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Egg Shen

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Anyone know if tomorrow night's GLORY show is airing anywhere over here? If it is I'd highly recommend checking it out. I'd always recommend giving GLORY a whirl anyway but this one's got the Nieky Holzken vs Raymond Daniels rematch. I have to find a way to see that.

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i don't think Palhares gets a kick out of it, i think it's just that heat of battle/red mist thing. After it happens he almost acts like it didn't happen, he's just fucking crazy.


I agree with this and in combat sports then being crazy, regularly winning fights by stoppage and having a fearsome and dangerous reputation is something that should be applauded and admired so long as your actions remain within the confounds of the rules, which outwith the PED allegations all of Palhares' absolutely do.


Wand, with regards to you saying he's ''trying to end people's careers'' and talking about how often he is doing this, can you tell me how many of his repeat victims here have had their careers ended by Palhares' actions!? A 1 second average of holding on past a tap is not ending anyone's career and bear in mind that the second he is told to stop by the ref he is doing so, as in line with the rules.


If the ref etc are trying to drag him off of someone yet he continues to resist for 3,4,5, seconds or longer that would warrant this sort of treatment but that's not the case. When you ask why would he get all the attention and always be the one under the spotlight rather than others...well that's just society...in any group or industry once people get given a reputation for something it's incredibly hard to shake off whether that reputation was initially justified or not. Then you have the band wagoners and the white knighters who don't know all the facts and statistics in depth like you do as you're obviously a long time fan of the sport. They just see people complaining that Palhares has done something wrong, hear that he's done it before then jump onto the bandwagon without any real understanding.


There are plenty of examples of similar or worse from fighters in other fights that go unpunished and are rarely mentioned. Take for example BJ Penn vs Jens Pulver. Penn not only intentionally held onto a choke after a tap intentionally but he admitted it afterwards AND publicly stated that he should have held on for longer;


PENN - “A lot of people actually they’ve asked me about me holding the choke on him and if I felt I held it too long and this and that and my answer has been the same since day one: I didn’t hold it long enough.”


Now he received absolutely no punishment from the UFC or from the athletic commission, now I have always been a huge fan of BJ Penn but when you talk about the consequences of these things and about causing damage or trying to end people's careers I would argue that the potential risks of intentionally holding onto a choke for too long and for intentionally cutting off the supply of oxygen and or blood to somebodies brain for a prolonged period of time was tremendously more likely to result in severe and serious injury than an arm or leg lock.


On your Rousey point if you have any means to I would love to see a video showing the timing of the first tap to hold release in the first Rousey vs Tate fight as I always thought that was a little slow on first watch, certainly not any less worse than some of Palhares'.


Rousey also bit someone's arm to get out of a submission which was totally glossed over from day one because she's such a cash cow for Dana and the UFC.


Also bear in mind that as you stated there has been controversy before with Palhares stopping during a fight whilst he was in a massively dominant position as he believed he had won to then be told the fight wasnt over and have to resume fighting...would that not again help in his case to justify not releasing holds until the referee, the only person in there who can officially declare the match over, has told him it is?

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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Anyone know if tomorrow night's GLORY show is airing anywhere over here? If it is I'd highly recommend checking it out. I'd always recommend giving GLORY a whirl anyway but this one's got the Nieky Holzken vs Raymond Daniels rematch. I have to find a way to see that.

Dont have a tv guide at hand but try Spike or BT wand.

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Thanks Ebb. If it's on Spike though it'll probably be a week delay or something shit. Are they still showing Bellator a week after the fact? I miss GLORY being on BT Sport live.


Jonny Vegas - You raise some fair points there. You're right about the BJ Penn example. Penn is one of my favourite fighters ever but I didn't like that. It was the same with your previous Hendo vs Bisping example. I'm not condoning any behaviour like that. It's dangerous first and foremost and it's also not a good look for a sport that's already looked at as barbaric in some circles.


We're never going to agree on this though so we might as well end the circular debate now. As awesome a fighter and freak talent as Palhares is, it just leaves a bad taste with me. And unlike your other examples, he's a repeat offender. It's just happening too often. I don't buy that he's being unfairly picked on, he's bringing it on himself by cranking kimuras after the tap. It's not necessarily about the length of time he's holding on after the tap for me, it's that he's trying to get one last twist or crank on the move as the ref is trying to stop it. He hasn't ended a career, yet, but give it time. All it takes is one ref who's not so quick on the ball and some poor cunt will need help wiping their arse for a few months.


