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  • Paid Members
Why would I suspend you for no reason?

I'd say Gladstone would argue that one. There hasn't been a solid reason given as far as justifying that his was a fair suspension yet, since you yourself seemed to take it as banter in the thread he was apparently banned for. Butch's week suspension was harsh as well, considering he got suspended for "posting a picture of someone's girlfriend". Even though he didnt.

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  • Paid Members
Why would I suspend you for no reason?

I'd say Gladstone would argue that one. There hasn't been a solid reason given as far as justifying that his was a fair suspension yet, since you yourself seemed to take it as banter in the thread he was apparently banned for. Butch's week suspension was harsh as well, considering he got suspended for "posting a picture of someone's girlfriend". Even though he didnt.

neil posted about Gladstone yesterday. Butch and TripleA got a cooling off period for being arses to each other and crossing the line.


What's amazing about this place is that people are always sending in reports bitching about this and that, most of it frivolous, and then when a mod acts on it, they are a cock. We can't win. Fortunately, we have pretty thick skin.

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  • Paid Members

Its not about mods acting, because you need moderation. But Gladstone calling someone a "shit mod" and getting banned for it is so weak. Its hard to defend that one. For example, you called Legend Killer a "little shit" in the Footie Thread and that was more of harsh that what Gladstone said about you. Gladstone's actually a very good poster in both on and off topic, so there was no need at all to suspend him. Its not like he's a troll who is doing it to wind you up. He contributes to this forum more than a lot of people on here. You or whoever could have just told him to chill out if you thought it was over the top. But you even said you werent bothered if he called you shit and then you suspended him. And as far as Butch and Triple A goes, that wasnt the initial reason you gave us to why they were suspended. It was only a bitchy argument anyway. Neither should have been suspended for it. We were all to blame.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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  • Paid Members
Why would I suspend you for no reason?

I'd say Gladstone would argue that one. There hasn't been a solid reason given as far as justifying that his was a fair suspension yet, since you yourself seemed to take it as banter in the thread he was apparently banned for. Butch's week suspension was harsh as well, considering he got suspended for "posting a picture of someone's girlfriend". Even though he didnt.

neil posted about Gladstone yesterday. Butch and TripleA got a cooling off period for being arses to each other and crossing the line.


What's amazing about this place is that people are always sending in reports bitching about this and that, most of it frivolous, and then when a mod acts on it, they are a cock. We can't win. Fortunately, we have pretty thick skin.

That's just not true though really is it? You're one of the easiest people to bait on the entire forum rick. You reply to all the negative posts about you with a "I don't have to explain my actions" comment before usually following with an explanation for your actions, albeit a poor one. It's quite clear what's happened with Gladstone in that he made you look the fool and you suspended him. Fairplay to you, you're a mod and I'm pretty sure it is against the rules to insult a moderator or whatever, but at least have the balls to admit to doing it.


From what I hear also, the "argument" or whatever was taken in a jokey way. It seems like it was just a bit of banter. Can you not handle a bit of banter rick? That doesn't sound like the actions of a guy with "pretty thick skin".

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  • Paid Members
And as far as Butch and Triple A goes, that wasnt the initial reason you gave us to why they were suspended. It was only a bitchy argument anyway. Neither should have been suspended for it. We were all to blame.

Well perhaps people should start thinking about that before hitting report and telling tales? If we get reports about shit, we'll act. Everyone should know that, it's what the button is for.




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  • Paid Members
Well perhaps people should start thinking about that before hitting report and telling tales? If we get reports about shit, we'll act. Everyone should know that, it's what the button is for.

Did anyone report Gladstone though? Fair enough about the thread with Triple A, myself and Butch, because enough people on here thought it was the correct decision to suspend Butch and Triple A because there was a few posts deleted and nobody (apart from me, AAA and Butch) saw what was originally wrote. At least that one was up for debate, but for this one, I cant honestly see how Gladstone got a suspension for anything he said in the paypal thread. You even said something along the lines of not caring about what he said. This isn't even about you as a mod. This is about suspending a fairly popular member on here, for nothing. I dont think anyone's got any hatred for him on here. He's never been one to be a cunt for no reason. I just dont think you acted fairly on that one. I really dont see how anyone can defend the decision to suspended him.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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  • Paid Members
For example, you called Legend Killer a "little shit" in the Footie Thread and that was more of harsh that what Gladstone said about you.

That was obviously meant in jest though, and thats how I took it. Rick knows I'd knock him out if he said that seriously. We cant eliminate banter from the forum.


I do think the Gladstone one is very strange though, I mentioned it in the Paid Members forum, cause if he was indeed banned over the comment in the paypal thread, then everyone on here is skating on thin ice when it comes to banter. You cant be sure whats going to get taken in jest and what is going to result in you getting a week on the sidelines. However, I dont know for sure thats why Gladstone was banned. The mods on here have a warning system/strike policy, and its possible that Gladstone fell victim to some sort of a 3 strike rule. There is a Ban/Suspension log in the Paid Members forum, which normally says who has been banned and for what, but it hasnt been updated regarding Gladstone.

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  • Paid Members
Why hasn't Tennesse Stud been banned for telling Butch to get cancer? That was probably the most offensive I've seen on here, but because he was a past poster it seemed to have been glossed over.

Have you pressed the report button? If no, then go do so.

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  • Paid Members
Why hasn't Tennesse Stud been banned for telling Butch to get cancer? That was probably the most offensive I've seen on here, but because he was a past poster it seemed to have been glossed over.

Have you pressed the report button? If no, then go do so.


Or don't, because the Mods might do something!

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Why hasn't Tennesse Stud been banned for telling Butch to get cancer? That was probably the most offensive I've seen on here, but because he was a past poster it seemed to have been glossed over.

Have you pressed the report button? If no, then go do so.


I didn't even realise there was one, so thanks for pointing that out.

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