrible it is to take this place seriously and think that it matters. This means I'm Pitcos-level stupid.... which delights me, because Pity is a fucking genius.


Here's some advice, which I doubt you'll heed, because you're far too wise to listen to anyone that resorts to name calling on a wrestling forum (much less someone from Birmingham), but here goes anyway :


No one is trying to bully you off the forum, no one cares enough to want you gone, no one is trying to control you, and "bobbins VS The World" is not happening. Stop drawing attention to yourself, stop throwing a wobbler everytime someone makes a smart-Alec comment, give them one back instead (you might even enjoy it), stop taking things so seriously and calm yourself down.





Edited by air_raid
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Stop drawing attention to yourself, stop throwing a wobbler everytime someone makes a smart-Alec comment, give them one back instead (you might even enjoy it)

I don't take this forum seriously and I'm perfectly calm thanks, no danger of a breakdown. I used to respond to all smart-Alec comments with one of my own until they became too numerous to keep up with. You give a smart-alec response and get piled on. Obv I'm not too big to resort to name-calling and sarcasm, I shouldn't have implied that.


Interesting though isn't it? Stand up for yourself and you're the monkey that reacts to being poked with the stick. Take your medicine and be a good little victim, make sure your opinions fit. It's a shame it has to be like that, because it's a reflection of how society's going. (I know, too serious.)


You and others seem to think I think I'm more intelligent than everyone, that really isn't the case, but I think it sucks when people try and invalidate a viewpoint because it doesn't fit in within the accepted parameters.

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