Rousey also bit someone's arm to get out of a submission which was totally glossed over from day one because she's such a cash cow for Dana and the UFC.

I assume you're on about the Liz Carmouche fight here, right?


If so then I'm not being funny but you're clutching at straws there. That's a completely different scenario to Hendo getting one last shot in on Bisping, Penn holding onto the choke against Pulver or any of the Palhares examples.


Carmouche had Rousey in a neck crank where her forearm was across Ronda's mouth and she was squeezing down hard trying to get the finish.




It was almost certainly accidental. Even Carmouche pretty much confirmed that at the post-fight press conference. I just had a quick look at the video and literally the first question Carmouche was asked by the media was about the neck crank attempt. This was Carmouche's word for word response;


"Neck cranks are always hard to pull off. I mean, if the person has a lot of heart they can fight through it, like she did, she was successful.


And then I bared down where I have teeth marks actually, from getting on her mouth, thinking that maybe I can get her to tap by knocking some teeth out! But it just didn't quite work out."

Carmouche actually seemed to find it funny and definitely didn't imply that she thought Rousey deliberately bit her.




That's why the UFC "glossed over" it. It was something of nothing. Completely different to Palhares trying to snap limbs whether the fight's over or not.

Edited by wandshogun09
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The other thing is that Paul Harris mostly goes for heel hooks, calf slices and other leg locks. Once they are locked in they hurt a lot very quickly and can easily do some serious ligament damage if cranked on tight. That's where holding on after someone has given up could cause some serious injury.

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i always mean to make a document with fights worth watching every year for situations like this, but i never get around to doing it. Off the top of my head though these fights are worth a look for one reason or another:


Justin Gaethje vs. Luis Palomino (WSOF 19)

Teddy Holder vs. Thiago Silva (WSOF 19)

Rousima Palhares vs. Jake Shields (WSOF 22)

Alexander Schlemenko vs. Melvin Manheof (Bellator 133)

Liam McGeary vs. Emanuel Newton (Bellator 134)

Paul Daley vs. Andre Santos (Bellator 134)

Marcos Galvao vs. Joe Warren (Bellator 135)

L.C. Davis vs. Hideo Tokoro (Bellator 135)

Joey Beltran vs. Brian Rogers (Bellator 136)

Patricio Pitbull vs. Daniel Wieschel (Bellator 138)

Hisaki Kato vs. Joe Schilling (Bellator 139)

Michael Page vs. Rudy Bears (Bellator 140)


im forgetting tons but they are all worth a look.

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That's a very solid list. I haven't kept up with non-UFC MMA as much as I'd like this year, just not enough hours in the day these days. But the stuff I have seen off that list was really good and well worth a look. Gaethje vs Palomino in particular was just tremendous.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bellator 141 tomorrow, another UFC free weekend so get on it...





main card:


Melvin Guillard vs. Brandon Girtz

Patricky Pitbull vs. Saad Awad

Josh Burns vs. Justin Wren

Raphael Butler vs. Lorenzo Hood


Bellator are investing in Guillard so they have some plans for him, Guillard said himself that he handpicked Girtz from a list so he's clearly looking to put on a bit of a showcase tomorrow.


Pitbull/Awad should be quality, the older Pitbull can be a little lazy but Awad should draw the aggression out in him...fight of the night right here.


Justin Wren returns to MMA after a 5 year absence. You can find out about his story online, but he basically moved out to the Congo and helped out kids and families in need out there, truly a good a guy. I'm assuming he's shaved the beard but im half hoping he enters the cage looking like this:




Interested to see Lorenzo Hood too, he's got a tough out in Raphael Butler but Hood is lobbying hard for the Kimbo fight.

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Wren has been doing the podcast circuit this week and his beard is trimmed a bit, but still fairly epic.


I worry that he may get smashed. He seems a very nice man, but he doesn't seem wedded to the idea of fighting. He seems to want to do it to highlight his cause, but only for that reason. I think unless he can tap some hidden well of selfishness or spite, he could be in trouble.

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