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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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Fans pretending there anything more? Why would they pretend? You can't have an ear for music if you think all there stuff sounds the same. That's such a ridiculous statement to make. Each of their albums have unique identities instrumentally and lyrically.


But I'M not pretending you utter fool. I genuinely think there a brilliant band. Great lyrics and instrumentally phenomenal. The Foo Fighters have absolutely nothing on Biffy. There not even in the same league. If liking a band because of there lyrics and whatnot makes me "pretencious" then you're a cretin.






Fucking hell man, learn the difference!


Biffy Clyro are a bit like the Foo Fighters, don't care to delve deeper than that but that's how they sound to me on the surface.


I do know the difference. The combination of tiredness and laziness meant I made those grammatical errors. I do apoligize and hopefully you can someday forgive me.

Once again, i'm really really sorry. Please forgive me.


In regards to Daz. Biffy fans have lofty claims for their band? Well yes, they would if it's their favourite band? If you like something and it's your favourite then surely you're going to think they're better than the rest? I genuinely cannot believe that somebody who is so obviously interested in music would suggest that all of Biffy's songs sound the same. I'm not saying that in a sort of condescending manner, i'm saying in the way that it's just obvious they don't. Their first album sounds nothing like their last.


Marketing means fuck all to me. I found the band by chance rather late by listening to a song on Youtube. Downloaded all their stuff in one night and fucking loved them. That's my point, the marketing had nothing to do with me liking them and I genuinely think they're fucking brilliant. You hate them , fine. But I find it rather sad that you quite obviously have never loved a band to the extent other people have loved a band. "Music is music is music, Queen are just a band etc etc " I genuinely feel sorry for you. You have a very pessimistic view of music it seems.

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2/3rds of Kerbdog (Darragh and Billy)have reunited to form the band Souls.


This is their first released track. Old School Kerbdog :love:


Souls- Blood For Rope

they supported Kerbdog when i went to the reunion show last month, i didn't know they were in the band so i was drinking a beer outside when they played, fuck!

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Come on baby do you think it's good to feel

Like I'm lying here swimming in memories

I fear God because everything dies babe








I want to hurt the guy who writes that blog, I like a lot of the same music he listens too, but hes so annoying. Especially in that Biffy piece you linked !


yeh, complete cunt. As i read it i could just picture exactly what he looked like, right punchable muthafucker. I hate shit like that. It aint so much that i disagreed with what he said, it's how he says it.

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Those edits really do puzzle me.


sorry man, i did post responding the daz, but going back and reading i realised that he'd already explained what i was asking about in a previous post :laugh:

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Those edits really do puzzle me.


sorry man, i did post responding the daz, but going back and reading i realised that he'd already explained what i was asking about in a previous post :laugh:


I only wanted to do a pun on one of Biffy Clyro's albums anyway. It just felt right.

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they supported Kerbdog when i went to the reunion show last month, i didn't know they were in the band so i was drinking a beer outside when they played, fuck!


Aye, thought I recognised the name. Gutted.


Here is the full band line up


Darragh Butler (Kerbdog/Wilt), Clive Barnes, Billy Dalton(Kerbdog), Sean B. Doyle (Dali).



Seems they are supporting Therapy? in Dublin at some point this or next week.


Some rehearsal footage/teasers






Already cant wait for the EP :thumbsup:

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that's cool, i'll definity pick up the EP. Just need Cormac Battle to form a new band now :( I'm guessing it's his radio work that prevents Kerbdog from reforming for aything more than the odd show.

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Sooooooo, Tom Gabel is going to be a woman, what the fuck?

I don't really know this tom gabel dude but the first thing I thought when Keith caputo did the same thing is surely it will ruin their livelihoods? Caputo has a great deep voice, that's got to be fucked once the hormones kick in, amazing that they'd do that to their voices, they must REALLY want to be chicks.
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Was talking about this yesterday, apparently Caputo's voice is sounding better for it. I've not heard any of her music though since the change.Anyway - deep voice? She was hardly Barry White, I don't think it's going to do any damage. And yeah, I'd definitely say that priorities are in the correct order, and that yeah, obviously they "really want to be chicks".What a moronic statement.

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Sooooooo, Tom Gabel is going to be a woman, what the fuck?

Yeah, this really surprised me. I'm a fan of Against Me!, I'd not heard much of them until relatively recently, I saw them play the Lock Up @ Leeds festival in 2010 & they were fantastic. I imagine this is the end of the band now? If so that's a shame but fair play to him/her for doing it, it must be so hard for anyone, let alone someone in the public eye.
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Was talking about this yesterday, apparently Caputo's voice is sounding better for it. I've not heard any of her music though since the change.Anyway - deep voice? She was hardly Barry White, I don't think it's going to do any damage. And yeah, I'd definitely say that priorities are in the correct order, and that yeah, obviously they "really want to be chicks".What a moronic statement.

Jeez, don't cry bro, is this a sore spot with you or something? It was obviously tongue in cheek, to make the biggest decision of your life then undergo months of hormone therapy and have the possibility of all your family, friends and the added responsibility of fans turn their backs on you and top it off with having your schmekel cut off you have to be completely sure.The bit abut Caputo's voice was true though, not deep so much as booming (in the Life of agony days at least) Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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